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A study of structural lineaments in Pantanal (Brazil) using remote sensing data 42
This paper presents a study of the structural lineaments of the Pantanal extracted visually from satellite images (CBERS-2B satellite, Wide Field Imager sensor, a free image available in INTERNET) and a comparison with the structural lineaments of Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks surrounding the Cenozoic Pantanal Basin. Using a free software for satellite image analysis, the photointerpretation showed that the NS, NE and NW directions observed on the Pantanal satellite images are the same recorded in the older rocks surrounding the basin, suggesting reactivation of these basement structural directions during the Quaternary. So the Pantanal Basin has an active tectonics and its evolution seems to be linked to changes that occurred during the Andean subduction.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Free remote sensing software; Free satellite images; Structural geology; Lineaments; Photointerpretation; Pantanal.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Bottom water throughflows at the Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande Fracture Zones 5
Mercier, Herle; Weatherly, Georges; Arhan, Michel.
Bottom water throughflows at the Rio de Janeiro Fracture Zone (22 degrees S) and Rio Grande Fracture Zone (26 degrees S) of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are identified from hydrographic anomalies observed along 9 degrees W in the Angola Basin. The throughflow water is supplied by a meridional band of cold and fresh water lying against the western flank of the Ridge.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fractures and faults; Structural geology; Hydrography; General circulation; Physical oceanography.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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La Isla Santa Clara, testigo morfoestructural de la evolución geodinámica plio-cuaternaria y actual del Golfo de Guayaquil. 20
Santana, E.; Dumont, J.F..
Este contexto estratigráfico y estructural, hace que la Isla Santa Clara sea un testigo directo de los eventos neotectónicos del Golfo de Guayaquil. El estudio realizado en la Isla Santa Clara se ha desarrollado bajo dos objetivos: 1. Obtener datos detallados de la evolución temprana y actual de la Isla, en base a nuevos datos de estratigrafía y morfología, 2. Encuadrar la evolución de la Isla dentro del contexto sismotectónico y estructural del Golfo de Guayaquil, a fin de precisar la localización de las fallas potencialmente activas.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stratigraphy; Structural geology; Tectonophysics; Quaternary; Bathymetric data; Oceanic islands; Stratigraphy; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Les nodules du pacifique central dans leur environnement géologique CAMPAGNES COPANO - 1979 5
Pautot, Guy; Hoffert, Michel.
The cruises named COPANO have been undertaken during the summer 1979 on the R. V. Le Suroit of the CNEXO, as a part of an international research program I.C.I.M.E. The objective of this project was to study relatively small zones (a few km2) and to establish a relationship between characteristics of the manganese nodules and their environment. During the COPANO cruises, five zones have been studied: two in the northern Pacific, two in the southern Pacific and finally one in the equatorial Pacific. All the zones are centered on the longitude 134° Wand therefore their symmetry to the highly productive equatorial zone may be tested. As one of the results of the cruises is the relation between nodules and the bottom soil, established by sediment-sampling and a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Géochimie; Cartographie; Geologie; Fonds marin; Environnement; Nodules; Geochemistry; Mapping; Structural geology; Environmental impact; Nodule.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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