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Campagnes expérimentales de chalutage en Manche orientale. Les campagnes C.G.F.S. 1997 & 1998 5
Carpentier, Andre; Coppin, Franck.
lfremer carries out a yearly bottom trawl survey named Channel Ground Fish Survey (CGFS) in order to collect essential biological data on major exploited fish species in the Eastern Channel. These data are also provided to feed the indispensable historie series to the yearly assessment of resources. This report presents results of the CGFS surveys for 1997 and 1998, under two aspects: a multispecific approach of the biological assemblages and integrating an interannual analysis, then a monospecific analysis of 7 species of commercial interest, as whiting, pout, cod, red gurnard, plaice, black bream, red mullet. OCR NOT CONTROLLED
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aspitrigla cuculus; Grondin rouge; Gadus morhua; Morue; Trisopterus luscus; Tacaud; Merlangius merlangus; Merlan; Multi espèces; Cartographie; Répartition; Abondance; Distribution; Manche orientale; Chalutage; Campagne; Plaice; Aspilngla cuculus; Red gurnard; Gadus morhua; Cod; Trisopterus luscus; Pout; Merlangius merlangus; Whiting; Multispecies; Cartography; Abundance; Distribution; Eastern Channel; Trawling; Survey.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Campagnes expérimentales de chalutage en mer du Nord et Manche orientale. Volume II. Les campagnes C.G.F.S. 1997 & 1998 5
Carpentier, André; Coppin, Franck.
Ifremer carries out a yearly bottom trawl survey named Channel Ground Fish Survey (CGFS) in order to collect essential biological data on major exploited fish species in the Eastern Channel. These data are also provided to feed the indispensable historic series to the yearly assessment of resources. This report presents results of the CGFS surveys for 1997 and 1998, under two aspects : a multispecific approach of the biological assemblages and integrating an interannual analysis, then a monospecific analysis of 7 species of commercial interest, as whiting, pout, cod, red gurnard, plaice, black bream, red mullet.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Campagne; Chalutage; Manche orientale; Distribution; Abondance; Répartition; Cartographie; Multiespèces; Merlan; Merlangius merlangus; Tacaud; Trisopterus luscus; Morue; Gadus morhua; Grondin rouge; Aspitrigla cuculus; Plie; Pleuronectes platessa; Griset; Spondyliosoma cantharus; Survey; Trawling; Eastern Channel; Distribution; Abundance; Cartography; Multi-species; Whiting; Merlangius merlangus; Pout; Trisopterus luscus; Cod; Gadus morhua; Red gurnard; Aspitrigla cuculus; Plaice; Pleuronectesplatessa; Black bream; Spondyliosoma cantharus; Red mullet.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Comment épargner les juvéniles de soles et de gadidés dans la pêcherie crevettière : expériences de chalut sélectif en baie de Vilaine, première partie 5
Dupouy, Herve; Vacherot, Jean-philippe; Meillat, Marc.
The French brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) fishery employs on a seasonal basis around 140 ships about 10 metres in length and with engines of about 100 kilowatts of power. It takes place mainly along the coastal bottoms of silted-up sand at a depth of 2 to 10 metres and occupies principally the coasts of the eastern English Channel and those of the Gulf of Gascony. The brown shrimp catch is performed by bottom trawl, with exempted meshing of 20 mm (stretched mesh), which causes numerous rejects of immature fish that live on the same bottoms. The main part of these juveniles is made up of flat fish (sole, in particular) and of gadidae (whiting and pout). To reduce these undesirable catches that are also detrimental to other fisheries, some ingenious...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Selective trawl; Devisme trawl; Asselin trawl; Brittany; Bay of Vilaine; Gadides; Sole; Whiting; Pout; Juvenile; Chalut devisme; Chalut Asselin; Chalut sélectif; Baie de Vilaine; Gadidés; Soles; Merlan; Tacaud; Juvéniles.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Comment épargner les juvéniles de soles et de gadidés dans la pêcherie de crevette grise, Deuxième partie 5
Vacherot, Jean-philippe; Dupouy, Herve; Meillat, Marc.
Starting from the year 2000, the European Union planned to establish the use of a selective trawl in brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) fisheries. In fact, the brown shrimp is caught by a bottom trawl equipped with stretched 20 mm exempted meshing in estuary areas where the nurseries of flat fish and gadidae are located. For Vilaine's estuary, Dupouy et al (1997) estimated at about 1 tonne of flat fish and one tonne of gadidae the loss in equivalent fish of marketable size, per landed tonne of brown shrimp. In this document, the authors introduce improvements resulting from the use of selective trawls developed in France (Asselin and Devismes trawls), and they show by what means the selectivity of these trawls can be improved further.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Vilaine; Common shrimp; Selective trawl; Whiting; Pout; Gadides; Soles; Juveniles; Baie de Vilaine; Crevette grise; Chalut sélectif; Merlan; Tacaud; Gadidés; Soles; Juvéniles.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Contribution à l'étude de la biologie des populations de Tacauds Trisopterus luscus (L.1758) en Manche orientale et dans le sud de la Mer du Nord 5
Desmarchelier, Manuela.
L'étude est axée principalement sur la reproduction, la croissance du Tacaud (Trisopterus luscus L.), ainsi que sur la répartition des individus à l'intérieur de la zone étudiée. Le Tacaud, poisson, gadidé, est une espèce côtière péchée artisanalement comme espèce accessoire. Les jeunes vivent à la côte; les adultes sont sur des fonds chalutables, à l'exception des plus âgés qui migrent sur des fonds rocheux. Notre étude a été réalisée à partir de chalutages expérimentaux et de l'analyse statistique des captures débarquées au port de Boulogne/mer. Le rythme de la reproduction a été déterminé, ainsi que l'âge et la taille à la première maturité sexuelle. On observe un décalage géoqraphique de la reproduction : Les populations vivant au nord mûrissent plus...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dynamique de population; Tacaud; Mer du Nord; Manche orientale Sud; Biométrie; Reproduction; Croissance; Trisopterus luscus.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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