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A Diagnostic Procedure for Transformative Change Based on Transitions, Resilience, and Institutional Thinking Ecology and Society
Ferguson, Briony C.; Monash Water for Liveability; Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities; Monash University;; Brown, Rebekah R.; Monash Water for Liveability; Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities; Monash University;; Deletic, Ana; Department of Civil Engineering; Monash Water for Liveability; Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities; Monash University;
Urban water governance regimes around the world have traditionally planned large-scale, centralized infrastructure systems that aim to control variables and reduce uncertainties. There is growing sectoral awareness that a transition toward sustainable alternatives is necessary if systems are to meet society’s future water needs in the context of drivers such as climate change and variability, demographic changes, environmental degradation, and resource scarcity. However, there is minimal understanding of how the urban water sector should operationalize its strategic planning for such change to facilitate the transition to a sustainable water future. We have integrated concepts from transitions, resilience, and institutional theory to develop a...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Institutions; Resilience; Strategic planning; Sustainability; Transformative change; Transition; Urban water.
Ano: 2013
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Lyford, Conrad P.; Ricks, Donald J.; Peterson, H. Christopher; Sterns, James A..
As agricultural commodity industries strategically plan for their future, they need to consider the systemic and synergistic effects of such factors as changing government regulations, demand expansion or contraction, globalized markets, increased competitive pressures, and greater customer quality requirements. This article discusses a framework developed to help industries strategically plan within the context of these dynamic factors. This framework, based upon relevant theory and an accumulation of experiences with this type of strategic planning, provides one possible approach for addressing the strategic needs of an entire industry. In this way, a commodity industry as a whole can identify and address key industrywide strategic issues to maintain and...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Framework; Industry; Strategic planning; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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A importância do controle financeiro em um sistema de informações gerenciais numa fazenda. Infoteca-e
RESUMO: A necessidade de dados para avaliação financeira e econômica de tecnologias agropecuárias e de aperfeiçoamento de procedimentos gerenciais de fazendas, por meio de recursos de informática, levou a Embrapa Cerrados à proposição de um sistema de informações gerenciais para fazendas em parceria com dois produtores familiares e um agrônomo autônomo. Dois estudos de caso em fazendas, na região sul goiana, vêm fundamentando o processo de criação de protótipo do sistema. Utilizando-se do Microsoft Access, foram desenvolvidos os módulos de controle financeiro, de custos, de estoques e de análise de resultados. Módulos de controle de máquinas, de pessoal, do rebanho e de mapas georreferenciados encontram-se em desenvolvimento. Na especificação do módulo de...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Produtor rural; Contabilidade de custos; Administration; Strategic planning; Cost accounting; Administração Rural; Desenvolvimento Rural; Planejamento Estratégico; Farmers; Farms; Rural development.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A Methodology for Assessing National Sustainable Development Strategies AgEcon
Cherp, Aleg; George, Clive; Kirkpatrick, Colin.
At the Rio Earth Summit of 1992, governments undertook to develop and adopt national sustainable development strategies as a key component of implementing the goals of Agenda 21. Only partial progress was reported at the 2002 World Summit in Johannesburg, with uncertainty as to the effectiveness of those strategies that had been introduced. This paper describes a methodology for assessing a country's progress in implementing a national sustainable development strategy for (NSDS) and for identifying potential areas for improvement. Five key principles of sustainable development and strategic planning are identified, and a set of assessment criteria are proposed for each principle. The results of applying the methodology in two Eastern European countries,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Sustainable development; Strategic planning; National sustainable development strategies; Transition countries; Environmental Economics and Policy; International Development.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Climent Bonilla, Juan B..
In the routine of daily activities, and the eagerness to obtain quantitative results, organizations run the risk of becoming absorbed in reductionist notions concerning their task environments (internal and external). This position has counterproductive effects on the learning and renovation capacities of the own organizations, reducing their success and permanence possibilities. The properties and tools of the systemic approach provide information about relevant issues and problems that, in countless cases, are unnoticed by administration and management schemes of rationalist character. Different arguments holding this thesis are exposed through the analysis of several topics and examples.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Holism; Organizational development; Organizational learning; Strategic planning; Systemic thinking; Systems theory; Task environment.; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Analyzing Resources for the Production of High-Value Agricultural Products in the California High Desert AgEcon
Phillips, Jon C.; Hays, Lauren.
