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Letenyei, Krisztina.
A kávé kereskedelme a nemzetközi tőzsdéken folyik. Amikor a kínálat meg-haladja a keresletet, túlkínálat van. Ekkor alacsony a kávé ára, a túltermelési válság jelei mutatkoznak: elégetik a kávét. A kistermelők a tönk szélére kerül-nek. Ebben az időszakban a termelők kiirtják, illetve elhanyagolják a kávécser-jéket. A kávéexportáló országok csökkentik a termelést, az exportot is visszafog-ják, a raktárkészlet növekszik. Az elmaradt invesztíció és a rossz időjárási kö-rülmények hatására a kínálat csökken, majd a kereslet meghaladja a kínálatot, ami még ellensúlyozható a raktárkészletek piacra dobásával. Mivel a kávécser-jék csak öt év után fordulnak termőre, a kereslet tartósan meghaladja a kínála-tot. Ekkor a kávéárak a magasba szöknek. Ebben az időszakban...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Kávé; Kereslet; Kínálat; Hazai és világpiac - coffee; Demand; Supply; Domestic and world market; Agribusiness; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A magyar zöldség-gyümölcs kisárutermelők nagy láncoknak történő értékesítési lehetőségei AgEcon
Seres, Antal; Szabo, Marton.
A multinacionális láncoknál a közvetlen kisárutermelői beszállítóknak a speciális „réspiaci” termékeknél, illetve a nagy termelők között szabadon hagyott piaci réseken van mozgáslehetőségük. E termékek kivételével a közvetlen kisárutermelői beszállításoknak nincs jövője, mert elaprózott kínálattal nagy számban nem léphetnek be a beszállítói körbe. Hatékonysági követelmények miatt előbb-utóbb a hazai láncoknál is erősödik a beszerzés koncentrációja, és ez itt is csökkenti a közvetlenül beszállító kisárutermelők ma még lényegesen nagyobb lehetőségeit. A nagy üzletláncok üzletpolitikája olyan követelményeket támaszt, amelyeket a kisárutermelők a réspiaci termékek kivételével külön-külön nem tudnak teljesíteni. Ezért közös termeltető és értékesítő...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Koncentráció; Nagy kereskedelmi láncok; Beszállítás; Kisárutermelők; Zöldség-gyümölcs; Concentration; Large retail chains; Supply; Small farmers; Fruit and vegetables; Farm Management; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A new kabuli chickpea variety for Ethiopia Open Agri
Daba, K..
Palavras-chave: Chickpeas; Breeds (animals); Markets; Location; Tropical zones; Yields; Exports; Products; Supply; Selection.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A szőlővenyige és a fanyesedék biomassza-erőművi beszállításának elemzése AgEcon
Pinter, Gabor; Nemeth, Kornel; Kis-Simon, Tunde.
Magyarországon is teret hódít a biomassza villamos energia termelésére történő felhasználása. A tanulmány Magyarországon képződő szőlővenyige és fanyesedék biomassza-erőművi beszállításának lehetőségeivel foglalkozik. 2009-ben már öt hazai nagyerőműben tüzelnek a környező erdőgazdaságokból származó alapanyagot. Magyarországon rendkívül sok az energetikai célra hasznosítható szőlővenyige és fanyesedék, ami nem kerül hasznosításra, holott ezek erőművi beszállítása – számításaink alapján – 45 km-es szállítási távolság alatt már gazdaságos lehet. A tanulmány hangsúlyozza, hogy az említett melléktermékek erőművi eltüzelése – csekély jövedelemtermelő képessége miatt – jövedelemszerzés helyett inkább a „felesleges” melléktermékektől való megszabadulást, az...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Szőlővenyige; Nyesedék; Beszállítás; Égetés; Vine cane; Cuttings; Supply; Burning; Agribusiness; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Amenity benefits and public policy: An application to the Georgia Pecan Industry AgEcon
Sande, Doris N.; Mullen, Jeffrey D.; Nzaku, Kilungu.
