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Agricultura protegida campesina en Tehuacán, Puebla. Colegio de Postgraduados
Flores Guevara, Adriana.
El abandono de los invernaderos en la región de Tehuacán Puebla, es un problema que se presenta principalmente en el sector campesino debido a la falta de asesoría técnica y capacitación eficiente; el técnico agrícola encargado de estas, no ha sido formado para enfrentarse a los problemas del medio campesino, su formación responde a un medio empresarial capitalista. La investigación se realizó con el objetivo de proponer un perfil de formación para profesionistas de las ciencias agrícolas acorde a las necesidades del contexto de su desempeño, para el desarrollo de manera eficiente de la agricultura protegida bajo un enfoque campesino. Se diseñó un plan de formación por competencias concretándose en un curso de capacitación en agricultura protegida...
Palavras-chave: Asesoría técnica; Capacitación; Invernadero; Plan de formación; Técnico agrícola; Estrategias para el Desarrollo Agrícola Regional; EDAR; Maestría; Agricultural technician; Greenhouse; Training; Technical assistance; Training plan.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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An Appraisal of Beekeeping Activities among Beneficiaries and Non-Beneficiaries of Ekiti State Agricultural Credit Agency (ESACA) Scheme in Nigeria AgEcon
Fakayode, S.B.; Babatunde, Raphael O.; Olowogbon, S.T.; Adesuyi, W.S..
The study examined beekeeping activities in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Specifically the study appraised the costs and returns structure of beekeeping activities by beneficiaries of the ESACA scheme, examined the constraints to beekeeping under the scheme and outside the scheme and identified factors that affect beekeeping under the scheme and outside the scheme. A total of 150 beekeeper households were selected; 75 households each for ESACA beneficiary and non-beneficiary respondents across communities popularly known for beekeeping in Ekiti state. Descriptive statistics, costs and returns, regression and Kruscalwallis analyses were employed for data analysis. Beekeeping was found to be more profitable under the ESACA scheme than outside the scheme with returns...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Kruscal-wallis; Costs and returns structure; Regression; Technical assistance; Crop Production/Industries; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Coletânea de trabalhos sobre a Embrapa. Infoteca-e
A política agrícola do Brasil e hipótese da inovação induzida; O papel da tecnologia na expansão agrícola; Reforming the brazilian agricultural research system; Nova abordagem para a pesquisa agropecuária; O processo de geração de conhecimento; O enfoque de sistemas na Embrapa; O modelo institucional da Embrapa; Programa de treinamento: carreira de pesquisador; As unidades de difusão de tecnologia da embrapa
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento; Estratégia; Brasil; Policy; Development; Technical assistance; Strategy; Assistência Técnica; Agricultura; Crédito Agrícola; Preço Mínimo; Política; Agricultural credit; Agriculture; Brazil.
Ano: 1977 URL:
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Configuration of the technical orientation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul: a comparison of the 2006 and 2017 census ExtensaoRural
Camara, Simone Bueno; Boscardin, Mariele; Zarnott, Alisson Vicente.
Technically oriented companies have different formats, from government, cooperatives and even farmers themselves. In this sense, agricultural censuses play an important role in the context of mapping establishments that receive or do not receive some type of technical guidance. Thus, this work aims to analyze the configurations of technical guidance comparatively from the 2006 and 2017 censuses in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The analyzes are carried out through descriptive statistics. The mesoregion with the most agricultural establishments receiving some type of technical guidance is the Northwest (23.13%), which has the characteristic of being one of those with the most municipalities, which are mostly family-owned. The mesoregion that has the least...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultores; Produções; Assistência técnica; Censo agropecuário; Farmers; Technical assistance; Productions; Agricultural census.
Ano: 2023 URL:
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Demand for Private Marketing Expertise by Organic Farmers: A Quantile Analysis Based on Counts AgEcon
Lohr, Luanne; Park, Timothy A..
