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A indústria de lâminas e compensados no contexto madeireiro da floresta amazônica brasileira. 14
AGUIAR, O. J. R. de.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Indústria madeireira; Manejo sustentado; Venner; Timber industry; Sustainable management; Reflorestation; Floresta Tropical; Reflorestamento; Plywood; Tropical forests.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Accords de pêche UE-Sénégal et commerce international Respect des réglementations internationales, gestion durable des ressources et sécurité alimentaire 20
Dahou, K.; Dème, M..
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Fishery regulations; Fishery economics; Fishery management; Food security; Sustainable management; Food safety; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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An Economic Analysis to Sustainable Fisheries Management 20
Lokina, R.B..
The coastal zone is a dynamic area surrounding the interface between land and sea. The coastal area and its resources offer great benefits and opportunities for human use. Most coastal activities in Tanzania rely on the natural resources that the coast offers (fishing, forestry, agriculture, tourism, mining, salt production mariculture etc). Therefore the condition of the coastal ecosystem and social well being are closely linked. The challenge is to maintain and improve the resources base on which those activities are dependent, while developing new economic opportunities in a way that benefits the people of the coast and the nation as a whole. A major constraint is the inadequate institution and legal framework for coastal management. Economics is about...
Tipo: Conference Material Palavras-chave: Maximum economic yield; Open access equilibrium; Efficiency; Artisan fisheries; Maximum sustainable yield; Bioeconomic model; Sustainable fishing; Sustainable management.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Bark Harvesting Systems of Drimys brasiliensis Miers in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest 42
Drimys brasiliensis Miers, locally known as cataia or casca-de-anta, is a native tree species of the Atlantic Rainforest. Its bark is harvested from natural populations. This study examined the recovery capacity of the bark of D. brasiliensis under different bark harvesting methods, as well as the influence of these approaches on its population dynamics and reproductive biology. While none of these treatments resulted in changes in phenological behavior or the rate of increase of diameter at breast height and tree height, the removal of wider bark strips resulted in lower rates of bark recovery and higher rates of insect attack and diseases. Accordingly, the results recommend using strips of bark 2 cm wide and 2 m long, with 4 cm between strips, for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bark harvesting; Medicinal plant; Sustainable management; Drimys brasiliensis; Insect attack.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Cambio climático, sustentabilidad y gobernanza 20
Piñeiro, R.; Areces, J. A.; Salinas, E..
L as transformaciones del ambiente han acelerado a tiempos ecológicos los cambios que de otra manera tendrían lugar en lapsos de escala geológica; ello ha iniciado la era conocida por diversos especialistas como Antropoceno. 1 La crisis global asociada a esta situación ha dado lugar al surgimiento en la comunidad científica de una plataforma conceptual, no por consistente menos debatida, sobre el signifcado y las dimensiones de la sustentabilidad. En dicha plataforma adquieren espacio teorizaciones acerca de los ecosistemas,la economía ambiental,la geografía,la sociología y la ciencia cívica.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Environmental conditions; Climatic changes; Sustainability; Sustainable management; Environment management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Convention locale pour une gestion durable des ressources halieutiques dans la zone de Toubacouta (contraintes et solutions) 20
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Fisheries resources; Sustainable management; Mollusc fisheries; Security; Fishery conflicts; Mangrove swamps; Fisheries regulations.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Dinámica de la metapoblación de almeja panopea Panopea abbreviata en los golfos norpatagónicos 20
Zaidman, P.C..
Panopea abbreviata es el molusco bivalvo infaunal de mayor tamaño del Mar Argentino. Se distribuye desde Río de Janeiro (Brasil) hasta la Patagonia Argentina. En los golfos San Matías (GSM) y San José (GSJ), conforma una metapoblación que presenta una distribución discontinua, formada por una serie de poblaciones ubicadas a lo largo de las costas.Es el bivalvo más longevo explotado en el Atlántico Sur. En el GSM su pesquería comenzó en el año 2000 y, si bien la misma es incipiente, debido a las características biológico-poblacionales de P. abbreviata es un recurso que requiere de un manejo precautorio. Excepto por estudios preliminares sobre el crecimiento y el ciclo reproductivo, no se contaba con la información básica para manejo. El objetivo general del...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fishery biology; Marine molluscs; Population dynamics; Sustainable management; Age; Growth; Mortality rate; Recruitment; Population structure; Spatial variations; Sex composition; Reproductive cycle; Histology; Environmental conditions.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Eléments de synthèse tirés du séminaire : propositions de stratégies pour mieux concilier aménagement et maintien d'un fonctionnement naturel des estuaires 5
Auger, Christian.
