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Análise de sustentabilidade dos beneficiados do Programa Cédula da Terra no município de Sobral, estado do Ceará 31
Parente, Thiago Dias; Tabosa, Francisco Jose Silva; Mayorga, Fernando Daniel de Oliveira; Oliveira, Silvando Carmo de.
The objective of this study is examining the sustainability of settlements of the Cedula da Terra Program, in the municipality of Sobral. For this, was prepared an index of Sustainability (IS) whereas different variables representing economic and social development, social capital and environmental settlements. It is based on studies undertaken by Barreto, Khan and Lima (2005). The results showed an high level of Sustainability for Macapa and average level of Sustainability for the São João and Picada
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Sustainable Development; Cédula da Terra Program; Sobral; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Analysing Regional Sustainability Through a Systemic Approach: The Lombardy Case Study 31
Caratti, Pietro; Ferraguto, Ludovico.
The intrinsic complexity of the sustainability concept challenges research towards more sophisticated ways to model and assess the dimensions underlying it. However, currently adopted modelling techniques and indicators frameworks are not able to give an integrated assessment through the different components of sustainability, providing incomplete visuals of the reality that they aim to catch. This paper tries to assess how the INSURE methodology can provide a contribution in the analysis of sustainability through indicator frameworks, describing its application to the Lombardy region (Italy). Developed on the course of a 6th European Framework Program – financed project to measure sustainability in the European regions, the methodology provides two...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Sustainable Development; Regional Economics; Econometric and Input Output Models; Development Planning and Policy; Regional Analyses; Q01; R; R15; O2; O18.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Aquaculture, Environmental Spillovers and Sustainable Developments: Links and Policy Choices 31
Tisdell, Clement A..
Although aquaculture has been practised for many centuries, it was in the past on quite a modest scale and limited to a few species e.g. carp. However, in recent decades, aquaculture has shown very rapid expansion. This is partly because catches of wild fish have expanded at a slower rate than demand and many new scientific and technological advances have been made in aquaculture. Furthermore, by the mid-1990s evidence available to scientists indicated that catches of wild fish had either reached, nearly reached or even exceeded their sustainable limits (Williams, 1997). Consequently, according to Meryl Williams (1997, p.18), Director of ICLARM, now “aquaculture is the major, though not sole hope, for improving the world’s fish production”. Aquaculture,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Environmental Spillovers; Sustainable Development; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Diseno de un indice sintetico de desarrollo sostenible y aplicacion a la Union Europea 31
Laxe, Fernando I. Gonzalez; Palmero, Federico G. Martin.
En el presente artículo se establecen las bases metodológicas y se diseña un índice sintético global de desarrollo sostenible que cumple tres condiciones: se adapta a los principios de Presión – Estado – Respuesta, adopta los mandatos de la Agenda 21 Local y se adecua a los cuatro componentes o dimensiones básicas de la sostenibilidad: institucional, medioambiental, económica y social. A partir de dicha metodología se construye el índice sintético sobre el cómputo de 78 variables, 37 subindicadores y 13 indicadores, agrupados éstos en las cuatro dimensiones citadas para, a continuación, proceder a su aplicación a los países de la UE. Palabras clave: Recursos Naturales, Medio Ambiente, Desarrollo Sostenible, Unión Europea. SUMMARY This article...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Natural Resources; Environment; Sustainable Development; European Union; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Q5; R1.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Energy-Based Economic Development: Mapping the Developing Country Context 31
Carley, Sanya; Desai, Sameeksha; Bazilian, Morgan.
Energy-based economic development (EBED) can provide economic, social and environmental benefits related to national economic development and sustainable growth activities. As both policy and research interests in responsible mechanisms for economic development grow, EBED benefits are becoming increasingly attractive to planners in both developed and developing countries. The incentives, trade-offs, and payoffs for developing countries, however, are not well documented. To help address that gap, this paper identifies the general scope and role of EBED in a developing economy context, and outlines opportunities and challenges for decision-makers.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Economic Development; Energy; Developing Countries; Sustainable Development; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; O10; O13; O21; Q48.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Coronel, Daniel Arruda; Silva, Jose Maria Alves da.