Urbanization of previously undeveloped land is a critical concern in Southern California. Housing development brings with it several potentially detrimental effects, among which are hardening of the landscape (pavement), diminished water absorption into the soil, and increased harmful runoff into the Pacific Ocean. The High Desert Region of San Bernardino County, California is an area currently experiencing significant development pressure. It is our belief that the development of agricultural production could, to some extent, substitute for residential and commercial development, and that agricultural production is a more sustainable use of the land in this area. This report examines and inventories resources of an unincorporated area near the Cajon Pass...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: High-value agricultural products; Resources; Desert; California; Strategic planning; Sustainable agriculture; Demographics; Direct marketing; Farm Management; Production Economics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Avaliação e valoração de novas tecnologias: conceitos e diretrizes básicas para o caso das oportunidades de investimento da Rede Passitec. Infoteca-e
TEIXEIRA, L. P.; MELO, R. A. de C. e; SILVA, S. A. da.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Prospecção; Embrapa Cerrados; Rede Passitec; Technology business; Innovation; Strategic planning; Economia; Inovação; Pesquisa; Transferência de Tecnologia; Research; Technology transfer.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Before the Bricks and Mortar: A Case Study of a New Generation Cooperative’s Planning Process AgEcon
Holcomb, Rodney B.; Kenkel, Philip L..
To generate additional income for their members, many cooperatives consider forward integrating into processing activities. However, many market, industry, and economic issues must be considered before choosing a value-added processing activity to pursue. Gathering the necessary information to evaluate various processing opportunities is a considerable undertaking and may require the expertise of university personnel, economic development specialists, and possibly professional consultants. Using an Oklahoma new generation cooperative case study, this paper outlines a market assessment process for value-added ventures.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Market entry strategies; “matrix” assessment; New generation cooperative; Strategic planning; Financial Economics; Marketing; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Estrategia de uso y conservación del germoplasma de Vanilla planifolia Jack. en la región Totonacapan Puebla-Veracruz. Colegio de Postgraduados
Salazar Rojas, Víctor Manuel.
La planificación estratégica para el uso y conservación de Vanilla planifolia Jack. en México requiere del análisis integral y detallado de los aspectos que determinan y afectan su variación genética. Por tal razón, se planteó conocer la variación en el contenido de los compuestos fitoquímicos que definen la calidad aromática del germoplasma vainilla mediante HPLC, identificar variación genética a nivel infra-específico a través de 14 loci microsatélites y estudiar los criterios de valoración que determinan la actitud de los usuarios de vainilla entorno al uso y conservación del germoplasma en la región Totonacapan México, mediante el método de análisis multiatributo AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). Los resultados mostraron la existencia de seis grupos...
Palavras-chave: Aroma; Domesticación; Planeación estratégica; Variación genética; Variación quimiotípica; Valoración social; Chemotypical variation; Domestication; Genetic variation; Social valuation; Strategic planning; EDAR; Estrategias para el Desarrollo Agrícola Regional; Doctorado.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Factors Impacting Participation In and Purchases Made by Members of the Oklahoma Food Cooperative AgEcon
Holcomb, Rodney B.; Kenkel, Philip L..
The Oklahoma Food Cooperative (OFC) facilitates transactions between producers and consumers of locally-grown food items. Even with more than 3,000 members and roughly $1M in annual sales, the OFC still needs to establish its long-term sustainability. Both customer-members and supplier-members of the OFC were surveyed to determine the factors driving their current and continued participation in the cooperative.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cooperative; Local food movement; Member communications; Business sustainability; Strategic planning; Agribusiness; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Marketing.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Fundamentos e aplicação do planejamento estratégico em organizações de pesquisa agropecuária. Infoteca-e
Fundamentos e importancia do planejamento estrategico; Etapas do processo de planejamento estrategico; Organizacao para execucao do planejamento estrategico.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Administration; Management; Strategic planning; Administração; Planejamento Estratégico.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Guia de avaliação simplificada da gestão de associações de produtores rurais - GAS Rural. Infoteca-e
GASTAL, M. L.; XAVIER, J. H. V.; ROCHA, F. E. de C.; GASTAL, F. L.; ZOBY, J. L. F..