The national work seminary on the natural and artificial evolution of French estuaries was organised on the 26th and 27th of November 1997 by the GIP Hydrosystems and the Ministry of Land Settlement and Environment. Its aim was to summarize the needs of the different actors and users of the French estuaries in terms of protection of the areas of biological interest, and to develop a guideline for the strategies to adopt in order to better manage the estuaries, taking into account the environmental needs as well as those for an economic development.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sustainable management; Administration; Action plans; Environment; Improvement; Protection; Areas of ecological interest; Estuaries; Gestion durable; Administration; Plans d'action; Environnement; Aménagements; Protection; Zones d'intérêt écologique; Estuaires.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Fruits of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: allying biodiversity conservation and food security 42
Abstract Supplying food to growing human populations without depleting natural resources is a challenge for modern human societies. Considering this, the present study has addressed the use of native arboreal species as sources of food for rural populations in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The aim was to reveal species composition of edible plants, as well as to evaluate the practices used to manage and conserve them. Ethnobotanical indices show the importance of many native trees as local sources of fruits while highlighting the preponderance of the Myrtaceae family. Conservation analysis allowed to identify Campomanesia hirsuta Gardner and Plinia edulis (Vell.) Sobral as being of high Biological Value and Conservation Priority. In spite of that, the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agrodiversity; Myrtaceae; Native species; Quantitative ethnobotany; Sustainable management.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Improving Harvesting Techniques to Ensure Sphagnum Regeneration in Chilean Peatlands 117
Diaz,Maria F; Silva,Wladimir.
Sphagnum species, primarily Sphagnum magellanicum Brid., are used internationally as a substrate for horticulture. Market demands have promoted indiscriminate exploitation leading to a number of potentially negative ecological and social consequences, including disruption of Sphagnum ecosystems, changes in water storage capacity of moss wetlands affecting water supply to rural communities and reduction of biodiversity. This study proposes improvements in harvesting techniques to ensure moss regeneration and promote sustainability of moss cover in harvested areas. The aim of this study was to determine the maximum harvesting depth for moss regeneration. Samples were taken and divided into sections associated with different depths. We recorded and marked the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Sphagnum moss; Sustainable management; Wetlands.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Inventário diagnóstico da regeneração natural da vegetação em área da Floresta Nacional do Tapajós. 14
CARVALHO, J. O. P. de.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Manejo sustentado; Floresta Nacional do Tapajos; Brasil; Sustainable management; Inventory; Inventário; Regeneração Natural; Amazonia; Natural regeneration.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Is a management framework based on spawning-stock biomass indicators sustainable ? A viability approach 5
De Lara, Michel; Doyen, Luc; Guilbaud, Therese; Rochet, Marie-joelle.
Fisheries management agencies have to drive resources on sustainable paths, i.e. within defined boundaries for an indefinite time. The viable-control approach is proposed as a relevant method to deal with sustainability. We analyse the ICES precautionary approach (PA) by means of the notion of viability domain, and provide a mathematical test for sustainability. It is found that the PA based on spawning-stock biomass (SSB) and fishing mortality (F) indicators is sustainable only when recruits make a significant contribution to SSB. In this case, advice based upon SSB, with an appropriate reference point, is sufficient to ensure sustainability. In all other cases, SSB is not a sufficient metric of stock productivity and must be complemented with other...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Viability; Sustainable management; Indicators; ICES precautionary approach.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Manejo de florestas naturais do trópico úmido com referência especial à Floresta Nacional do Tapajós no Estado do Pará. 14
CARVALHO, J. O. P. de; SILVA, J. N. M.; LOPES, J. do C. A.; COSTA, H. B. da.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Floresta natural; Manejo sustentado; Floresta Nacional do Tapajós; Pará; Brasil; Natural forest; Sustainable management; Production; Madeira; Produção; Amazonia; Wood.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Phytostabilization of massive mine wastes with native phytogenetic resources: potential for sustainable use and conservation of the native flora in north-central Chile 118
Orchard,Cristina; León-Lobos,Pedro; Ginocchio,Rosanna.
