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Analise de experimentos com dados repetidos ao longo do tempo ou espaco. 14
Em uma grande parte dos experimentos uma variavel resposta e observada ao longo do tempo, do espaco ou de ambos; a analise de cada resposta, isoladamente, e ineficiente pois nao leva em consideracao seu comportamento no tempo ou no espaco e as implicacoes dai advindas. Na analise multivariada, ignora-se que exista uma sequencia no tempo ou no espaco e os testes de significancia sao menos sensiveis do que os proprios da anaalise univariada. Dentro deste contexto, buscam-se procedimentos corretos para a analise de variancia univariada de experimentos que considerem o tempo e o espaco como fatores. As dificuldades de se tomar o tempo e o espaco como fatores ocorrem, porque eles nao sao casualizados, ao contrario dos tratamentos aplicados as unidades...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Análise multivariada; Brasil; Delineamento; Estatístico; Experimento; Modelo estatístico; Statistical methods; Statistics models; Estatística; Método Estatístico; Método; Brazil; Statistical analysis; Statistics.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Application of Moran Eigenvector Maps (MEM) to irregular sampling designs 5
Brind'Amour, Anik; Mahevas, Stephanie; Legendre, Pierre; Bellanger, Lise.
Moran’s eigenvectors maps (MEM) are attractive mathematical objects as they are fairly simple to calculate and can be used in most studies of spatially-explicit data. There is, however, an aspect of MEM analysis that still requires some investigation: the effect of irregular sampling on their modeling performance. This study investigates empirically the behavior of MEMs under different irregularity schemes. It is focusing on simulated scenarios representing sampling designs frequently encountered in ecology. We advocate that MEMs can be computed and correctly used with data coming from irregularly designed sampling surveys, given some precautions. We suggest that when the sampling sites are equally spaced but do not cover the entire study area, the MEMs...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Autocorrelation; Irregular sampling; Sampling schemes; Spatial analyses; Statistical methods.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Dynamic Time Warping of Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Data 5
Hagen, Cedric J; Reilly, Brendan T; Stoner, Joseph S; Creveling, Jessica R.
We present and make publicly available a dynamic programming algorithm to simultaneously align the inclination and declination vector directions of sedimentary paleomagnetic secular variation data.This algorithmgenerates a library of possible alignments through the systematic variation of assumptions about the relative accumulation rate and shared temporal overlap of two or more time-series. The paleomagnetist can then evaluate this library of reproducible and objective alignments using available geologic constraints, statistical methods, and expert knowledge.We apply the algorithm to align previously (visually) correlated medium to high accumulation rate northern North Atlantic Holocene deposits (101– 102 cm/ka) with strong radiocarbon control. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Palaeomagnetic secular variation; Palaeomagnetism; Magnetostratigraphy; Dynamic programming; Statistical methods; Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Economic gains of improving soil fertility and water holding capacity with clay application: the impact of soil remediation research in northeast Thailand 31
Saleth, Rathinasamy Maria; Inocencio, Arlene; Noble, Andrew D.; Ruaysoongnern, Sawaeng.
Declining productivity of agricultural soils in Northeast Thailand is a challenge facing land managers and farmers. A program was initiated in 2002 to investigate the potential role of incorporating clay-based materials into degraded soils as a means of enhancing productivity. This research report attempts to provide an ex-post assessment of the field level impact and economic viability of this approach, using the empirically derived estimates of the average income impacts that the application of bentonite or clay technology has generated among farm communities in Northeast Thailand. From an exclusive IWMI perspective, the impact evaluation suggests that the program has a net present value (NPV) of US$0.41 million with a benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 2.44...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Soil improvement; Impact assessment; Research projects; Soil fertility; Sandy soils; Water holding capacity; Clay soils; Soil water relations; Soil management; Farming systems; Crop yield; Vegetable crops; Rice; Sorghum; Models; Statistical methods; Cost benefit analysis; Economic analysis; Economic aspects; Thailand; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Estudo da função Gama e mapa auto-organizável como metodologia para validação e imputação de precipitação diária em séries temporais de estações meteorológicas. 14
Resumo - O uso da função Gama e de mapas auto-organizáveis são métodos descritos na literatura para compreensão do regime pluviométrico de uma região. Este trabalho relata o estudo destas ferramentas para validação e imputação de precipitação diária em séries históricas diárias de 18 estações meteorológicas em localidades diversas do Brasil. A função Gama não se mostrou eficaz para este propósito e o mapa auto-organizável teve resultados muito próximos comparados com o uso da média da precipitação. Mas considerando que é possível alterar o tamanho do mapa e incluir variações no vetor de entrada dos dados, novos estudos são necessários para verificar se é possível melhorar os resultados.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Métodos estatísticos; Agrupamento de dados; Precipitação; Validação de precipitação; Função Gama; Mapas auto-organizáveis; Precipitation validation; Statistical methods; Data clustering; Gamma function; Self-organizing maps.
