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Análisis exploratorio de las preferencias ambientales por rangos de talla de las hembras maduras e impregnadas de langostino Pleoticus muelleri (Bate, 1888) del Golfo San Jorge. Períodos analizados: noviembre - diciembre de 2008 y enero - febrero de 2009 OceanDocs
Fernández, M..
En este estudio se presenta el análisis de la relación entre los valores de densidad de hembras maduras y de hembras impregnadas de langostino Pleoticus muelleri (Bate, 1888) del Golfo San Jorge y las variables ambientales. Los datos analizados provienen de las campañas de investigación del INIDEP OB-03/08 y OB-01/09 realizadas en noviembre-diciembre de 2008 y en enero-febrero de 2009, respectivamente; en el área comprendida entre las latitudes 43º 20´ S y 47º 00´ S y el meridiano 64º 00´ W y la costa. Se consideraron las variables biológicas: densidad de hembras maduras y de hembras impregnadas de langostino, por rango de tallas y las variables ambientales: profundidad, temperatura y salinidad de agua de fondo así como, la diferencia de temperatura y de...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Females; Sexual maturity; Spawning grounds; Environmental conditions; Spatial analysis; Statistical models; Shrimp fisheries.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Dinámica y estructura poblacional del langostino colorado III y IV regiones. Informe Final, FIP n° 2005 -41 OceanDocs
Quiroz, J.C.; Montenegro, C.; Báez, P.; Espíndola, F..
Se reportan las actividades y resultados del proyecto FIP 2005-41 “Dinámica y estructura poblacional del langostino colorado III y IV Regiones”. Para abordar el estudio de la dinámica y estructura poblacional de P. monodon, se plantearon dos hipótesis. Una postula que la especie posee una estructura poblacional a lo largo de la plataforma continental, en un gradiente latitudinal, en tanto que la otra plantea que la especie tiene una estructura poblacional a través de la plataforma continental, en un gradiente longitudinal. Para someter a pruebas estas hipótesis se realizaron varios análisis estadísticos de variables fundamentales del stock, como la densidad, los tamaños corporales, las edades y componentes del stock en función de su madurez. Los...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Population dynamics; Population structure; Size distribution; Spawning populations; Statistical models; Marine crustaceans; Population structure; Population dynamics; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Drying kinetics of jabuticaba pulp by regression models Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Furtado,Thais Destefani Ribeiro; Muniz,Joel Augusto; Silva,Edilson Marcelino; Fernandes,Jaqueline Gonçalves.
Abstract Jabuticaba tree is native to the Atlantic Forest in Southern Brazil, and its fruit is widely consumed in the fresh form, but it is highly perishable, requiring conservation techniques. The aim of this study was to describe the drying kinetics of jabuticaba pulp at temperatures of 50 and 60°C, comparing the Henderson, Simple Three-Parameter Exponential, Lewis, Thompson, Fick and Wang and Sing regression models and estimating the Absolute Drying Rate (ADR) for the best model. Parameters were estimated using the SAS software. The evaluation of the quality in the adjustment and selection of models was made based on the adjusted determination coefficient, Residual Standard Deviation and Akaike Information Criterion. Models presented good adjustment to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Food preservation; Moisture ratio; Nonlinear regression; Statistical models.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Indice multivariado de El Niño en el Ecuador OceanDocs
Zambrano, L.; Zambrano, E.; Martínez, R.; Vera, L.; Briones, K..
Utilizando cinco estaciones costeras del área continental del Ecuador y una ubicada en las Islas Galápagos, se analizan cinco parámetros océanicos y atmosféricos en el período comprendido de 1975 a 2002. Empleando técnicas estadísticas se determinó un índice multivariado, el mismo que describe la variabilidad climática en el área del Pacífico ecuatoriano durante los eventos ENOS (fase cálida y fría). El índice calculado tiene una correlación de 0.65 con el comportamiento observado de los eventos, considerando como principal indicador la región niño 1+2.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Temporal variations; El Nino phenomena; Statistical models; Fixed stations.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Introducción al análisis Bayesiano OceanDocs
Hernandez, D.R..
An introduction to the Bayesian Analysis is presented and conceptual aspects highlighted. Initially, the probability concept is analyzed from its objective perspective such as frequency, and from its subjective perspective such as degree of belief. It is discussed how, within the context of Bayesian statistics, probability as degree of belief allows to give sense to the probability of a hypothesis and, therefore, enables to resolve problems of scientific interest that could not be otherwise addressed. The likelihood concept is discussed and the Bayes formula, which integrates a priori information and knowledge with information provided by current data demonstrated. Basic concepts of the Decision Theory within the Bayesian perspective are introduced. The...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Statistical analysis; Statistical models; Fishery resources; Stock assessment; Prediction; Probability theory; Statistical analysis; Stock assessment; Fishery resources; Prediction; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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La dynamique sedimentaire en Baie de Seine nord-orientale, fluctuations et evolution de la couverture meuble ArchiMer
Crevel, L.
