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The influence of 31 years of stubble burning on the carbon storage as well of chemical composition of soil organic matter (SOM) was studied in agricultural soil of a long-term field experiment. Additionally, the potential of black carbon (BC) produced by burning of harvesting residues, to be lost by horizontal as well as vertical transport was quantified during a rainfall simulation experiment. Our results show that 31 years of stubbie burning as a regular agricultural practice did not change carbon storage or the chemical composition of SOM. This is most likely due to a small quantitative input of highly stable aromatic carbon into the soil. A significant portion of BC deposited on the soil surface by the fire may have been exported from the site as shown...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Black carbon; Stubble burning; Soil organic C.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The implications of policy settings on land use and agricultural technology adoption in North-West India 31
Millham, Nick; Crean, Jason; Singh, Rajinder Pal.
The irrigated rice-wheat cropping system is the predominant and most profitable farming system in north-west India, especially in Punjab. However, there are growing concerns about the environmental effects of the system, particularly with the practice of burning rice stubbles, due to its adverse effects on human health and air pollution. In this paper we consider the wide array of policy settings that tend to favour current land uses and management practices and their impact on the farming system over time. As part of an ACIAR-funded project, we assess the significance of these policies with a view to considering what additional or alternative policies could be put in place to encourage the adoption of approaches or technologies directly concerned with...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural policy; Air pollution; Stubble burning; Technology adoption; India; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Land Economics/Use; Political Economy; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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