Ano: 2023 URL:
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Evaluation of farmer-grown improved sorghum cultivars for stover quality traits 30
Reddy, K.G.,( K. Gurava Reddy ) Ramesh, S..
Palavras-chave: Sorghum; Pigeonpeas; Nitrogen; Genotypes; Statistical methods; Crude protein; Farmers associations; Sampling; Grain; Nutritive value.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Mechanisms of adaptation to climate variability in West African pearl millet landraces – a preliminary assessment 30
Haussmann, B.I.G..
Palavras-chave: Photoperiodicity; Planting date; Millets; Phenotypes; Drought stress; Genotypes; Genetic variation; Statistical methods; Replication; Breeds (animals).
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Morphological, chemical and in vitro stover quality traits to predict the livestock productivity potential of pearl millet stover 30
Alexander, G..
Palavras-chave: Millets; Nitrogen; Leaf area; Cell walls; Statistical methods; Organic matter; Forecasting; Nutritive value; Quality; Statistics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Optimization of zofimarin production by an endophytic fungus, Xylaria sp. Acra L38 58
Chaichanan,Jirapan; Wiyakrutta,Suthep; Pongtharangkul,Thunyarat; Isarangkul,Duangnate; Meevootisom,Vithaya.
To optimize the medium for high zofimarin production, sucrose maltose, glucose, tryptone and peptone were used in an orthogonal array design experiment, where the highest value of zofimarin produced was 25.6 µg/mL. This value was about 3 times higher than that obtained with Czapek yeast extract (CzYE) culture medium. A study with Plackett-Burman design showed that sucrose, maltose, glucose and NaNO3 were significant factors in zofimarin production. Further studies using central composite design (CCD) showed the significance of glucose and the interactions of these critical components affecting zofimarin production. Multiple regression analysis of the data yielded a poor fit as shown by the mismatch of the model with these variable factors. When a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zofimarin; Secondary metabolite; Medium optimization; Statistical methods; Endophytic fungus.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Orienting and locating ocean-bottom seismometers from ship noise analysis 5
Trabattoni, A; Barruol, G; Dreo, R; Boudraa, A O; Fontaine, F R.
Breakthroughs in understanding the structure and dynamics of our planet will strongly depend upon instrumenting deep oceans. Progress has been made these last decades in ocean-bottom seismic observations, but ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) temporary deployments are still challenging and face set-up limitations. Launched from oceanographic vessels, OBSs fall freely and may slightly drift laterally, dragged by currents. Therefore, their actual orientation and location on the landing sites are hard to assess precisely. Numerous techniques have been developed to retrieve this key information, but most of them are costly, time-consuming or inaccurate. In this work, we show how ship noise can be used as an acoustic source of opportunity to retrieve both the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seismic instruments; Seismic noise; Wave propagation; Body waves; Statistical methods; Acoustic properties.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Response of Selected Sorghum Lines to Soil Salinity-Stress under Field Conditions 30
Ramesh, S..
Palavras-chave: Soil salinization; Sorghum; Hybrids; Heritability; Phenotypes; Genotypes; Grain; Statistical methods; Genetic improvement; Tolerance.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Sample size for full-sib family evaluation in sugarcane 86
Leite,Mauro Sergio de Oliveira; Peternelli,Luiz Alexandre; Barbosa,Márcio Henrique Pereira; Cecon,Paulo Roberto; Cruz,Cosme Damião.
The objective of this study was to determine the minimum number of plants per plot that must be sampled in experiments with sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) full-sib families in order to provide an effective estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters of yield-related traits. The data were collected in a randomized complete block design with 18 sugarcane full-sib families and 6 replicates, with 20 plants per plot. The sample size was determined using resampling techniques with replacement, followed by an estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters. Sample-size estimates varied according to the evaluated parameter and trait. The resampling method permits an efficient comparison of the sample-size effects on the estimation of genetic and phenotypic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Saccharum officinarum; Cane breeding; Simulation; Statistical methods; Variance components.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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