The objective of this article is to weave hermeneutic considerations and philosophies concerning ethics, economy and climate, with a specific focus on the relationship between Kant's categorical imperative and the question of improved sustainability. The economic perspective of Georgescu-Roegen has been considered, to this end. Although economy, ethics and biology constitute distinct fields of specialization, this work seeks to show reasons for which this perspective could be seen as an intersection between the three disciplines. The article concludes with the message of Georgescu-Roegan, held in his saying “minimal bioeconomic program” in accordance with the fundamental precepts of the Kantian ethics, in respect to the question of sustainability.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Ethics; Sustainable Development; Kant's; Georgescu-Roegen; Bioeconomy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Political Economy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Globalisation, WTO and Sustainable Development 31
Tisdell, Clement A..
This overview is divided into two main sections. The first sections reviews the literature on the impact of economic globalisation (involving of liberalisation of international trade and investment) on the state of the environment and sustainable development. While the WTO and Bretton Woods institutions believe that this impact can be expected to be favourable, divergent rational views can be found in the economics literature. A review of the relevant literature reveals that the situation is far from being black-and-white – there are grounds for rational doubt not withstanding the use of Environmental Kuznet’s curves, which on the surface seem to provide grounds for optimism. The second main section dealt with the attitude and policies pursued by GATT-WTO...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: WTO; Sustainable Development; Globalisation; Trade investment; Resource and environmental conservation; Environmental Economics and Policy; International Relations/Trade; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Jagger, Pamela; Pender, John L..
The government of Uganda is currently decentralizing many of its services including those directly related to agriculture and the environment. Non-government organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) are being asked to take the lead in the provision of government services such as agricultural extension during the transition to demand driven fee-for-service. This paper explores the role of government programs, NGOs and CBOs in the adoption of land management technologies. We find that government programs were better distributed throughout Uganda and were more likely to operate in poorer areas than NGOs and CBOs. This raises the question of whether or not incentives should be provided for NGOs and CBOs to locate or evolve in...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Community-Based Organization; Decentralization; Land Management; Non-Government Organization; Sustainable Development; Uganda; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Pereira, Marcio De Araujo; Tredezini, Cicero Antonio Oliveira; Lima, Deise Guadalupe.
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as implicações sociais, econômicas e ambientais resultantes da criação do Parque Nacional da Serra da Bodoquena para a comunidade de assentados do Projeto de Assentamento Canaã, verificando-se empiricamente a ação da presença de uma unidade de conservação federal do porte de um Parque Nacional na dinâmica de um assentamento. Metodologicamente o estudo baseou-se nas três dimensões do Desenvolvimento Sustentável propostos pela World Comission on Environmental Development - WCED (1987): Sociedade, Economia e Meio Ambiente, desmembrados em fatores ou critérios de sustentabilidade propostos por Altieri (1989) acrescidos ainda da metodologia para análise de sustentabilidade apresentada por Fernandez (1995). No transcorrer...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Assentamentos Rurais; Agricultura familiar; Unidades de Conservação; Parques Nacionais; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Rural Settlements; Familiar Agriculture; Conservartion Units; National Parks; Sustainable Development; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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PAGANDO PELOS SERVIÇOS AMBIENTAIS Uma proposta para a Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes 31
Maciel, Raimundo Claudio Gomes; Sales, Gardenia De Oliveira; Costa, Jeisa Aciole Da.