The Simplified Evalution Guide - Rural GAS is a tool used to evaluate farmer organizations. Lately, it has been used by farmers to evaluate their organizations. The tool was development based on the experience of the Program Gaucho of Quality and Productivity (PGQP). In the evaluation, seven criteria and items are used. They are necessary to help the administration to reach the objectives and consequently the sucess. In a general way, a group farmers, calls, appraisersuses the Rural GAS to compare the current administration of the organization in the function of the following criteria: leadership, strategic planning, focus in the customer and in the market, information and analysis, administration of people, administration of processes and results. That...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Produtor rural; Organização; Avaliação; Rural organization; Small farmers; Organization dynamics; Strategic planning; Associação Rural; Liderança; Pequeno Produtor; Planejamento Estratégico; Leadership.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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III Plano Diretor Embrapa Cerrados 2004-2007. Infoteca-e
Apresentação; Introdução; Visão de futuro para a pesquisa no bioma cerrado; Missão, visão, valores e foco de atuação; Objetivos estratégicos e metas; Diretrizes estratégias e metas; Projetos estruturantes e integrativos.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Plano Diretor; Embrapa Cerrados; Agropecuária; Brasil; Pesquisa agropecuária; Savanna; Research institution; Strategic planning; Directive plan; Cerrado; Instituição de Pesquisa; Planejamento; Agriculture; Brazil; Agricultural research; Planning.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Pesquisa agropecuaria no Brasil. Infoteca-e
Em 1980 o Brasil atingiu a safra de 296 milhoes de toneladas de produtos alimenticios (graos, tuberculos e carnes). A exportacao agricola atingiu a cifra de US$ 7,7 bilhoes, correspondendo a 33% do total dos negocios efetuados. Em 1981, a producao de alcool foi de 4,2 bilhoes de litros, aliviando em muito a dependencia de importacao do petroleo. Contudo, para a sua auto-suficiencia, o Brasil precisa basicamente de trigo, de sementes e de fertilizantes. Quanto a este ultimo item, a sua maior carencia e de potassio (K) e de nitrogenio (N). No entanto, com sua dimensao de continente de 8,5 milhoes de km2, o que o coloca como o quinto pais do mundo em extensao territorial, o Brasil possui uma grande e rica divesidade ecologica. Esse fato lhe da caracteristicas...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Agropecuaria; Brasil; Strategic planning; Agricultura; Cerrado; Pesquisa; Planejamento Estratégico; Agriculture; Brazil; Research.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Planejamento estratégico: conceitos e metodologia para sua formulação. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Agricultural planning; Strategic planning; Planejamento Agrícola; Planejamento Estratégico.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Planejamento estratégico participativo - PEP: associação comunitária de pequenos produtores de derivados de frutos do cerrado, São Francisco, MG. Infoteca-e
CAMARGOS, J. M. R.; BORBA, M. A. da C.; MELO, R. A. de C. e.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Agricultural planning; Strategic planning; Participatory planning; Agricultural project; Planejamento agrícola; Planejamento participativo; Planejamento estratégico; Projeto agrícola.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Plano Diretor do Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Tropico Semi-Árido. Infoteca-e
EMBRAPA. Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Trópico Semi-Árido..
Análise do ambiente externo. Missão. Objetivos e Diretrizes. Diasgnóstico. Estratégias de ação. Recursos Humanos, Bases físicas e Benfeitorias
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Plano Diretor; CPATSA; Strategic planning; PDU; Planejamento estratégico; Administração; Agricultura.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Miller, Alan; Boehlje, Michael; Dobbins, Craig L..
Successful farming requires a clear understanding of the forces shaping agriculture and the direction that the farm is headed. Success also requires an effective method for executing and monitoring both strategic and operational plans. This paper provides an introduction to strategic planning and its application to the farm business. The material in this publication provides a brief description of the strategic planning process, reviews areas in which farm operators make strategic choices and some of the risks that accompany these strategic choices, illustrates the use of process planning methods as a means of linking strategy and operations, and describes the use of benchmarking as a method for monitoring progress and improving performance. While this...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Strategic management; Strategic planning; Farm management; Farm Management.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Producers Cooperative Oil Mill: A Case Study in Strategic Planning for a Cooperative AgEcon
Kenkel, Philip L.; Holcomb, Rodney B..
This study examines the strategic issues and decisions of Producers Cooperative Oil Mill, a regional oilseed processing cooperative located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The process of strategic planning and strategy implementation in agribusiness has been the topic of numerous research studies and case studies. While cooperative firms have been the subject of case studies focusing on strategic issues, the unique aspects of strategic decisions in a cooperative firm have not been highlighted. The formulation and implementation of strategy in cooperative organizations is impacted by their business structure. This case study provides unique examples of how strategy formulation and implementation is impacted by the unique structure and values of a cooperative...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cooperative; Strategic planning; Oilseed processing; Agribusiness; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Strategic Planning - Niche Marketing in the Agriculture Industry AgEcon
Cuthbert, Ronald.
The purpose of the research is to improve our understanding of the adaptation process in agriculture at the farm level and the influence through the value chain. The research identified critical managerial decision areas in the strategic planning process of blackcurrant growers in Alberta and the South Island of New Zealand. The work was a comparative study of growers that attempted to determine the correspondence between the results of case study observations and a set of theoretical propositions that were developed from a review of the relevant literature. Results indicate that growers understand their own firm’s core competencies, plan strategically and contingently to maintain flexibility and retain niche advantages. Data gathered on the blackcurrant...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Niche marketing; Strategic planning; Adaptation flexibility; Farm Management; Marketing; D81; L1; M31; O13; Q13.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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