We study the demand by organic farmers for technical advice using a quantile regression for the demand of organic farmers for consultations with private information providers. There is substantial heterogeneity in the impact of critical explanatory variables on consultations of organic farmer. Larger farm size has a positive effect on contacts, but the effect is absent for the highest number of consultations. Internet use has a positive marginal effect on visits to private information providers across each quantile, suggesting that expanded efforts to deliver programs through web-based resources are a useful investment for information providers.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Organic farming; Technical assistance; Quantile regression model; Count data; Internet access; Marketing; C25; Q12; Q13; Q16.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Desarrollando mercados rurales: el rol de la incertidumbre y la restricción crediticia AgEcon
Escobal D'Angelo, Javier.
El estudio evalúa cuáles son los factores más relevantes para que un pequeño productor agrícola demande asistencia técnica con el propósito de incursionar en mercados “dinámicos”; es decir, en mercados que puedan absorber cantidades crecientes de su cultivo. Los resultados muestran que existe un segmento de productores cuya “distancia” a estos mercados no es tan significativa como para que no puedan incursionar en ellos. Sin embargo, restricciones asociadas al grado de organización de los productores, a su percepción del riesgo y a las posibilidades de acceso al mercado de crédito les impiden acceder a los beneficios adicionales que estos mercados ofrecen.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Mercados agrícolas; Agricultura; Productividad agrícola; Mercado financiero; Asistencia técnica; Desarrollo rural; Perú; Agricultural markets; Agriculture; Agricultural productivity; Financial market; Technical assistance; Rural development; Peru; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Crop Production/Industries; Q1; Q13; Q14.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Difusão de tecnologia no Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Milho e Sorgo. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Difusao; Geracao; Adocao; Transferencia; Generation; Adoption; Transfer; Technical assistance; Rural extension; Production system; Agricultura; Assistência Técnica; Extensão Rural; Tecnologia; Sistema de Produção; Agriculture; Technology.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Infrastructure of the technical assistance and rural extension services in São Paulo state: the Vale do Ribeira case ExtensaoRural
Santos, Nilton Pereira dos; Dionisio, Eduardo Avancci.
The Vale do Ribeira Paulista (VRP) is one of the poorest regions in the state of São Paulo and is home to some of the cities with the lowest human development indices. This region is characterized by family farming and persistent rural poverty, in contrast to the predominant corporate agriculture in the rest of the state. The ojective of this article is to analyze the public infrastructure for technical assistance and rural extension in the region. Since technical assistance and rural extension services aim to promote socioeconomic development by improving farmers’ production processes and income, the central question in this article is: Is the technical assistance infrastructure in the VRP capable of stimulating the region's socioeconomic development? The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Assistência técnica; Extensão rural; Vale do Ribeira; Technical assistance; Rural extension; Vale do Ribeira.
Ano: 2023 URL:
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Pathways of development in the hillsides of Honduras AgEcon
Pender, John L.; Scherr, Sara J.; Duron, Guadalupe.
"May 1999." Includes bibliographical references (p. 45-46). Published, in 2000, under same title, in D.R. Lee and C.B. Barrett, eds., Tradeoffs or Synergies? Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and the Environment.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Natural resources; Poverty; Technical assistance; Agricultural development; Honduras; Land management; International Development.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Promoting Sustainable Market Institutions in the Transition Economies: the Role of International Assistance AgEcon
Cochrane, Nancy J..
This paper examines the role of international technical assistance in building the institutions critical to the success of market reform in the Transition Economies. While there have been many successful grass roots projects aimed at helping individual firms or associations compete in the market, projects aimed at institution building (credit markets, market information, agricultural extension, food safety and animal health regulations, etc.) are not always so successful. These projects succeed only when the recipient Government truly buys into the project and is willing to commit its own resources. These services tend to be public goods, so attempts on the part of donors to bypass Government institutions and privatize these activities are usually not...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Institution building; Technical assistance; Market information; Armenia; Serbia; Montenegro; Bosnia and Hercegovina; Marketing.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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