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A Moment of Mental Model Clarity: Response to Jones et al. 2011 7
Wood, Matthew D; US Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center; Carnegie Mellon University;; Bostrom, Ann; University of Washington;; Convertino, Matteo; University of Florida; Florida Climate Institute;; Kovacs, Daniel; Decision Partners LLC;; Linkov, Igor; US Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Response Palavras-chave: Cognitive science; Expert elicitation; Mental model; Natural resource management; Stakeholder engagement.
Ano: 2012
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Fishing Industry Perspectives on the EU Landing Obligation 5
Fitzpatrick, Mike; Frangoudes, Katia; Fauconnet, Laurence; Quetglas, Antoni.
The Landing Obligation (LO) represents a fundamental change in European Union fisheries policy and it has a particularly significant bearing on the activities of Europe’s fishing industry. This chapter provides an account of European fishing industry engagement with the discard issue prior to the LO and industry attitudes towards the LO. A discussion about discard management in Europe follows. The fishing industry had a consistent approach to discard management in the run-up to the LO enactment: they favoured fishery-specific discard reduction plans and were unanimously opposed to an outright ‘discard ban’. Canvassing fishers’ opinions from the North Sea (Denmark, France), Eastern and Western Mediterranean (Greece, Spain and France), the Celtic Sea...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: EU landing obligation; Fisheries control; Fisheries governance; Industry-science collaboration; Stakeholder engagement; Top-down policy.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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How does the context and design of participatory decision making processes affect their outcomes? Evidence from sustainable land management in global drylands 7
de Vente, Joris; Spanish National Research Council (CEBAS-CSIC);; Reed, Mark S.; Institute for Agri-Food Research and Innovation and Centre for Rural Economy, School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Newcastle University;; Stringer, Lindsay C.; Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds;; Valente, Sandra; Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM), Department of Environment and Planning, University of Aveiro;
Although the design of participatory processes to manage social-ecological systems needs to be adapted to local contexts, it is unclear which elements of process design might be universal. We use empirical evidence to analyze the extent to which context and process design can enable or impede stakeholder participation and facilitate beneficial environmental and social outcomes. To explore the role of design and minor variations in local context on the outcomes of participatory processes, we interviewed participants and facilitators from 11 case studies in which different process designs were used to select sustainable land management options in Spain and Portugal. We analyzed interview data using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Results showed that...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Drylands; Environmental management; Land degradation; Social learning; Stakeholder engagement; Sustainable land management.
Ano: 2016
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Linking Futures across Scales: a Dialog on Multiscale Scenarios 7
Biggs, Reinette; University of Wisconsin;; Raudsepp-Hearne, Ciara; McGill University;; Atkinson-Palombo, Carol; Arizona State University;; Bohensky, Erin; University of Pretoria; CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems;; Boyd, Emily; Stockholm University;; Cundill, Georgina; Rhodes University;; Fox, Helen; World Wildlife Fund;; Ingram, Scott; Arizona State University;; Kok, Kasper; Wageningen University;; Spehar, Stephanie; New York University;; Timmer, Dagmar; Resourceful Solutions Consulting;; Zurek, Monika; FAO;
Scenario analysis is a useful tool for exploring key uncertainties that may shape the future of social-ecological systems. This paper explores the methods, costs, and benefits of developing and linking scenarios of social-ecological systems across multiple spatial scales. Drawing largely on experiences in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, we suggest that the desired degree of cross-scale linkage depends on the primary aim of the scenario exercise. Loosely linked multiscale scenarios appear more appropriate when the primary aim is to engage in exploratory dialog with stakeholders. Tightly coupled cross-scale scenarios seem to work best when the main objective is to further our understanding of cross-scale interactions or to assess trade-offs between...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Multiscale scenarios; Cross-scale scenarios; Stakeholder engagement; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment; Environmental assessment; Scenario analysis.
Ano: 2007
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Manager perspectives on communication and public engagement in ecological restoration project success 7
Druschke, Caroline Gottschalk; University of Rhode Island;; Hychka, Kristen C.; U.S. EPA, Atlantic Ecology Division;
We look to a particular social-ecological system, the restoration community in Rhode Island, USA and the rivers, wetlands, marshes, and estuaries they work to protect, to draw connections between communication, community involvement, and ecological restoration project success. Offering real-world examples drawn from interviews with 27 local, state, federal, and nonprofit restoration managers, we synthesize the mechanisms that managers found effective to argue that the communication employed by resource managers in each phase of the restoration process, in prioritization, implementation, and monitoring, and for garnering broad-based support, shapes the quality of public engagement in natural resources management, which, in turn, can impact the stakeholder,...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Adaptive comanagement; Adaptive management; Communication; Discourse analysis; Natural resource management; Public engagement; Public participation; Restoration; River; Stakeholder engagement; Water.
Ano: 2015
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Navigating trade-offs in land-use planning: integrating human well-being into objective setting 7
Adams, Vanessa M.; Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods, Charles Darwin University; Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University; National Environmental Research Program Northern Australia Hub;; Pressey, Robert L.; Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University; National Environmental Research Program Northern Australia Hub;; Stoeckl, Natalie; School of Business and Cairns Institute, James Cook University; National Environmental Research Program Northern Australia Hub;
There is an increasing demand for development of natural resources, which can be accompanied by environmental degradation. Planning for multiple land uses requires navigating trade-offs between social, economic, and environmental outcomes arising from different possible futures. To explore these trade-offs, we use the Daly River catchment, in Australia’s Northern Territory, as a case study. The catchment contains areas of priority for both conservation and development. In response to the challenge of navigating the required trade-offs, the Daly River Management Advisory Committee (DRMAC) initiated a land-use plan for the region. Both development and conservation of natural resources in the catchment will affect human well-being and the...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Development; Human well-being; Land-use planning; Objective setting; Stakeholder engagement; Systematic conservation planning.
