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Accumulative Pollution, "Clean Technology," and Policy Design AgEcon
Withagen, Cees; Toman, Michael.
Environmental policymakers must address the adverse effects of a number of pollutants that accumulate in the environment. Goals for the regulation of these damages often involve holding long-term emissions below a level deemed to be "dangerous", or outright banning of offending products or processes along with subsidization of more "green" alternatives. This paper builds upon previous studies by Keeler, Spence, and Zeckhauser (1971) and Tahvonen and Withagen (1996) in addressing the optimal long-term management of an accumulative but assimilatable pollutant through policies that restrict more damaging production processes and thereby induce more benign alternatives. Using a simple general equilibrium approach, we consider the possibility that the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Stock externalities; Nonconvexities; Sustainable development; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q20; Q28; D62.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Climate Change Catastrophes AgEcon
Pizer, William A..
Most studies that compare price and quantity controls for greenhouse gas emissions under uncertainty find that price mechanisms perform substantially better. In these studies, the benefits from reducing emissions are proportional to the level of reductions, and such linear benefits strongly favor price policies (Weitzman 1974). Catastrophic damages, however, challenge that intuition as consequences become highly nonlinear. Catastrophe avoidance offers huge benefits, and incremental adjustments on either side of the associated threshold are relatively unimportant, suggesting a strong preference for quantity controls. This paper shows that with catastrophic damages, both price and quantity mechanisms offer large gains over the business-as-usual alternative,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Climate change; Global warming; Prices versus quantities; Stock externalities; Integrated assessment; Uncertainty; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q28; D81; C68.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Estimation of technical interactions due to the competition for resource in a mixed-species fishery, and the typology of fleets and metiers in the English Channel ArchiMer
Ulrich, Clara; Gascuel, Didier; Dunn, Matthew R; Le Gallic, Bertrand; Dintheer, Christian.
In a multi-gear and multi-species artisanal fishery, the level of technical interactions (i.e. the competitive externalities resulting from a shared exploitation of common resources or fishing grounds) among various fishing units is high. Assessing these technical interactions is of great importance for fishery management, as any control applied to one fishing unit may have positive or negative effects on others. The magnitude and direction of these effects cannot be easily measured, unless all fishing units and species in the fishery are considered simultaneously. Technical interactions are particularly important in the complex artisanal fisheries of the English Channel. Using a bioeconomic model of the English Channel that incorporates all the major...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modèle bioéconomique; Compétition; Externalités de stock; Interactions techniques; Typologie; Manche; Bioeconomic model; Competition; Stock externalities; Technical interactions; Typology; English Channel.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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