Sabe-se que o processo de ocupação econômica, pós-1970, foi extremamente prejudicial ao meio ambiente e às populações tradicionais da região Amazônica, persistindo ainda hoje as imensas dificuldades de reprodução das famílias no interior da floresta. Um dos principais desafios na busca de um Desenvolvimento Sustentável é a viabilização do desempenho econômico das unidades produtivas, a partir dos produtos florestais não madeireiros (PFNM), e, conseqüentemente, da reprodução social dessa população. Objetiva-se no presente estudo propor uma alternativa factível de pagamento pelos serviços ambientais (PSA) promovidos pelas comunidades extrativistas, há mais de um século. Para tanto, busca-se, inicialmente, realizar uma avaliação sócio-econômica da produção...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Reserva Extrativista (RESEX); Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Produção Familiar Rural; Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais (PSA); Extractives Reserves (RESEX); Sustainable Development; Rural Family Production; Payment for the Environmental Services (PSA); International Development.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Pollution and the Efficiency of Urban Growth 31
Quaas, Martin F.; Smulders, Sjak.
We analyze the efficiency of urbanization patterns in a dynamic model of endogenous urban growth with two sectors of production. Production exhibits increasing returns to scale on aggregate. Urban environmental pollution, as a force that discourages agglomeration, is caused by domestic production. We show that cities are too large and too few in number in equilibrium, compared to the efficient urbanization path, if economic growth implies increasing aggregate emissions. If, on the other hand, production becomes cleaner over time (`quality growth') the urbanization path approximates the efficient outcome after finite time.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Cities; Urbanisation; Pollution; Growth; Migration; Sustainable Development; Environmental Economics and Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Q56; R12; O18.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Sustainability Issues and Socio-Economic Change in the Jingpo Communities of China: Governance, Culture and Land Rights 31
Zhuge, Ren; Tisdell, Clement A..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: China; Land-Use; Sustainable Development; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Sustainable Development and Environmental Conservation: Major Regional Issues with Asian Illustrations 31
Tisdell, Clement A..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental Conservation; Sustainable Development; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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The Economic Costs and Benefits of Investments in Municipal Water and Sanitation Infrastructure: A Global Perspective 31
Whittington, Dale; Hanemann, W. Michael.
This paper presents illustrative estimates of the costs and benefits of investments in municipal water and sanitation systems in developing countries. Four sources of information on the economic benefits households receive from improved municipal water and sanitation services are reviewed: (1) prices charged for vended water, (2) avertive expenditures, (3) avoided costs of illness, and (4) stated preference studies. There is little evidence to suggest that the current monthly benefits of improved water and sanitation services exceed the monthly costs. The most important limitation of such comparisons of annual costs and benefits is that benefits per household may well grow over the life of the investments, but this possibility does not ensure that such...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Sustainable Development; Renewable Resources; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; O13; Q25; H40; N50.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The European Emission Trading Scheme and Renewable Energy Policies: Credible Targets for Incredible Results? 31
Borghesi, Simone.
This paper discusses the merits and limits of the recent European energy policy aimed at reducing carbon emissions, devoting particular attention to the European Trading System of carbon permits and to the measures that the European Union has adopted to promote renewable energy sources. From the comparison of past goals and present results, it is argued that more credible targets for carbon emission reductions and renewable shares would probably help the transition towards an alternative energy system and the necessary reduction of greenhouse gases.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Pollution; Sustainable Development; Climate Change; Fossil Fuels; Energy Policy; European Union; European Trading System (ETS); Cap-And-Trade; Renewable Energy Sources; Credibility; Environmental Economics and Policy; L11; Q28; Q38; Q42; Q43; Q48.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The Winnipeg Principles, WTO and Sustainable Development; Proposed Principles for Reconciling Trade and the Environment 31
Tisdell, Clement A..
There is a widespread belief that the WTO has made virtually no concessions to environmentalists about their concerns arising from free trade and the process of globalisation. There are concerns that these processes may undermine prospects for sustainable development. Following the United Nations conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the International Institute for Sustainable Development was established to advocate policies to support sustainable development within Canada and globally. In 1994, it proposed the Winnipeg Principles as a means for reconciling international trade and development so as to achieve sustainable development. These seven principles are outlined in this article and assessed. Although the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: WTO; Sustainable Development; Winnipeg Principles; China; Environmental Economics and Policy; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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