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Observations ichtyologiques de la faune mésopélagique du talus continental du Golfe de Gascogne en 2003 ArchiMer
Quero, Jean-claude; Spitz, J.
During the trawls for exploration of mesopelagic fauna led in 2003, we note for the first time in the Bay of Biscay, the presence of the race Pseudoscopelus and Cynogadus brachicolus of which only seven specimens had been known. We also inform of the catch of one Rhadinesthes decimus and two Electrona risso above the continental shelf of the Bay. NOT CONTROLLED OCR
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Electrona risso; Rhadinesthes decimus; Cynogadus brachycolus; Pseudoscopelus sp; Continental shelf; Bay of Biscay; First record; Electrona risso; Rhadinesthes decimus; Cynogadus brachycolus; Pseudoscopelus sp; Talus continental; Golfe de Gascogne; Premier signalement.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Refroidissements locaux aux abords du talus continental Armoricain ArchiMer
Langlois, Gilbert; Gohin, Francis; Serpette, Alain.
Infrared measurement at the sea surface, which constitutes an operational technology in remote-sensing, has become essential for the study of ocean dynamics. Nevertheless, observations are only usable when clouds do not mask infrared radiation coming from the ocean, a condition which rarely pertains in the Bay of Biscay as a whole. lt is consequently a matter of primary concern to have at one's disposai an effective method which permits the computation of mean SST fields from a chronological succession of incomplete images. In the case under consideration, "kriging" is the most widely practised method of performing geostatistical estimates. Before mapping isotherms, temperatures are estimated by interpolation on a regular gridnet. The process was applied...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ondes internes; Talus continental; Température superficielle; Télédétection; Analyse objective; Internal waves; Continental shelf; Sea-surface temperature; Teledetection; Objective analysis.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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The penetration of the Northern Current over the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean) as a downscaling problem ArchiMer
Auclair, F; Marsaleix, P; Estournel, C.
Coastal shelf models suffer from the difficulty of specifying both the initial field and the external circulation at the open boundary. Only basin scale models can have the right space-time variability to routinely provide such information. Do facto, such models have however a coarser resolution than the coastal model and the downscaling of the circulation to the high resolution grid is biased. Indeed the models are not necessarily based on the same physics and the interactions of the general circulation with the topography, in particular over the shelf break region, arc generally not correctly represented on the large-scale grid. Studying the response of the Northern Current to the atmospheric forcing in the region of Marseille (France) and its...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Courant Nord; Golfe du Lion; Initialisation variationnelle; Cascade d’échelles; Talus continental; Northern Current; Gulf of Lions; Variational initialization; Downscaling; Continental shelf break.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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