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Atmospherically-promoted photosynthetic activity in a well-mixed ecosystem: Significance of wet deposition events of nitrogen compounds 5
Boulart, C; Flament, Pierre; Gentilhomme, V; Deboudt, K; Migon, C; Lizon, F; Schapira, M; Lefebvre, Alain.
Wet atmospheric deposition of dissolved N, P and Si species is studied in well-mixed coastal ecosystem to evaluate its potential to stimulate photosynthetic activities in nutrient-depleted conditions. Our results show that, during spring, seawater is greatly depleted in major nutrients: Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN), Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus (DIP) and Silicic acid (Si), in parallel with an increase of phytoplanktonic biomass. In spring (March-May) and summer (June-September), wet atmospheric deposition is the predominant source (> 60%, relative to riverine contribution) for nitrates and ammonium inputs to this N-limited coastal ecosystem. During winter (October-February), riverine inputs of DIN predominate (> 80%) and are annually the most...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Strait of Dover; Nutrient cycles; River plumes; Atmospheric deposition; Coastal zone; Primary production.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Influence of storms on tidal dune mobility in the Strait of Dover 5
Le Bot, Sophie; Trentesaux, Alain; Garlan, Thierry; Berne, Serge; Chamley, Hervé.
The present paper deals with dune dynamics in a zone of the Strait of Dover located in the sea lane running into the North Sea. The dunes, widespread in this 35-m depth area, are mobile sedimentary structures (up to 40 m.yr(-1)) that culminate at a maximum of 22 m depth and endanger navigation as well as submarine man-made structures (cables, pipelines). Single- and multibeam bathymetric data, coupled with seismic data, allow us to follow dune displacements over different time scales. A net bedload parting zone has been displayed and divides the area into two parts, SE and NW. However, according to the considered time-scale, dune movements present Variations in intensity and direction. Over a long-term period (decades), sedimentary dynamics fit the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tempêtes; Dunes tidales; Dynamique sédimentaire; Détroit du Pas de Calais; Storms; Tidal dunes; Sedimentary dynamics; Strait of Dover.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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