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Determining Optimal Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer Using Random Parameter Models 31
Tumusiime, Emmanuel; Brorsen, B. Wade; Mosali, Jagadeesh; Johnson, Jim; Locke, James; Biermacher, Jon T..
The parameters of yield response functions can vary by year. Past studies usually assume yield functions are nstochastic ‘‘limited’’ stochastic. In this study, we estimate rye– ryegrass yield functions in which all parameters are random. The three functional forms considered are the linear response plateau, the quadratic, and the Spillman-Mitscherlich. Nonstochastic yield models are rejected in favor of stochastic parameter models. Quadratic functional forms fit the data poorly. Optimal nitrogen application recommendations are calculated for the linear response plateau and Spillman-Mitscherlich. The stochastic models lead to smaller recommended levels of nitrogen, but the economic benefits of using fully stochastic crop yield functions are small because...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cereal rye–ryegrass; Monte Carlo; Nitrogen; Random parameters; Stochastic plateau; Production Economics; Q10; C12; D24.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Optimal Stocking Density for Dual-Purpose Winter Wheat Production 31
Kaitibie, Simeon; Epplin, Francis M.; Brorsen, B. Wade; Horn, Gerald W.; Krenzer, Eugene G., Jr.; Paisley, Steven I..
Dual-purpose winter wheat production is an important economic enterprise in the southern Great Plains of the United States. Because of the complex interactions involved in producing wheat grain and beef gain from a single crop, stocking density is an important decision. The objective of the research is to determine the stocking density that maximizes expected net returns from dual-purpose winter wheat production. Statistical tests rejected a conventional linear-response plateau function in favor of a linear-response stochastic plateau function. The optimal stocking density of 1.48 steers/ha (0.60 steers/acre) is 19% greater with a stochastic than with a nonstochastic plateau.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Dual purpose; Response function; Stochastic plateau; Stocking density; Wheat; R32; Q12; C29; D21.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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