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Étude géologique et géophysique des marges continentales passives : exemple du Zaïre et de l'Angola ArchiMer
Moulin, Maryline.
The objective of the present work is to study the formation of the passive continental margins of the Central Segment of the South Atlantic, most particularly the Congo and Angola margins. We propose a combined approach, which integrates structural constraints based on geological cross-sections (based on seismic data) and global constraints based on plate kinematic reconstructions. The structural study is based on : i) MCS and refraction data collected during the ZaiAngo programme (a joint project conducted by Ifremer and Total) ; ii) proprietary, industrial seismic data (courtesy of Total) from the Angola margin and iii) on all available seismic lines from the Africa and Brazil conjugated margins, between Walvis Ridge and the Equatorial Fracture Zones....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seismic interpretation; Evolution model; Subsidence; Kinematic reconstruction; South and Equatorial Atlantic; Continental passive margin; Interprétation sismique; Modèle d'évolution; Subsidence; Cinématique; Atlantique Sud et Equatorial; Marge continentale passive.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Evolution of rifted continental margins: The case of the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean Basin) ArchiMer
Bache, Francois; Olivet, Jean-louis; Gorini, Christian; Aslanian, Daniel; Labails, Cinthia; Rabineau, Marina.
The formation of rifted continental margins has long been explained by numerous physical models. However, field observations are still lacking to validate or constrain these models. This study presents major new observations on the broad continental margin of the Gulf of Lions, based on a large amount of varied data. Two contrasting regions characterize the thinned continental crust of this margin. One of these regions corresponds to a narrow rift zone (40–50 km wide) that was highly thinned and stretched during rifting. In contrast with this domain, a large part of the margin subsided slowly during rifting and then rapidly after rifting. The thinning of this domain cannot be explained by stretching of the upper crust. We can thus recognize a zonation of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Subsidence; Passive margins; Back-arc; Rifting; Erosion; Stretching; Thinning; Western Mediterranean; Gulf of Lions.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Evolution oligo miocène des marges du micro océan Liguro-Provençal ArchiMer
Bache, François.
The Gulf of Lion margin has been created by an Oligo-Aquitanian rifting followed by oceanic accretion in the Provencal basin during the Burdigalian. Two main periods have been detailed in this thesis: • The Messinian event that needs to be differentiated from earlier strata deposition. The event also represents a clear marker (between 7 and 5,3 Ma) within the history of the basin. • The initial period of margin formation, from the beginning of continental extension (35-30 Ma) to oceanisation (around 20 Ma) The database for this study has been built using all available data (seismic and wells from industry) on the shelf, the slope and the deep basin of the Gulf of Lion. The gathering of this huge database occurred in the framework of the French GDRMarges...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thermal anomaly; Passive Margins; Subsidence; Rifting; Detritism; Erosion; Salinity Crisis; Miocene; Messinian; Mediterranean; Gulf of Lion; Anomalie thermique; Marges passives; Subsidence; Rifting; Détritisme; Érosion; Crise de salinité; Miocène; Messinien; Méditerranée; Golfe du Lion.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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La montée du niveau de la mer : conséquences et anticipations d’ici 2100, l’éclairage de la prospective ArchiMer
Lacroix, Denis; Mora, Olivier; De Menthiere, Nicolas; Bethinger, Audrey.
L’interface terre-mer, prise au sens large, est un espace fragile, convoité et soumis à de multiples pressions sans qu'il n’y ait de vision d'ensemble des populations et des activités qui s'y développent, ni de maîtrise globale des multiples décisions concernant ce milieu. Or la montée du niveau de l'océan apparaît comme une des pressions majeures de ce siècle. Son ampleur et ses effets à long terme sont difficiles à identifier, et donc, à anticiper. Toutefois, si les causes sont encore incomplètement analysées et comprises, les premiers effets sont déjà observables sous diverses formes et sur de nombreux sites. Les impacts de cette élévation sont encore faibles aujourd'hui, mais les projections portent à penser que l’élévation du niveau de la mer va...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Montée du niveau de la mer; Subsidence; Deltas; Inondation; Littoral; Risques côtiers.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Paleo sea levels reconsidered from direct observation of paleoshoreline position during Glacial Maxima (for the last 500,000 yr) ArchiMer
Rabineau, Marina; Berne, Serge; Olivet, Jean-louis; Aslanian, Daniel; Guillocheau, François; Joseph, Philippe.