This paper summarizes the main results obtained by the author at the time of his thesis. Sediment granulometry, composition and distribution are exposed in the first part. The use of factor analysis on sediment samples allows for the classification of soft sediments and to study its evolution during one and several years. Since 1978, the north-eastern Seine Bay sedimentation seems to be stable for all fluctuations and slitting in Antifer oil terminal.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Statistical models; Temporal variations; Granulometry; Cohesionless sediments; Sediment dynamics.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Leaf area estimation of cassava from linear dimensions Anais da ABC (AABC)
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine predictor models of leaf area of ​​cassava from linear leaf measurements. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse in the municipality of Botucatu, São Paulo state, Brazil. The stem cuttings with 5-7 nodes of the cultivar IAC 576-70 were planted in boxes filled with about 320 liters of soil, keeping soil moisture at field capacity, monitored by puncturing tensiometers. At 80 days after planting, 140 leaves were randomly collected from the top, middle third and base of cassava plants. We evaluated the length and width of the central lobe of leaves, number of lobes and leaf area. The measurements of leaf areas were correlated with the length and width of the central lobe and the number of lobes of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Manihot esculenta Crantz; Leaf biometrics; Statistical models; Multiple regression.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Modelagem espaço-temporal para imputação de dados em séries de precipitação diária. Infoteca-e
CARVALHO, J. R. P. de; NAKAI, A. M.; MONTEIRO, J. E. B. de A..
Neste trabalho, o modelo espaço-temporal foi usado na estimativa de dados diários de precipitação. Foram utilizados dados provenientes dos registros pluviométricos de diversas estações meteorológicas, obtidos junto ao Sistema de Monitoramento Agroecológico (Agritempo), para as regiões brasileiras. Com o objetivo de validar os valores obtidos pela aplicação do modelo espaço-temporal, fixou-se dois tempos, 1º de janeiro de 2009 e 1º de maio de 2009 para as regiões brasileiras em estudo. Para este tempo fixo usaram-se as técnicas geoestatísticas de krigagem e cokrigagem ordinária, com altitude como variável auxiliar para comparação. A aplicação do modelo espaço-temporal, no geral, foi superior em mais de 7% em relação às técnicas geoestatísticas de krigagem e...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Modelagem estatística; Krigagem ordinária; Cokrigagem ordinária; Precipitação; Estatistica; Statistical models.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Modelo Local de Producción Excedente para la determinación de la Captura Máxima Biológicamente Aceptable y análisis de riesgo de un recurso pesquero, con estimación bayesiana de los parámetros OceanDocs
Hernández, D.R.; Carozza, C.R..
The simple surplus production model introduced is called Local Surplus Production Model (LSPM) because its only assumption is that the mean surplus production remains constant during a short period of years previous to the date of assessment. Its application requires only a short series (3-4 years) of values of an abundance index proportional to the mean real abundance of the resource. The model parameters estimate is performed in a Bayesian context using the SIR (Sampling Importance Resampling Algorithm) algorithm. Simple risk criteria to assess the Maximum Biologically Acceptable Catch and the risks associated to each hypothetical catch level considered are proposed. Application of the model to the whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri) resource is...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stock assessment; Statistical models; Risks; Coastal fisheries.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Natural convection drying kinetics of ‘Prata’ and ‘D’água’ banana cultivars (Musa ssp) by nonlinear regression models Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Furtado,Thais Destefani Ribeiro; Muniz,Joel Augusto; Silva,Edilson Marcelino; Frühauf,Ariana Campos; Fernandes,Tales Jesus.
Abstract Banana is among fruits most planted in tropical countries and belongs to the fruit group most consumed in the world; however, banana needs proper conservation techniques. The aim of this study was to describe the drying kinetics of ‘Prata’ and ‘D’água’ banana cultivars at temperatures of 40 and 70°C, comparing the Henderson, STPE, Lewis, Page and Fick regression models, estimating the Absolute Drying Rate (ADR). Parameters were estimated with R and SAS Studio softwares, using for comparison and selection models of the R²aj, RSD and corrected Akaike Information Criteria. The Page and Fick models did not adjust, and the others presented good adjustment to data. The Henderson model was the most suitable to describe data of ‘Prata’ banana at both...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Food preservation; Absolute Drying Rate; Estimation; Statistical models.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Nonlinear modeling growth body weight of Mangalarga Marchador horses Ciência Rural
Souza,Felipe Amorim Caetano; Fernandes,Tales Jesus; Moura,Raquel Silva de; Meirelles,Sarah Laguna Conceição; Ribeiro,Rafaela Aparecida; Cunha,Fabiana Oliveira; Muniz,Joel Augusto.
