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Campagne Techorhago ArchiMer
Vacherot, Jean-philippe.
Pour être en phase avec les recommandations de la communauté européenne, les missions ORHAGO doivent utiliser un chalut à perche pour la constitution des indices d'abondance de sole dans le golfe de Gascogne. Un chalut à perche de 4 m (environ 2000 kg) a été construit et acheté aux Pays-Bas dans l'optique des futures campagnes à la mer. La campagne TECHORHAGO visait à essayer et à mettre au point les différentes manoeuvres de mise à l'eau et de virage du chalut en le remorquant sur les deux treuils du Gwen-Drez. L'EROC (Engin Remorqué d'Observation des Chaluts) était embarqué.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eroc; Gwen Drez; Fishing; Technology; Beam trawl; Bay of Biscay; Sole; Pêche; Technologie; Eroc; Gwen drez; Chalut à perche; Golfe de Gascogne; Sole; Indice d'abondance.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Etude technico-économique sur les DCP côtiers ancrés de La Réunion. Rapport final ArchiMer
Guyomard, David; Hohmann, Sandra; Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Bissery, Claire.
Reconnus dans toute la zone intertropicale comme outils d'aménagement incontournables des petites pêches côtières, les DCP (Dispositifs de Concentration de Poissons) ont été implantés autour de La Réunion à partir de 1988 et gérés collectivement par le Comité Régional des Pêches. Ces DCP côtiers, ancrés à quelques milles des ports de pêche ont permis un redéploiement d'une grande partie de l'effort de pêche vers les espèces pélagiques du large, diminuant ainsi la pression exercée sur les espèces récifales côtières. La présente étude a pour objectifs de mettre à jour les connaissances techniques et économiques sur le "système DCP", autour des pêcheurs, de la pêche sur DCP et des DCP eux-mêmes. Une enquête des usages et des perceptions des pêcheurs vis-à-vis...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: DCP ancrés; Pêche artisanale; Typologie; Suivi halieutique; Rentabilité; Technologie; Ile de La Réunion; Océan Indien.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Influence de paramètres technologiques sur les propriétés sensorielles de semi-conserves d'anchois à l'huile ArchiMer
Cardinal, Mireille; Cornet, Josiane; Etienne, Monique.
As part of the contract between IFREMER and CITPPM (Confédération des Industries de Traitements des Produits de la Pêche Maritime), a study was undertaken to know the influence of sorne manufacture parameters on quality of canned anchovy. Various factors have been studied : quality of raw material, salting time in tank, ripening temperature, pressing or drying rate and also storage temperature after manufacture. This report presents only sensory results; the others analytical data are discussed in a synthetic report on this study. Sensory evaluations show a real effect of raw material quality on final product and it seems that fish glazing and a too long time of salting prevent development of ripening caracteristics. With regard to others factors; it...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anchois; Analyse sensorielle; Technologie; Anchovy; Sensory analysis; Technology.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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La Mer : hommes - richesses - enjeux ArchiMer
Ifremer - Ena, -.
Chapters in Volume 1: - Law of the sea and international straits - Trends in the French merchant fleet - International shipping - Safety and rescue at sea, the case of yachting - Marine research and economic development - The respective roles played at sea by the state and local authorities - Social trends in populations linked to the sea: commercial seafarers - Future perspectives for marine leisure activities - French ports, outlook for the year 2000 Chapters in Volume 2: - European organisation in terms of seafood - The role of the sea in the development of the DOM/TOM (French overseas départements and territories) - France's international policy and naval and maritime resources - Naval strategies of the major powers -...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Geopolitics; Seafood; Technologies; Scientific research; Marine leisure activities; Ports; Merchant fleet; Safety; Shipping; International policy; Europe; Economics; Politics; France; Sea; Ocean Mondial; Essai In Situ; Technologie; Recherche Scientifique; Port; Sauvetage; Plaisance; Securite; Transport Maritime; Commerce Maritime; Flotte; Droit De La Mer; Politique; Economie; Milieu Marin.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Offshore mollusc production in the Mediterranean basin ArchiMer
Danioux, Christian; Bompais, Xavier; Paquotte, Philippe; Loste, Claudine.
