Registros recuperados: 17 | |
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Kometter, Roberto F; Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; kometter@lamolina01.lamolina.edu.pe; Martinez, Martha; Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, Conservation International; m.martinez@conservation.org; Blundell, Arthur G; EGAT Forest Team, USAID; art.blundell@alum.dartmouth.org; Gullison, Raymond E; Hardner & Gullison Associates; ted@hg-llc.com; Steininger, Marc K; Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, Conservation International; m.steininger@conservation.org; Rice, Richard E; Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, Conservation International; d.rice@conservation.org. |
Although bigleaf mahogany [Swietenia macrophylla King (Meliaceae)] is the premier timber species of Latin America, its exploitation is unsustainable because of a pattern of local depletion and shifting supply. We surveyed experts on the status of mahogany in Bolivia and Peru, the world's past and present largest exporters. Bolivia no longer has commercially viable mahogany (trees > 60 cm diameter at breast height) across 79% of its range. In Peru, mahogany's range has shrunk by 50%, and, within a decade, a further 28% will be logged out. Approximately 15% of the mahogany range in these two countries is protected, but low densities and illegal logging mean that this overestimates the extent of mahogany under protection. The international community... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports |
Palavras-chave: Bolivia; Latin America; Peru; Expert survey; Forest conservation; Forest inventories; Forest regeneration; Mahogany; Protected areas; Questionnaire; Range; Sustainable forestry. |
Ano: 2004 |
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BRAZ, E. M.; OLIVEIRA, M. V. N. d'.; ARAUJO, H. J. B. de; MIRANDA, E. M. de. |
A exploração florestal convencional infelizmente tem objetivos de curto prazo. O resultado final é uma diminuição da área útil de manejo com possibilidades de regeneração. Normas que contemplam uma intervenção de baixo impacto, em povoamento de floresta nativa, podem garantir uma maior certeza na sustentabilidade do manejo florestal. Os objetivos principais deste trabalho são lembrar e sugerir uma série de procedimentos de forma organizada que possibilite o manejo florestal de baixo impacto, em determinada área, de forma financeiramente viável e monitorada. O menor dano ambiental, aliado aos baixos custos, é fundamental para a viabilidade do manejo florestal. |
Tipo: Folhetos |
Palavras-chave: Manejo florestal de baixo impacto; Explotación forestal; Silvicultura sustentable; Mejores prácticas de administración; Bosques tropicales; Extração da madeira; Floresta tropical; Administração florestal; Exploração florestal; Impacto ambiental; Sustainable forestry; Best management practices; Logging; Tropical forests. |
Ano: 1998 |
URL: http://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/492857 |
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Bergeron, Yves; Universite du Quebec a Montreal; bergeron.yves@uqam.ca; Richard, Pierre J.H.; ; richard@ere.umontreal.ca; Carcaillet, Christopher; ; carcailc@MAGELLAN.UMontreal.CA; Gauthier, Sylvie; ; sgauthier@cfl.forestry.ca; Flannigan, Mike; Canadian Forest Service; mflannigan@nofc.forestry.ca; Prairie, Yves T; ; prairie.yves@uqam.ca. |
Because some consequences of fire resemble the effects of industrial forest harvesting, forest management is often considered as a disturbance having effects similar to those of natural disturbances. Although the analogy between forest management and fire disturbance in boreal ecosystems has some merit, it is important to recognize that it has limitations. First, normal forest rotations truncate the natural forest stand age distribution and eliminate over-mature forests from the landscape. Second, in the boreal mixedwoods, natural forest dynamics following fire may involve a gradual replacement of stands of intolerant broadleaf species by mixedwood and then softwood stands, whereas current silvicultural practices promote successive rotations of similarly... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports |
Palavras-chave: Fire regime; Boreal forest; Mixedwood; Holocene vegetation; Sustainable forestry; Management for biodiversity.. |
Ano: 1998 |
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Registros recuperados: 17 | |