ABSTRACT: The analysis of the growth and development of various species has been done using the growth curves of the specific animal based on non-linear models. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the fit of the Brody, Gompertz, Logistic and von Bertalanffy models to the cross-sectional data of the live weight of the MangalargaMarchador horses to identify the best model and make accurate predictions regarding the growth and maturity in the males and females of this breed. The study involved recording the weight of 214 horses, of which 94 were males and 120 were non-pregnant females, between 6 and 153 months of age. The parameters of the model were estimated by employing the method of least squares, using the iteratively regularized...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Age; Body weight; Cross-sectional method; Statistical models.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Preferencias ambientales, por rangos de talla, de las hembras maduras e impregnadas del langostino Pleoticus muelleri (Spence Bate, 1888) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Solenoceridae) del golfo San Jorge, en la primavera de 2008 y el verano de 2009 OceanDocs
Hernández, D.R.; Fernández, M.B..
Environmental preferences per size range of mature and impregnated females of shrimp Pleoticus muelleri (Spence Bate, 1888) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Solenoceridae) of the San Jorge Gulf, in Spring 2008 and Summer 2009. The relation between argentine red shrimp Pleoticus muelleri (Spence Bate, 1888) mature and impregnated females density values and environmental variables was analysed. Data derived from the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) research cruises carried out between 43° S-47° S and 64° Wand the coast during November-December 2008 and January-February 2009. The biological and environmental variables considered were density of mature and impregnated females per size range and depth, bottom water temperature and...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Females; Sexual maturity; Environmental conditions; Temperature preferences; Statistical models.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Proposta metodológica para o zoneamento florestal pós-estratificado. Infoteca-e
Este documento detalha todo o planejamento e processamento do diagnóstico florestal sistematizado pós-estratificado, com múltiplos inícios aleatórios, demonstrando a adaptação e consolidação de três métodos numa única análise, o que permite extrair vantagens técnicas e operacionais que garantam uma excelente precisão na definição de zonas florestais, muitas vezes não percebidas pelo manejador florestal. Esta publicação destina-se aos profissionais das áreas de ciências agrárias, florestais e biológicas.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Diagnóstico pós-estratificado; Modelos estadísticos; Bosques; Zonificación; Zoneamento Florestal; Método Estatístico; Statistical models; Zoning; Forests.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Recomendación de capturas biológicamente aceptables de anchoíta patagónica (Engraulis anchoita, 41º S-48º S) durante 2012 OceanDocs
Hansen, J.E.; Buratti, C.C.; Garciarena, A.D..
Advise on Biologically Allowable Catch (BAC) for Southern Argentine anchovy (Engraulis anchoita, 41° S-48° S) during 2012. To assess the evolution since 1990 and the current status of Argentine anchovy Southern stock, an Age Structured Population Model (ASPM) was used. Modeling of catches according to a four-month period pulses allowed to predict annual yields so as to get them close to the nominal catches officially recorded. Some independent indexes of stock abundance (eight acoustic estimates of total biomass and five estimates of spawning stock biomass obtained with the Daily Egg Production Method) and the proportion of individuals per age group assessed during the same cruises were used to calibrate the fitting. No stock-recruitment function but a...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stock assessment; Yield; Statistical models; Age composition; Clupeoid fisheries.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Relative contributions of different sole and plaice nurseries to the adult population in the Eastern Channel: application of a combined method using generalized linear models and a geographic information system ArchiMer
Riou, Philippe; Le Pape, Olivier; Rogers, Stuart I..
The Eastern Channel (ICES division 7d) is considered a unit for stock management of the common sole Solea solea and the plaice Pleuronectes platessa. At this scale, the aim of this work is to model the juvenile distribution of these flatfish. The database used, based on different surveys undertaken during the two last decades, includes 4500 coastal beam trawl hauls throughout the Eastern Channel coasts. Multivariate analyses are used to study the interannual fluctuations in flatfish recruitment of the region. This approach allows us to separate the Eastern Channel into homogeneous sectors with regard to these fluctuations. The physical parameters that contribute to the observed juvenile sole and plaice distributions are identified and their distributions...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eastern Channel; Solea solea; Pleuronectes platessa; Nursery grounds; Geographical information system; Statistical models; Solea solea; Pleuronectes platessa; Nourricerie; Manche Est; Système d'information géographique; Modèles statistiques.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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The effect of performing corrections on reported uterine cancer mortality data in the city of São Paulo BJMBR
Antunes,J.L.F.; Wünsch-Filho,V..
Reports of uterine cancer deaths that do not specify the subsite of the tumor threaten the quality of the epidemiologic appraisal of corpus and cervix uteri cancer mortality. The present study assessed the impact of correcting the estimated corpus and cervix uteri cancer mortality in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The epidemiologic assessment of death rates comprised the estimation of magnitudes, trends (1980-2003), and area-level distribution based on three strategies: i) using uncorrected death certificate information; ii) correcting estimates of corpus and cervix uteri mortality by fully reallocating unspecified deaths to either one of these categories, and iii) partially correcting specified estimates by maintaining as unspecified a fraction of deaths...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Uterine cancer; Cervical cancer; Mortality; Statistical models; Socioeconomic factors; São Paulo.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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