Most agricultural production results in both marketable and non-marketable products. Most policy decisions however, tend to be made based only on the market value, which ignores the non-marketable value or amenity benefits. One type of amenity benefits is farmland amenities which are attributes of farmland that are uniquely provided by actively farmed land. Examples include the scenic beauty of rolling pasture, orchards and the cultural value of farming as a way of life. Farmland also produces non-farm amenities, such as open space, wildlife habitats, and groundwater recharge. Most amenity benefits are classified as public goods in that they are non-excludable and non-rival in terms of use. Thus, most amenities do not have a market value associated with...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Amenity Benefits; Pecans; Supply; Public policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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An Economic Analysis of Corn-based Ethanol Production AgEcon
Koo, Won W.; Taylor, Richard D..
A global multi-commodity simulation model was developed to estimate the impact of changes in ethanol production on the U.S. corn industry. Increased ethanol production under the Energy Acts of 2005 and 2007 resulted in a significant increase in the price of corn. However, for corn-based ethanol production, the break-even price of corn is approximately $4.52 per bushel with a federal subsidy of $0.51 per gallon of pure ethanol and $2.50 gasoline. With a corn price of $4.52, the economically desirable ethanol production is approximately 11 billion gallons. In order to produce 15 billion gallons of corn-based ethanol and to maintain the price of corn at $4.52 per bushel, supply of corn in the U.S. should be increased substantially through increases in corn...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Ethanol; Price impacts; Supply; Demand; Econometric simulation; HFCS; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Arterial Variations of the Subclavian-Axillary Arterial Tree: Its Association with the Supply of the Rotator Cuff Muscles International Journal of Morphology
Naidoo,N; Lazarus,L; De Gama,B. Z; Ajayi,N. O; Satyapal,K. S.
The subclavian-axillary arterial tree is responsible for the arterial supply to the rotator cuff muscles as well as other shoulder muscles. This study comprised the bilateral dissection of the shoulder and upper arm region in thirty-one adult and nineteen fetal cadaveric specimens. The variable origins and branching patterns of the axillary, subscapular, circumflex scapular, thoracodorsal, posterior circumflex humeral and suprascapular arteries identified in this study corroborated the findings of previous studies. In addition, unique variations that are unreported in the literature were also observed. The precise anatomy of the arterial distribution to the rotator cuff muscles is important to the surgeon and radiologist. It will aid proper interpretation...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Subclavian-axillary arterial tree; Variations; Supply; Rotator cuff muscles.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Concentration of the trade and the small-scale fruit and vegetable producers – practices in Hungary and in the European Union AgEcon
Kurti, Andrea; Kozak, Anita; Seres, Antal.
This study examines the conflicts arising from the requirements of the food retail chains and their possible solutions, based on an analysis of the foreign and domestic trade literature and on a domestic assessment of 2008. Direct supplies from small-scale producers have future prospects only in the field of niche market products. Only production organisations integrating small-scale producers may be successful in the supply of large quantity products of homogeneous quality. In Hungary, similar organisations – principally POs – still do not have a role comparable to that they fulfil in more developed countries of the European Union in the field of the supplies to the food retail chains. For increasing supplies, the domestic small-scale producers should...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Concentration; Food retail chains; Supply; Small-scale producers; Fruits and vegetables; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cotações de mercado e demais indicadores econômicos relativos ao algodão: posição trimestral. Infoteca-e
Situacao internacional.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Classificação; Brasil; Nordeste; Paraíba; Minas Gerais; São Paulo; Paraná; Production; Importation; Price; Exportation; Arrangement; Quotation; Market; Abastecimento; Algodão; Armazenamento; Comercialização; Cotação; Consumo; Exportação; Gossypium Hirsutum; Importação; Mercado; Preço; Produção; Classification; Commercialization; Cotton; Supply; Storage.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Cotacoes de mercado e demais indicadores economicos relativos ao algodao: situacao nacional. Infoteca-e
Situacao nacional.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Precos; Agricola; Classificacao; Price; Production; Comercialization; Exportation; Importation; Agricultural; Market; Rural; Abastecimento; Algodão; Comercialização; Crédito; Exportação; Importação; Gossypium Hirsutum; Mercado; Política; Produção; Credit; Classification; Cotton; Politics; Supply.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Demand for fisheries products in Brazil Scientia Agricola
Sonoda,Daniel Yokoyama; Campos,Silvia Kanadani; Cyrino,José Eurico Possebon; Shirota,Ricardo.
