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Couplage de modèles trophiques et effets combinés de la pêche et du climat 5
Travers, Morgane.
Overfishing and climate change are now recognized to have important effects on marine ecosystem functioning but uncertainties remains about their combined effects. Using a modelling approach this thesis aims at assessing how the top-down effects of fishing and the bottom-up effects of climate combine themselves within the food web. A preliminary review highlighted the lack of end-to-end model applicable as it stands to our study case - the southern Benguela - and suitable to study the combined effects of fishing and climate. Coupling the plankton model ROMS-N2P2Z2D2 and the fish model OSMOSE appeared as an innovative method allowing to develop an appropriate tool meeting our objectives. The importance of two-way coupling via the predation process is first...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modèle end-to-end; Couplage de modèle; Réseau trophique; Sud- Benguela; Effets combinés; Changement climatique; Surexploitation; End-to-end model; Model coupling; Food web; Southern Benguela; Combined effects; Climate change; Overfishing.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Étude préparatoire a une reconquête des niveaux de ressource en langouste royale (Palinurus elephas) en mer d'Iroise 5
Latrouite, Daniel; Lazure, Pascal.
The study conducted in the framework of an agreement between Ifremer and the Local fisheries committee at Audierne is part of a project to restore spiny lobster Palinurus elephas stock levels in the Iroise Sea. It is supported by professional fishermen from Finistère and by the Regional fisheries committee of Brittany. After a brief review of the way lobster stocks are managed worldwide, followed by the major biological and ecological features of red lobster and the state of fisheries in Europe and North Africa, the very poor state of the resource along French coast is borne out by the statistics of landings. Various scenarios (not alternatives) to promote the rebuilding of the biomass are suggested: minimum landing size increase, seasonal closure of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phyllosoma; Iroise; Stock; Rebuilding; Overfishing; Palinurus elephas; Red lobster; Phyllosomes; Iroise; Stock; Reconstitution; Surexploitation; Palinurus elephas; Langouste rouge.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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L'épuisement des ressources : mythe ou réalité ? 5
Forest, Andre.
Following the decision of the European Union to enforce drastic management actions in the fishery sector, there is now a debate on the reality of the overexploitation of the major living resources. This paper firstly provides an overview of the state of the world fishery resources as it is shown by international studies. It then focus on European fisheries which are of interest for the French fleets, including those which are not managed by a TAC and quotas system. Finally, various arguments which are often used to explain the depletion of fishery resources in European waters are examined. We conclude that fishing dominates all other factors with regard to the evolution of marine living resources.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Overexploitation; European fisheries; Fishery resources; Surexploitation; Pêcheries européennes; Ressources halieutiques.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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