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An evaluation of the implications of population structure on the current bluefin tuna advice framework 5
Kell, Laurence T; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Bonhommeau, Sylvain.
The objectives of the comprehensive ICCAT Atlantic-Wide Research Programme on Bluefin Tuna (GBYP) are to improve data collection, knowledge of key biological and ecological processes, assessment models and management. An important element of which is to develop a robust advice framework consistent with the Precautionary Approach. The current advice framework, which is based upon Virtual Population Analysis, demonstrates how a Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) framework can be used to evaluate the robustness of management advice to uncertainty about stock structure.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bluefin; Management Strategy Evaluation; Robustness; Stock structure; VPA.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Defining the stock structures of key commercial tunas in the Pacific Ocean II: Sampling considerations and future directions 5
Moore, Bradley R.; Adams, Tim; Allain, Valerie; Bell, Johann D.; Bigler, Mark; Bromhead, Don; Clark, Sangaa; Davies, Campbell; Evans, Karen; Faasili, Ueta; Farley, Jessica; Fitchett, Mark; Grewe, Peter M.; Hampton, John; Hyde, John; Leroy, Bruno; Lewis, Antony; Lorrain, Anne; Macdonald, Jed I.; Marie, Amandine D.; Minte-vera, Carolina; Natasha, Janice; Nicol, Simon; Obregon, Pablo; Peatman, Thomas; Pecoraro, Carlo; Phillip, N. Bradley; Pilling, Graham M.; Rico, Ciro; Sanchez, Caroline; Scott, Robert; Scutt Phillips, Joe; Stockwell, Brian; Tremblay-boyer, Laura; Usu, Thomas; Williams, Ashley J.; Smith, Niamh.
Delineating the stock structure of highly-mobile, wide-ranging fishes subject to exploitation is a challenging task, yet one that is fundamental to optimal fisheries management. A case in point are stocks of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) and albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the Pacific Ocean, which support important commercial, artisanal, subsistence, and recreational fisheries, and contribute roughly 70 % of global commercial tuna catches. Although some spatial and temporal structuring is recognised within these stocks, growing evidence from a range of approaches suggests that the stock structure of each tuna species is more complex than is currently assumed in both stock assessment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tuna; Pacific Ocean; Movement; Spatial dynamics; Stock structure; Fisheries management.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Geographic variability of sardine dynamics in the Iberian Biscay region 5
Silva, A.; Skagen, D. W.; Uriarte, A.; Masse, Jacques; Santos, M. B.; Marques, V.; Carrera, P.; Beillois, Pierre; Pestana, G.; Porteiro, C.; Stratoudakis, Y..
The spatio-temporal variability in the distribution, demographic structure, recruitment, and mortality of sardine within the Iberian Biscay region is described using area-disaggregated data collected during acoustic surveys and at ports since the mid-1980s. Multiple regression models were used to describe log numbers-at-age obtained annually in ten areas covered by three surveys to test the existence of geographic differences in selectivity-at-age, recruitment strength, and mortality and to infer plausible migration routes. Within Iberian waters, sardine biomass was mainly concentrated off western Portugal and the Gulf of Cadiz. In the Bay of Biscay, biomass levels were comparable with those off western Portugal. Recruitment was localized in a few areas...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stock structure; Small pelagic fish; Population dynamics; Iberian Peninsula.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Performance of maximum likelihood mixture models to estimate nursery habitat contributions to fish stocks: a case study on sea bream Sparus aurata 5
Niklitschek, Edwin J.; Darnaude, Audrey M..
Background: Mixture models (MM) can be used to describe mixed stocks considering three sets of parameters: the total number of contributing sources, their chemical baseline signatures and their mixing proportions. When all nursery sources have been previously identified and sampled for juvenile fish to produce baseline nursery-signatures, mixing proportions are the only unknown set of parameters to be estimated from the mixed-stock data. Otherwise, the number of sources, as well as some/all nursery-signatures may need to be also estimated from the mixed-stock data. Our goal was to assess bias and uncertainty in these MM parameters when estimated using unconditional maximum likelihood approaches (ML-MM), under several incomplete sampling and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Otolith chemistry; Mixture models; Mixed stocks; Mixing proportions; Mixing models; Stock identification; Stock structure; Fish stocks; Population structure; Sparus aurata.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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