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Agrarökonomik zur Jahrhundertwende – Bewährtes und Unorthodoxes 31
Brandes, Wilhelm.
In this farewell lecture some concepts important for (agricultural) economics are discussed. Special emphasis is given to the Invisible Hand of Adam Smith, sunk costs, information economics, path dependency, error tolerance and redundancy. It is proposed that agricultural economists follow closely new developments in economics proper.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Equilibrium; Sunk costs; Game theory; Opportunism; Rationality; Path dependency; Error tolerance; Social rate of discount; Agricultural and Food Policy; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Auswirkungen der Novellierung des EEG auf die Wettbewerbskraft der Biogasproduktion 31
Rauh, Stefan.
Im Zuge des Ausbaus der Biomasseproduktion für energetische Zwecke wurden zuerst insbe-sondere stillgelegte Flächen herangezogen. Doch mittlerweile sind quasi keine freien Flächen mehr verfügbar und besonders regional kommt es zu Konkurrenzen zwischen der Nahrungs-mittel- und der Energieproduktion. Welcher Bereich die notwendigen Agrarrohstoffe für sich beanspruchen darf, entscheidet der Markt. Die Fläche als Ursprung der Agrarrohstoffe ge-winnt demnach an Wert, was die Entwicklung auf dem Pachtmarkt zeigt. Zur Abschätzung welches Produktionsverfahren die höchste Entlohnung dieser knappen Ressource verspricht, dient die Bodenrente, also der Betrag, der nach Abzug aller Kosten noch zur Verfügung steht. Die erneute Novellierung des EEG im Jahr 2008 hat zu...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Wettbewerbskraft; Bodenrente; Sunk costs; Biogasproduktion; Environmental Economics and Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Switching to Perennial Energy Crops under Uncertainty and Costly Reversibility 31
Song, Feng; Zhao, Jinhua; Swinton, Scott M..
We study a farmer’s decision to convert traditional crop land into growing dedicated energy crops, taking in account sunk conversion costs, uncertainties in traditional and energy crop returns, and learning. The optimal decision rules differ significantly from the expected net present value rule, which ignores learning, and from real option models that allow only one way conversions into energy crops. These models also predict drastically different patterns of land conversions into and out of energy crops over time. Using corn-soybean rotations and switchgrass as examples, we show that the model predictions are sensitive to assumptions about stochastic processes of the returns. Government policies might have unintended consequences: subsidizing conversion...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Real options; Irreversibility; Sunk costs; Land conversion; Biofuel; Cellulosic biomass; Dynamic modeling; Stochastic process; Biofuel policy; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Risk and Uncertainty; Q42; Q24.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Zur Effizienz landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen in Brandenburg – Eine Data Envelopment Analysis 31
Balmann, Alfons; Czasch, Britta.
The transition of East German agriculture led to major structural adjustments that showed some very particular phenomena. For instance, most of the successors of the former agricultural production cooperatives (LPGs) make slight losses and they operate at a higher employment level than new and re-established farms. In this paper we try to explain these phenomena with the farms' history prior to the transition period. Particular attention is given to sunk costs, the identity of members and employees, and old debts. A Data Envelopment Analysis of 210 financial statements distributed over the financial years 1992/93 to 1995/96 gives evidence that these historical arguments had a decisive impact on the farms' behaviour. However, this impact decreases over...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Transition; Farm behaviour; Organisation; Sunk costs; DEA; Farm Management; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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