Registros recuperados: 13 | |
Shaik, Saleem. |
This paper has a two-fold contribution. First, it examines the importance of accounting for (in)efficiency in the estimation of primal production function on the input elasticities, technical change, and calculation of returns to scale. Second, it applies a variant of the rolling regression technique to identify time-varying input elasticities, technical change, and return to scale. Empirical application to the Asian agriculture sector using Food and Agricultural Organization data from 1961-2005 indicates returns to scale are underestimated by the traditional pooled and panel models. Further, the time-varying estimates of input elasticities, technical change, and returns to scale indicate variations with each additional year of information. |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Asian agriculture sector; Time-varying input elasticities; Technical change; And returns to scale; Pooled; Two-way random effect; Stochastic frontier analysis; 1961-2005.; Agribusiness. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/44308 |
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Kellermann, Magnus; Salhofer, Klaus. |
This paper analyzes technical efficiency and productivity growth of dairy farms in southern Germany. We compare the performance of farms operating on permanent grassland and conventional farms using fodder crops from arable land. Using a latent class stochastic frontier model, intensive and extensive production systems are identified for both types of farms. We estimate stochastic output distance functions to represent the production technology. TFP change is calculated and decomposed using a generalized Malmquist productivity index. Our results show that grassland farms can in general keep up with conventional farms. The productivity on intensive (extensive) grassland dairy farms grew by 1.15% (0.93%) per year, compared to 1.19% (intensive) and 1.0%... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Productivity; Dairy farming; Stochastic frontier analysis; Livestock Production/Industries; Productivity Analysis. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/114763 |
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Uaiene, Rafael N.; Arndt, Channing. |
This article provides estimates of farm household efficiency and its determinants among smallholder farmers in Mozambique. A translog stochastic frontier production function and a first difference model incorporating a model of farm household inefficiency effects are applied to test the existence of agricultural farm household inefficiencies and their determinants in Mozambique. The null hypothesis of equal farm household efficiency among households was rejected. Variation in farm household efficiency indicates that access to agricultural technology is a severe constraint for most farm households. Factors such as access to advisory services, access to rural credit, membership to an agricultural association, use of improved agricultural technology... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Stochastic frontier analysis; Farm production efficiency; Productivity Analysis; C12; C13. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/51438 |
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Bojnec, Stefan; Ferto, Imre. |
The paper investigates the impact of off-farm income on farm technical efficiency for the Slovenian Farm Accountancy Data Network farms in the years 2004-2008. Farm stochastic frontier time-varying decay inefficiency is positively associated with total utilised agricultural areas and total labour input, and vice versa with intermediate consumption and fixed assets. We find a positive association between farm technical efficiency and the off-farm income. Farm technical efficiency has increased steadily over time, the process, which was led by the off-farm spill over effect and most efficient farms. Farm technical efficiency is also positively associated with economic farm size, while association with subsidies is mixed depending on the estimation procedure.... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Off-farm income; Stochastic frontier analysis; Panel regression; Quantile regression; Slovenia; Farm Management. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/108945 |
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Registros recuperados: 13 | |