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Adhesion and biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus from food processing plants as affected by growth medium, surface type and incubation temperature 60
Jerônimo,Heloísa Maria Ângelo; Queiroga,Rita de Cássia Ramos do Egypto; Costa,Ana Caroliny Vieira da; Barbosa,Isabella de Medeiros; Conceição,Maria Lúcia da; Souza,Evandro Leite de.
This study assessed the effect of different growth media [BHI broth, BHI broth plus glucose (10 g/100 mL) and BHI broth plus NaCl (5 g/100 mL)] and incubation temperatures (28 or 37 ºC) on the adherence, detachment and biofilm formation on polypropylene and stainless steel surfaces (2 x 2 cm coupons) for a prolonged period (24-72 h) by some strains of Staphylococcus aureus (S3, S28 and S54) from food processing plants. The efficacy of the sanitizers sodium hypochlorite (250 mg/mL) and peracetic acid (30 mg/mL) in reducing the number of viable bacterial cells in a preformed biofilm was also evaluated. S. aureus strains adhered in highest numbers in BHI broth, regardless of the type of surface or incubation temperature. Cell detachment from surfaces revealed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Staphylococcus aureus/food processing; Biofilm; Surfaces; Sanitizers/efficacy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Interactions between cationic liposomes and drugs or biomolecules 42
Multiple uses for synthetic cationic liposomes composed of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) bilayer vesicles are presented. Drugs or biomolecules can be solubilized or incorporated in the cationic bilayers. The cationic liposomes themselves can act as antimicrobial agents causing death of bacteria and fungi at concentrations that barely affect mammalian cells in culture. Silica particles or polystyrene microspheres can be functionalized by coverage with DODAB bilayers or phospholipid monolayers. Negatively charged antigenic proteins can be carried by the cationic liposomes which generate a remarkable immunoadjuvant action. Nucleotides or DNA can be physically adsorbed to the cationic liposomes to be transferred to mammalian cells for gene...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Interactions; Dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide; Phospholipids; Liposomes; Drugs; Surfaces.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Methods for microbial biomass, community structure and metabolic activities on surfaces. 5
White, D.
Microbes in nature are often concentrated on surfaces where they exist in microcolonies of mixed composition. The assay of these mixed microbial consortia by utilizing biochemical components eliminates the problems associated with cultural selectivity of viable counts or the requirement for quantitative release from surfaces required in some microscopic techniques. The assay of cellular components restricted to subsets of the microbial community gives insights into the community structure of the biofilm whereas assay of cellular components common to all cells can be used for biomass estimations. Formation of endogenous storage materials can be utilized as measures of nutritional status and rates of formation or turnover of specific "signatures" from...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bacteria; Fouling; Bioassays; Metabolism; Surfaces; Bacteria collecting devices; Culture media; Microbiological analysis.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Persistence of Arcobacter butzleri CCUG 30484 on plastic, stainless steel and glass surfaces 58
Cervenka,Libor; Kristlova,Jana; Peskova,Iva; Vytrasova,Jarmila; Pejchalova,Marcela; Brozkova,Iveta.
The persistence of A. butzleri CCUG 30484 on various surfaces under 32% and 64% relative humidity suspended in physiological saline or nutrient broth to simulate relatively clean or soiled conditions was studied using various isolation techniques. Our study revealed that A. butzleri CCUG 30484 cells were able to survive for a considerable period of time, even after the droplet of suspending medium has been visibly dried. An extended survival on polypropylene coupons at both humidity levels was observed, particularly at soiled conditions.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Arcobacter butzleri; Surfaces; Persistence.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Salmonella Enteritidis forms biofilm under low temperatures on different food industry surfaces 65
Webber,Bruna; Oliveira,Amauri Picollo de; Pottker,Emanuele Serro; Daroit,Luciane; Levandowski,Rafael; Santos,Luciana Ruschel dos; Nascimento,Vladimir Pinheiro do; Rodrigues,Laura Beatriz.
ABSTRACT: We evaluated the influence of temperature on the ability of Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) to form biofilms on stainless steel, polyethylene, and polyurethane surfaces under different hygiene procedures. These materials were placed on SE culture and incubated at 42±1 ºC, 36±1 ºC, 25±1 ºC, 9±1 ºC, and 3±1 ºC for 4, 8, 12, and 24 h. Hot water at 45 ºC and 85 ºC, 0.5% peracetic acid solution, and 1% quaternary ammonia were used for hygienization. Biofilm formation occurred at all temperatures evaluated, highlighting at 3 ºC which has not been reported as an ideal temperature for the adhesion of SE to these materials. The SE adhered more often to polyethylene surfaces than to polyurethane and stainless steel surfaces (P<0.05). Peracetic acid and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Salmonella Enteritidis; Biofilms; Surfaces; Hygiene procedures; Food microbiology.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Validation of EN ISO method 15216-Part 1-Quantification of hepatitis A virus and norovirus in food matrices 5
Lowther, J. A.; Bosch, A.; Butot, S.; Ollivier, Joanna; Maede, D.; Rutjes, S. A.; Hardouin, G.; Lombard, B.; In'T Veld, P.; Leclercq, A..
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and norovirus are important agents of food-borne human viral illness, with common vehicles including bivalve molluscan shellfish, soft fruit and various vegetables. Outbreaks of viral illness due to contamination of the surfaces of foods, or food preparation surfaces by for example infected food handlers are also common. Virus analysis of food matrices can contribute towards risk management for these hazards and a two-part technical specification for determination of Hepatitis A virus and norovirus in food matrices (ISO/TS 15216:2013) was published jointly by the European Committee for Standardisation and the International Organization for Standardization in 2013. As part of the European Mandate No. M381 to validate 15 standards in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Norovirus; Hepatitis A virus; Real-time RT-PCR; Validation; Standardization; Bivalve molluscan shellfish; Soft fruit; Vegetables; Bottled water; Surfaces.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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