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Short-scale temporal variability of physical, biological and biogeochemical processes in the NW Mediterranean Sea: an introduction 5
Andersen, V.; Goutx, M.; Prieur, L.; Dolan, J. R..
In the framework of the PROOF-PECHE project ( a multi-disciplinary team performed experiments and collected samples during the DYNAPROC2 cruise aboard the RV Thalassa from September to October in 2004. The cruise provided data on the functioning of the pelagic food web by sampling over a month long period in the NW Mediterranean Sea at a fixed station subject to weak horizontal advection currents during a period of hydrological stability. This paper describes the background of the cruise and provides an overview of the results derived from the campaign which constitute the special section. The major objective of the cruise was to assess the relative importance and variability of the pathways of carbon in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spring bloom; Zooplankton community; Vertical distribution; Surface layer; Wind events; Bacterial communities; Food web; Transition; Oligotrophy; Abundance.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Validation of Salinity Data from Surface Drifters 5
Reverdin, Gilles; Morisset, S.; Boutin, Jacqueline; Martin, Nicolas; Sena-martins, M.; Gaillard, Fabienne; Blouch, P.; Rolland, J.; Font, J.; Salvador, J.; Fernandez, Pili; Stammer, D..
Salinity measurements from 119 surface drifters in 2007-12 were assessed; 80% [Surface Velocity Program with a barometer with a salinity sensor (SVP-BS)] and 75% [SVP with salinity (SVP-S)] of the salinity data were found to be usable, after editing out some spikes. Sudden salinity jumps are found in drifter salinity records that are not always associated with temperature jumps, in particular in the wet tropics. A method is proposed to decide whether and how to correct those jumps, and the uncertainty in the correction applied. Northeast of South America, in a region influenced by the Amazon plume and fresh coastal water, drifter salinity is very variable, but a comparison with data from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite suggests that this...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Surface observations; Surface layer; Data quality control; Buoy observations.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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