Ano: 2014
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Structured Decision-Making Identifies Effective Strategies and Potential Barriers for Ecosystem-Based Management of a Range-Extending Species in a Global Marine Hotspot 5
Robinson, Lucy M.; Marzloff, Martin; Van Putten, Ingrid; Pecl, Gretta; Jennings, Sarah; Nicol, Sam; Hobday, Alistair J.; Tracey, Sean; Hartmann, Klaas; Haward, Marcus; Frusher, Stewart.
Climate-driven changes in ocean currents have facilitated the range extension of the long-spined sea urchin (Centrostephanus rodgersii) from Australia's mainland to eastern Tasmania over recent decades. Since its arrival, destructive grazing by the urchin has led to widespread formation of sea urchin 'barrens'. The loss of habitat, biodiversity and productivity for important commercial reef species in conjunction with the development of an urchin fishery has led to conflicting objectives among stakeholders, which poses complex challenges for regional management. Stakeholder representatives and managers were engaged via a participatory workshop and subsequent one-on-one surveys to trial a structured decision-making process to identify effective...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Structured decision-making; Decision analysis; Multi-method elicitation; Stakeholder engagement; Ecosystem-based management; Species range extension; Keystone herbivore; Global marine hotspot.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The Identification of Potential Resilient Estuary-based Enterprises to Encourage Economic Empowerment in South Africa: a Toolkit Approach 7
Bowd, Rebecca; School of Environmental Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal;; Quinn, Nevil; Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of the West of England;; Kotze, Donovan C; School of Environmental Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal;; Hay, Duncan G; Independent Consultant;; Mander, Myles; Eco-Futures;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Ecosystem services; Participatory tools; Risk assessment; Social-ecological systems; Stakeholder engagement.
Ano: 2012
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The Role of Ecological Science in Environmental Policy Making: from a Pacification toward a Facilitation Strategy 7
Hanssen, Lucien; Deining Societal Communication;; van Katwijk, Marieke M.; Department of Environmental Science, Radboud University;
Based on a Dutch case study on shellfish fishery policy making and a literature review, we expand existing guidelines for coastal zone management. We deduce constraints for handling societally contested and scientifically complex environmental issues. Our additions focus on problem structuring and handling of scientific uncertainties. Both are means to increase consensus about beliefs, ambitions, and directions for solutions. Before policy making can take place, complex environmental issues need to become more structured by reducing either scientific uncertainty or societal dissent: the “pacification strategy” and the “facilitation strategy,” respectively. We show that the use of a pacification strategy, in which...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Coastal zone management; Guidelines; Problem structuring; Scientific assessment scientific uncertainty; Societal dissent; Stakeholder engagement.
Ano: 2009
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The Role of Stakeholders in Creating Societal Value From Coastal and Ocean Observations 5
Mackenzie, Bev; Celliers, Louis; De Freitas Assad, Luiz Paulo; Heymans, Johanna J.; Rome, Nicholas; Thomas, Julie; Anderson, Clarissa; Behrens, James; Calverley, Mark; Desai, Kruti; Digiacomo, Paul M.; Djavidnia, Samy; Dos Santos, Francisco; Eparkhina, Dina; Ferrari, Jose; Hanly, Caitriona; Houtman, Bob; Jeans, Gus; Landau, Luiz; Larkin, Kate; Legler, David; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Lindstrom, Eric; Loosley, David; Nolan, Glenn; Petihakis, George; Pellegrini, Julio; Roberts, Zoe; Siddorn, John R.; Smail, Emily; Sousa-pinto, Isabel; Terrill, Eric.
The importance of stakeholder engagement in ocean observation and in particular the realization of economic and societal benefits is discussed, introducing a number of overarching principles such as the convergence on common goals, effective communication, co-production of information and knowledge and the need for innovation. A series of case studies examine the role of coordinating frameworks such as the United States' Interagency Ocean Observing System (IOOS (R)), and the European Ocean Observing System (EGOS), public-private partnerships such as Project Azul and the Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) and finally the role of the "third" or voluntary sector. The paper explores the value that stakeholder engagement can bring as well as making...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean observing systems; Stakeholder engagement; Case studies; Societal benefits; SDG14.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The role of technical protocols and partnership engagement in developing a decision support framework for fisheries management 5
Macher, Claire; Bertignac, Michel; Guyader, Olivier; Frangoudes, Katia; Fresard, Marjolaine; Le Grand, Christelle; Merzereaud, Mathieu; Thebaud, Olivier.
In the context of the Common Fisheries Policy Reform, the implementation of multiannual management plans for fisheries and the annual quota negotiations between EU member states has generated a growing demand from stakeholders and managers for integrated advice that goes beyond the usual biological advice. This has led to the emergence of bio-economic tools and methods for the comparison of the biological, economic and social tradeoffs associated with alternative options for fisheries management. A Decision Support Framework (DSF) has been developed in this context, with the objective to tackle technical and methodological challenges to be able to provide bio-economic advices to support decision at national and European level. It is based on a partnership...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Participatory approach; Stakeholder engagement; Decision-support; Bio-economic modelling; Fisheries management; Impact assessment.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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