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EXtreme ecosystem studies in the deep OCEan: Technological Developments. EXOCET/D ArchiMer
Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Sarrazin, Jozee; Cadiou, Jean-francois; Olu, Karine; Desbruyeres, Damien; Rigaud, Vincent; Drogou, Jean-francois; Lecornu, Fabrice; Rolin, Jean-francois; Vuillemin, Renaud; Cambon-bonavita, Marie-anne; Sauter, E; Von Juterzenka, K; Boetius, A; Santos, Rs; Colaco, Ana; Pascoal, A; Oliveira, Paulo; Shillito, Bruce; Zal, F; Schultz, A; Taylor, P; Lane, D; Loke, Rob; Du Buf, H; Waldmann, C; Cormack, A; Sanfilippo, L; Masson, M.
The general objective of EXOCET/D is to develop, implement and test specific instruments aimed at exploring, describing, quantifying and monitoring biodiversity in deep-sea fragmented habitats as well as at identifying links between community structure and environmental dynamics. Onboard experimental devices will complement the approach, enabling experiments on species physiology. The EXOCET/D working fields include: video and acoustic imagery, in situ analysis of physico-chemical factors, quantitative sampling of macroand micro-organisms, in vivo experiments, integration of multidisciplinary data, implementation on European deep-submersibles and a final phase of technical and scientific validation
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep sea; Ecosystem; Imagery; In situ analysis; Faunal sampling; Submersibles; Observatory.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Fish faunal and habitat analyses using trawls, camera sleds and submersibles in benthic deep-sea habitats off central California ArchiMer
Cailliet, Gm; Andrews, Ah; Wakefield, Ww; Moreno, G; Rhodes, Kl.
Beam trawl, camera sled and submersible data from 2 000-3 300 m off central California produced similar fish faunal composition, but different density estimates. All species caught in trawls were observed in camera-sled and submersible observations. However, some rare species that were observed were not caught in trawls. The fish fauna was dominated by the families Macrouridae, Zoarcidae, Moridae, and Rajidae. Fishes both trawled and observed were the macrourids Coryphaenoides armatus, C. filifer and C. leptolepis; the zoarcids Bothrocara spp., Pachycara lepinium and Lycenchelys spp.; the morid Antimora microlepis; the rajid Bathyraja trachura, the ophidiid Spectrunculus grandis, and the liparidid Careproctus ovigerum. One unidentified liparidid...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthos; Poisson; Habitat; Chalutage; Submersible; Deep-sea; Fishes; Habitat; Sampling; Submersibles.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Geological sampling in deep water: A new instrument is necessary. ArchiMer
Girardeau, J; Auzende, Jean-marie; Boillot, G.
The Nautile submersible is used to observe the underwater geological structures and to conduct geological sampling in deep water. But it is not sufficient because it is not possible to measure the faults in the oceanic rifts.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Faults; Palaeomagnetism; Tectonics; Submersibles; Surveying underwater; Surveys; Seafloor sampling; Marine technology; Deep water.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Instabilites sous-marine etudiees par submersibles ArchiMer
Savoye, Bruno.
Sediment instability appears to be important as a part of global sedimentary budget. Among the various types of sedimentary instabilities, submarine slides are probably the most spectacular and the hardest to study and predict, although their consequences on human and industrial marine activities can be dramatic. IFREMER is conducting a research project on this topic. An area off Nice (France) has been particularly studied because of its recent activity. Mapping and instability area detection have been carried out. With the possibility of direct interactive observation and highly accurate submarine in -situ operation, the submersible is an extremely efficient tool for sediment studies, but diving purposes have to be precisely defined to provide useful...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sediments; Instability; Sedimentology; Sedimentary structures; Ocean floor; Marine technology; Geology; Submersibles; Unmanned vehicles.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Les coraux profonds : une biodiversité à évaluer et à préserver ArchiMer
Olu-le Roy, Karine.
Submersible exploration of the deep-sea floor during the last decades revealed new insights in this part of our planet with the discovery of an unsuspected diversity of ecosystems. Coral reefs, confined in our mind to warm and shallow tropical waters, have been observed at several hundreds meter depth along continental margins. Like their tropical counterparts, cold water corals are home for several invertebrate and fish species. The diversity and complexity of this rich ecosystem has just started to be studied. Documented and potential treats by human activities including bottom fishing and petroleum industry activities have to be considered and there is an urgent need to prevent further degradation of these vulnerable reefs. The objective of the CARACOLE...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Impact; Deep bottom fishing; Submersibles; Carbonate mounds; Continental margins; Cold water corals; Impact; Pêche profonde; Submersibles; Monts carbonatés; Marges continentales; Coraux profonds.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Mesures geotechniques par grand fond ArchiMer
Cochonat, Pierre; Dansy, G; Leduc, Bernard; Meunier, Jacques; Harmegnies, Francois; Floury, L.
The mechanical behaviour of sediments is usually studied from laboratory core analyses which do not take into account the real state of in-situ stresses. Therefore, the aimed purpose is presently to determine the in-situ geotechnical properties which mainly depend on the relationship between fine-grained particles and intergranular fluids. At IFREMER, these achievements have been pursued in the framework of 2 scientific program: "Nodules and Sedimentary Processes and Instability on Slopes, for which surficial measurements were conducted on selected seafloor targets usually pre-defined from high resolution geophysical data." 2 kinds of instrumentation were developed in correlation to 2 different strategies of handling at sea. There is the instrumentation of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Submarine cables; Deep sea mining; Offshore equipment; Geotechnology; Submersibles; Sedimentary structures; Sedimentology; Ferromanganese nodules; Instability; Marine technology; Sediments; Ocean floor; Deep water.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Observations dans les zones peu accessibles de l'environnement bathyal (biologie et geologie) grace a l'usage des soucoupes plongeantes ArchiMer
Roux, M.
On the bathyal slope for continental margins, steep and rocky substrates punctuated with cliffs and collapsing zones are frequently found. As survey and sampling with the classical technics from the sea surface is practically impossible in such an environment, in situ exploration with a submersible allows significant advances in ecology, with implications in paleoenvironment reconstruction. Mixing of material from shallow-water and deep-sea origins into bathyal sedimentation suggests that the so-called "fossil assemblages of outer platform" were frequently misinterpreted. Dense populations of animals closely related to fossil groups which were only considered as relict of the Past ("living fossils") and previously interpreted as shallow-water inhabitants...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Continental margins; Bathyal zone; Diving; Cruises; Sedimentation; Biomass; Geology; Biology; Imaging techniques; Image processing; Marine technology; Underwater photography; Submersibles.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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