In the Mediterranean basin, offshore mollusc production takes place mainly in France and Italy. Its recent development stems from the limited potential of lagoons and ponds, and centres mainly on mussel production. Suspension culture technologies are described and compared with those used in the Atlantic. Some information is given on the production systems and a short economic study demonstrates the profitability of these shellfish farming activities, in spite of the many risks involved and their relatively low profit margins.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditerranée; Mer ouverte; Mytiliculture; Filières; Technologie; Économie; Mediterranean; Offshore; Mussel farming; Long lines; Technology; Economy.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Production de mollusques en mer ouverte dans le bassin méditerranéen ArchiMer
Danioux, Christian; Bompais, Xavier; Loste, C; Paquotte, Philippe.
In the Mediterranean basin, the offshore mollusc production takes place mainly in France and Italy. Its recent development is the consequence of the small size of lagoons and ponds, and it is principally centred on the mussel. The farming technologies on long lines are described and compared with those used in the Atlantic. Some information is given on the production systems and a short economic study demonstrates the profitability of these shell farming activities, in spite of the many risks involved, but also their relatively low profit margins. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Economy; Technology; Long lines; Mussel farming; Offshore; Mediterranean; SEM; Économie; Technologie; Filières; Mytiliculture; Mer ouverte; Méditerranée.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Rapport de mission sur la conférence mondiale sur l'aquaculture, organisée conjointement par la World Aquaculture Society et la European Aquaculture Society. Florence, Italie, 9-13 mai 2006 ArchiMer
Lacroix, Denis.
Ce congrès était organisé conjointement par les deux grandes associations de développement de l'aquaculture dans le monde: la World Aquaculture Society (WAS, 2300 membres) et la European Aquaculture Society (EAS, 550 membres). Le précédent s'était tenu à Nice, en mai 2000. Il a rassemblé pendant 5 jours plus de 3000 chercheurs et responsables institutionnels de 95 nationalités. Environ 600 communications orales étaient réparties sur 67 sessions suivant un système de 11 salles en parallèle. Entre les salles de conférence étaient présentés les panneaux des 460 posters. Sur le site, l'exposition commerciale accueillait 135 entreprises et organismes; elle a reçu la visite d'environ 2000 visiteurs dont la moitié d'Italiens (source: EAS). Le thème général du...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Technologie; Systèmes d'élevage; Durabilité; Qualité.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Technologie de la mytiliculture ArchiMer
Lubet, Pierre; Dardignac, Marie-jose.
La mytiliculture a pris naissance en Europe et s'y est développée de façon importante depuis un siècle ; elle constitue aujourd'hui la culture marine la plus importante. Les principales méthodes utilisées dépendent de l'amplitude des marées, de la morphologie des côtes et de la nature du substrat.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dragage; Bouchot; Moules; Culture; Technologie; Mytiliculture.
Ano: 1975 URL:
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The experience of offshore marine fish farming in France ArchiMer
De La Pomelie, C; Paquotte, Philippe.
A natural endowment of three coast lines with different structures, of numerous rivers coming from mountainous regions and of different climatic conditions has enabled France to develop one of the first European aquaculture sectors in terms of volume with almost 300 000 tonnes in 1996. This development has been based on a wide range of species and on a wide range of techniques. Intensive marine fish farming has been developing during the last decade only, after many years of stagnation due to the lack of reliable technology for species adapted to French climate. Techniques of production are very diverse. Although earth ponds and race-ways are used only by 25% of the marine fish farms, this technique accounts for 40% of the production. On the contrary, many...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Technology; Cages; Offshore; Mediterranean; Aquaculture; SEM; Technologie; Cages; Offshore; Méditerranée; Aquaculture.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Traitement des langoustines et des crevettes contre le noircissement ArchiMer
Chantreau, Patrick; Vallet, Jean-luc.
The conservation of crawfish requires the use of chemical substances making it possible to limit blackening. This phenomenon this blackening (melanine) is due to the coordinated action of three elements: - oxygen, - an enzyme (cupro-protein), - a suitable substrate, tyrosin or the dihydroxyphénylalanine. The absence of the one of them allows a notorious reduction in the phenomenon. Several antioxydant products, were used to prevent the formation of the mélanine. The métabisutfite of soda or potassium as well as soda bisulfite in acid solution, are currently used to treat crawfish and shrimps. Several methods of use of these pesticides exist, we propose in this report to present the principal ones, as well as the control methods making it possible to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Regulation; Sprinkling; Antioxydant; Technology; Treatment; Shrimp; Crawfish; Réglementation; Aspersion; Antioxydant; Technologie; Traitement; Crevette; Langoustine.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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