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Productivity Change in the Australian Sheep Industry Revisited AgEcon
Villano, Renato A.; Fleming, Euan M.; Farrell, Terence C.; Fleming, Pauline.
Recent low estimates of total factor productivity change for wool producers in the Australian sheep industry indicate that they are struggling to improve their performance. This evidence is at odds with the views of many technical observers of industry performance, prompting us to re-estimate total factor productivity change for farmers in a benchmarking group in south-west Victoria who had been the subject of such a negative finding. An important transformation in sheep production in Australia in recent decades has been a change in enterprise mix, notably a greater presence of prime lamb production. This change complicates the process of computing efficiency and productivity change. We demonstrate that a multi-input multi-output approach, based on the use...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Sheep; Stochastic output distance function; Technical change; Total factor productivity; Livestock Production/Industries; Productivity Analysis; C23; O3; Q12; Q16.
Ano: 2006 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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