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Expédition OceanoScientific 2016-2017 : Etudes des mesures de température et de salinité de surface ArchiMer
Reynaud, Thierry; Reverdin, Gilles; Metzl, Nicolas; Griboval, Yvan.
The OceanoScientific Programm was initiated in 2006 and yielded the creation of a specific equipment : the OSC-System. The OSC-System measures physical parameters at the air-sea interface including Sea Surface temperature and Salinity. An OSC-System was installed on board of the OceanoScientific Explorer Boogaloo sailing ship. A cruise around the world was initiated the 17/11/2016 and ended 02/06/2017 including 60 days south of 40°S. Sea Surface temperature and salinity collected along this cruise are discussed in this technical report.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mesures; Température; Salinité; Surface; Oceanoscientific; Boogaloo; Antarctique; Temperature; Salinity; SST; SSS; Measurements; Antarctic.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Hygiene of environmental surfaces in a cattle barn CIGR Journal
Hanna-Riitta Kymäläinen; University of Helsinki, Department of Agricultural Sciences; Risto Kuisma; University of Helsinki, Department of Agricultural Sciences.
Microbiological dipslides are widely used e.g. in food production facilities for HACCP (hazard analysis & critical control points) measurements and hygiene monitoring surveys, as well as for other cleanability studies.  In this study the suitability of microbiological dipslide methods to measure the hygiene level of the environmental surfaces in a cattle barn was tested.  A total of 1112 measurements were carried out during five measurement days.  When evaluating the rooms by combining the results of the individual sampling sites and different dipslide types (total microbes, enterobacteria and β-glucuronidase-positive organisms, yeasts and moulds), the corridor and personnel rooms had the highest hygiene status.  The office and personnel kitchen and...
Palavras-chave: Cattle; Barn; Environment; Surface; Hygiene; Measurement.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Hygiene of environmental surfaces in a cattle barn CIGR Journal
Kymäläinen, Hanna-Riitta; Kuisma, Risto.
Microbiological dipslides are widely used e.g. in food production facilities for HACCP (hazard analysis & critical control points) measurements and hygiene monitoring surveys, as well as for other cleanability studies.  In this study the suitability of microbiological dipslide methods to measure the hygiene level of the environmental surfaces in a cattle barn was tested.  A total of 1112 measurements were carried out during five measurement days.  When evaluating the rooms by combining the results of the individual sampling sites and different dipslide types (total microbes, enterobacteria and β-glucuronidase-positive organisms, yeasts and moulds), the corridor and personnel rooms had the highest hygiene status.  The office and personnel kitchen and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cattle; Barn; Environment; Surface; Hygiene; Measurement.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Sporothrix schenckii in a hospital and home environment in the city of Pelotas/RS - Brazil Anais da ABC (AABC)
Mattei,Antonella S.; Madrid,Isabel M.; Santin,Rosema; Silva,Franklin V.; Carapeto,Luiz P.; Meireles,Mário C.A..
This study describes the isolation of S. schenckii in hospital and home environments in Brazil. Samples were collected from surfaces of a veterinary service place and at home. S. schenckii was detected in 1.5% of the samples from the hospital environment. However, this fungus was isolated from all sampled areas in home environments. The isolation of S. schenckii deonstrates that these surfaces could act as infection sources to anials and huans. Therefore, employees and pet owners could be exposed to this agent, and the contamination, through surfaces, could occur through the traumatic inoculation of the fungus or by direct contact with pre-existing lesions.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environment; Disinfection; Sporothrix schenckii; Surface.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The biomass production and nutrient content of roselle leaves grown with poultry litter and Organosuper® - doi: 10.4025/actasciagron.v34i2.12754 Agronomy
Ramos, Diovany Doffinger; Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados; Vieira, Maria do Carmo; Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados; Zarate, Néstor Antonio Heredia; Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados; Carnevali, Thiago de Oliveira; Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados; Souza, Natália Hilgert de; Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados; Luciano, André Trento; Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of poultry litter and Organosuper® with three modes of application on the biomass production and nutrient content of the leaves of roselle plants. The treatments in each crop cycle were in a factorial arrangement, 2 x 3 + 1, composed of a control and combinations of the two organic fertilizers (poultry litter (10 ton. ha-1) and Organosuper® (10 ton. ha-1) and the three application modes (surface, incorporated and surface + incorporated), in a randomized block design with four replicates. In the surface + incorporated mode, the organic fertilizers were applied as 5 ton. ha-1 surface and 5 ton. ha-1 incorporated. The highest productions of fresh and dry weight and number of calyxes were obtained for...
Tipo: Pesquisa de Campo Palavras-chave: Hibiscus sabdariffa; Organic fertilizer; Surface; Incorporated Fitotecnia.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Two years of nitrogen and sulfur fertilizations in a signal grass pasture under degradation: changes in the root system R. Bras. Zootec.
Silveira,Cristiane Prezotto; Oliveira,Daniela Alves de; Bonfim-Silva,Edna Maria; Monteiro,Francisco Antonio.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of combinations of nitrogen and sulfur rates in degraded signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens) pasture on their productive, morphological and nutritional attributes in the root system at four soil depths. The pasture used in the experiment was established over eight years ago in Entisol. Five nitrogen rates (0; 150; 300; 450 and 600 kg/ha/year) and five sulfur rates (0; 15; 30; 45 and 60 kg/ha/year) were combined in a fractionated factorial in a randomized block design, with three replications. Nitrogen was supplied as ammonium nitrate and sulfur as gypsum, and the rates were split into three times in the rainy season. The evaluations occurred at intervals of 35 days during the rainy season and 56...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brachiaria decumbens; Dry mass; Length; Nitrogen concentration; Surface.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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