The drastic climatic changes which characterise the cooling trend of the last few million years of Earth history led to variations in eustatic sea level that had tremendous impact on the geology and ecology of continental margins. Reconstructing a sea-level curve back in time is not an easy task. Observations of shoreline positions are always a local measurement of Relative Sea Level that needs to be corrected from the effect of tectonic and thermal subsidence, sediment loading, compaction and glacio-hydro isostasy. Extensive studies have been done for the last deglaciation and for the last 100,000 yr cycle. But very few studies deal with position of sea level during earlier cycles, simply because conditions are very rarely favourable for the preservation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean Sea; Gulf of Lions; Golfe du Lion; Subsidence; Glacial maxima; Climatic cycles; Shoreline position; Glacioeustatism; Sea level amplitudes; Sea level changes.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Quantifying subsidence and isostatic readjustment using sedimentary paleomarkers, example from the Gulf of Lion ArchiMer
Rabineau, Marina; Leroux, Estelle; Aslanian, Daniel; Bache, F.; Gorini, Christian; Moulin, Maryline; Molliex, Stephane; Droz, Laurence; Dos Reis, Antonio; Rubino, J. L.; Guillocheau, Francois; Olivet, Jean-louis.
Passive margins are characterised by an important tectonic and thermal subsidence, which favours a good preservation of sedimentary sequences. This sedimentation in turn enhances the subsidence because of loading effects. We present here a direct method based on sedimentary markers seen on seismic data, to evaluate total subsidence rates from the coast to the outer shelf and to the deep basin in the Gulf of Lion, from the beginning of massive salt deposition up to present day (the last circa 6 Ma) with minimal theoretical assumptions. On the shelf, the Pliocene-Quaternary subsidence shows a seaward tilt reaching a rate of 240 m/Ma (±15 m/Ma) at the shelf break (70 km from the present day coastline) (i.e. a total angle of rotation of 0.88° (0.16°/Ma)). We...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Subsidence; Pliocene-quaternary; Messinian salinity crisis; Isostasy; Mediterranean Sea; Gulf of Lion.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Response of the Rhone deltaic margin to loading and subsidence during the last climatic cycle ArchiMer
Jouet, Gwenael; Hutton, E; Syvitski, J; Berne, Serge.
Passive continental margin subsidence is initiated by the synrift mechanical stretching of the lithospheric upper brittle layer and continues during the postrift phase; the thermal cooling and contraction of the upwelled asthenosphere forces the margin to subside in addition to the overloads from sea water and sediments. Therefore, the total subsidence in stretched basins includes fault-controlled initial sinking, thermal subsidence and flexural isostatic compensations. Decoupling and estimating the different components of this subsidence from stratigraphic analysis and restricted geophysical and sedimentological databases remains problematic. In particular, backstripping the sediment layers requires a well-constrained geological framework. A method is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of Lions; Continental shelf; Sedflux; Stratigraphic simulations; Isostasy; Subsidence.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The western black sea fault : its significance in the late tertiary-quaternary tectonic setting ArchiMer
Lericolais, Gilles; Koral, H.
The northwestern Turkey is a tectonically active belt in with paleogeographical evolution related to the collusion and the escape tectonics accompanied by development of the strike-slip North Anatolian Fault (NAF). In this tectonic setting, the significance the Western Black Sea fault (WBF) and its influence of on the modification of coastal and morphological features are relatively unknown and underappreciated.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Subsidence; Uplift; Coastal and morphological modification; Fault geometry; WBF.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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West African Monsoon And Satellite Observations Of Water Vapor OceanDocs
Gaye, A.; Citeau, J..
The atmospheric water vapor, a main climatic parameter, remains also one of the less well known in the inter tropical area. Different space programs have been carried out to improve its measure: the data provided by these experimental or operational programs, give an alternate and complementary information the model’s analysis. Moreover, the time series available today, are long enough to allow studies of variability of different climatic parameters. The following contribution, dedicated to the climate of the Western Africa, analyses the atmospheric humidity as retrieved by NOAA8/TOVS12 dated over the last 20 years. The climatology of the upper tropospheric humidity (UTH13), retrieved from HIRS-121, evidences the importance of the position and the...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Climate; Noaa/Tovs; Intertropical zone of convergence; Subsidence; Satellites; SSM/I; Evaporation; Monsoons.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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