Fish consumption per capita in Brazil is relatively modest when compared to other animal proteins. This study analyses the influence of protein prices, other food prices and population income on the fish demand in Brazil. First, the problem of fish supply in Brazil is characterized. It is followed by reviews of the relevant economic theory and methods of Almost Ideal Demand System - AIDS and their elasticity calculations. A descriptive analysis of fish demand in Brazil using the microdata called "Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar" (Familiar Budget Research) - POF 2002-2003 is presented. Finally, demand functions and their elasticities are calculated for two different cases: one considering five groups of animal proteins (Chicken; Milk and Eggs; Fish;...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: AIDS; Fish; Supply; Elasticity; Market.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Demand for OJ, by Product Form, in a Conditional Demand System for Beverages, and Sensitivity of Product Forms to Supply AgEcon
Brown, Mark G..
Demands for orange juice by product form are estimated, and own- and cross-price elasticity estimates are used to examine how supply changes impact retail prices and quantity sales, by form.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Conditional demand system; Beverage; Supply; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Demanda potencial de carne de caprinos e ovinos e perspectivas da oferta, 1985-1990. Infoteca-e
Resumo: A maioria dos pequenos ruminantes no Brasil é encontrada na região Nordeste: 92% e 33% dos caprinos e ovinos, respectivamente. Nesta região, caprinos e ovinos representam importante fonte de proteína animal, contribuindo, significativamente, na oferta de alimentos e proporcionando peles de excelente qualidade. Neste trabalho, foi feita uma tentativa de dimensionar a oferta de carne destes pequenos ruminantes e comparar essa oferta com a demanda potencial para o período 1985/1990. Projeções para oferta e demanda foram feitas, conforme a tendência histórica da produção, e hipóteses, estabelecidas " sobre o crescimento da renda real "per capita" (baixo, médio e alto). Os resultados indicaram um déficit de carne de 35 a 38 t/ano. Conclui-se que...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Aspecto econômico; Deficit; Brasil; Região Nordeste; Demand; Caprinocultura; Ovinocultura; Carne; Demanda; Oferta; Comercialização; Sheep; Goats; Meat production; Supply; Brazil.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Derivation of supply curves for catchment water effluents meeting specific salinity concentration targets in 2050: linking farm and catchment level models or “Footprints on future salt / water planes” AgEcon
Nordblom, Thomas L.; Bathgate, Andrew D.; Young, Robert A..
The salt burden in a stream reflects the blend of salty and fresh flows from different soil areas in its catchment. Depending not only on long-run rainfall, water yields from a soil are also determined by land cover: lowest if the area is forested and greatest if cleared. Water yields under agro-forestry, lucerne pasture, perennial grass pasture, and annual pasture or cropping options span the range of water yields between the extremes of forested and cleared lands. This study explores quantitative approaches for connecting the hydrologic and economic consequences of farm-level decisions on land cover (productive land uses) to the costs of attaining different catchment level targets of water volumes and salt reaching downstream users; environmental,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Salinity; Targets; Opportunity cost; Concentration; Dilution; Effluent; Externality; Supply; Demand; Policy; Water quality; New technology; New markets; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Des îles et des épiciers. S’approvisionner en biens alimentaires dans les îles du Ponan ArchiMer
Guingot, Marie.
The Ponant Islands are diverse in terms of population, surface or distance from the continent. Most of food products consumed on these islands are coming from the continent. It is therefore necessary to transport them to the island, all along a route whose main element is the sea crossing. This is what makes island supply special. Grocery stores are not equivalent in all Ponant Islands. The island maritime service requires the local grocers to adapt and implement supply strategies. This results in different modes of conveyance for food products to island territories. While most of the food products consumed on these islands are bought in local grocery stores, consumers are increasingly reaching out to continental grocery stores. This is creating new flows...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Epicerie; Desserte maritime insulaire; Approvisionnement; Acheminement des marchandises; Concurrence; Îles du Ponant; Commerce de détail; Consommateur.; Grocery store; Island maritime service; Supply; Flow of goods; Competition; Ponant Islands; Retail trade; Consumer..