The mining industry has left an important legacy of inadequately abandoned tailing storage facilities (TSFs) in the north-central area of Chile, and they may pose environmental risks. The Chilean government has recently established new regulations governing the closure of TSFs, and these regulations favor the use of environmentally sustainable technologies. Among these technologies is phytostabilization, which can use native plant species that may also have economic and/or subsistence value. Phytostabilization programs based on sustainably maintained native species could also contribute to the conservation of both local flora and regional ecosystems in north-central Chile. The main objective of this study was to use the Coquimbo region as a case study area...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Mine tailings; Mining; Natural resources; Rehabilitation; Sustainable management; Valuation of natural resources.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Pindo Palm fruit yield and its relationship with edaphic factors in natural populations in Rio Grande do Sul 65
Schlindwein,Gilson; Tonietto,Adilson; Abichequer,André Dabdab; Azambuja,Augusto Cruz de; Lisboa,Bruno Brito; Vargas,Luciano Kayser.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the fruit yield of naturally occurring populations of Pindo palms ( Butia odorata ) in different habitats and agricultural ecosystems. Three areas were selected in the municipalities of Barra do Ribeiro, Tapes and Arambaré, all of which are located on the Litoral Médio in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Eleven 25x100m² plots were selected in the aforementioned areas, and fruit yield was evaluated in the 2008 and 2009 seasons. Chemical conditions of the soil in each plot, elevation of terrain, height, and density of the reproductive Pindo palms were also assessed. Data analysis revealed a strong correlation between the edaphic conditions and the yield from the Pindo palms. Tapes Pindo palms...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Butia odorata; Arecaceae; Chemical characteristics of the soil fruit yield; Sustainable management.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Princípios básicos para a produção sustentável de bovinos de corte no Pantanal. 14
Manejo nutricional e das pastagens; Manejo produtivo e reprodutivo; Seleção e melhoramento; Comercialização e marketing do produto.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Sustentabilidade; Manejo sustentável; Agroecossistemas; Tecnologia de processos; Production; Sustainability; Bovine; Sustainable management; Process of technology; Bovino; Gado de Corte; Produção; Agroecosystems; Pantanal; Dairy cattle.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Priority Areas for Establishing National Forests in the Brazilian Amazon 7
Brazil will benefit if it gains control of its vast Amazonian timber resources. Without immediate planning, the fate of much of the Amazon will be decided by predatory and largely unregulated timber interests. Logging in the Amazon is a transient process of natural resource mining. Older logging frontiers are being exhausted of timber resources and will face severe wood shortages within 5 yr. The Brazilian government can avoid the continued repetition of this process in frontier areas by establishing a network of National Forests (Florestas Nacionais or Flonas) to stabilize the timber industry and simultaneously protect large tracts of forest. Flonas currently comprise less than 2% of the Brazilian Amazon (83,000 km2). If all these forests were used for...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Amazon; Brazil; GIS model; Conservation; Logging; National forest; Production forest; Sustainable management; Tropical forest.
Ano: 2002
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Support to marine research for sustainable management of marine and coastal resources in the Western Indian Ocian 20
Francis, J.; Berg, H.; Souter, P..
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Sustainable management; Marine sciences; Marine resources.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership: Guidlines for District Integrated Coastal Management Planning 20
The guidelines for District ICM Planning are intended to provide guidance to Tanzanian district governments in preparing action plans for sustainable management of their coastal resources.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Sustainable management; Coastal zone management; Environment management; Resource management.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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