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Disposition of precipitation: Supply and Demand for Water Use by New Tree Plantations AgEcon
Nordblom, Thomas L.; Finlayson, John D.; Hume, Iain H..
As the greatest rainwater users among all vegetative land covers, tree plantations have been employed strategically to mitigate salinity and water-logging problems. However, large-scale commercial tree plantations in high rainfall areas reduce fresh water inflows to river systems supporting downstream communities, agricultural industries and wetland environmental assets. A bio-economic model was used to estimate economic demand for water by future upstream plantations in a sub-catchment (the 2.8 million ha Macquarie valley in NSW) of the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Given four tree-product values, impacts were simulated under two settings: without and with the requirement that permanent water entitlements be purchased from downstream entitlement...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy; Forest; Environmental services; Catchment; Water sources; Interception; Entitlement; Supply; Demand; Market; Economic surplus; Evapo-transpiration; Urban water; Irrigation; Wetlands..
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Domestic Supply and Consumption Patterns of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in Asia and the Pacific AgEcon
Rural poor populations in Asia and the Pacific live mainly in disadvantaged areas, isolated, lacking infrastructure, with harsh climatic and ecological conditions. Coarse grains, pulses, roots and tubers (CGPRT crops) often offer one of the limited options for development under these circumstances. Information on the situation of these crops in national economies is limited and becomes a constraint in the design of pro-poor measures for this target group with an objective of poverty alleviation. This monograph presents and analyzes long-term trends and the evolution of CGPRT crops in ESCAP countries. Its comprehensive, yet detailed, coverage of crops and countries make it a reference for researchers, students and analysts involved with the development of...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coarse grains; Grain legumes; Root crops; Tubers; Supply; Consumption; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Security and Poverty; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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El mercado de la carne bovina en México, 1970-2011. Colegio de Postgraduados
Cruz Jiménez, Joaquín.
La proteína de origen animal es básica en la dieta de los mexicanos y las fuentes principales de ésta son las carnes de ave, bovino y porcino, de las que en 2011 se consumieron 60 kilogramos por persona, correspondiendo a la de bovino 16.5 kilogramos. En este estudio se identifica a las principales variables determinantes del mercado de carne de bovino en México y se estima el efecto de dichas variables considerando los precios de importación de la carne y de maíz y sorgo. Para establecer y cuantificar el efecto sobre el mercado de sus principales variables determinantes se diseñó un modelo econométrico de ecuaciones simultáneas que fue estimado por mínimos cuadrados en dos etapas con información secundaria para el periodo de 1970 a 2011. Los resultados...
Palavras-chave: Bovino; Granos forrajeros; Elasticidad; Saldo de comercio; Oferta; Demanda; Cattle; Feed grains; Elasticity; Balance of trade; Supply; Demand; Economía; Doctorado.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Oliveira, Michelle Pinto; Alencar, Junia Rodrigues de; Souza, Geraldo da Silva e.
A grande necessidade de diminuir a dependência em relação ao petróleo devido aos seus preços em constante elevação, a preocupação com o meio ambiente (protocolo de kyoto) e a crescente demanda por carros flex tem colocado o etanol - uma energia totalmente renovável - em papel de destaque, como fonte alternativa de energia. A demanda e a oferta por este biocombustível são crescentes nos últimos anos e com grande possibilidade de se manter forte e dinâmica por vários anos. Neste contexto, o estudo teve como objetivo analisar quais as variáveis que afetaram a oferta e a demanda de etanol no Brasil, no período de 1995 a 2006. O método de análise utilizado foi o modelo de equilíbrio simultâneo por meio de mínimos quadrados em dois estágios, com correção de...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Etanol; Energia renovável; Biocombustível; Oferta e demanda; Equações simultâneas; Ethanol; Renewable energy; Biofuel; Supply; Demand; Simultaneous equations; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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European markets for NFC: supply and demand issues AgEcon
Goodrich, Renee M.; Brown, Mark G..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Orange juice; NFC; Europe; Supply; Demand; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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