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A Binary Logit Analysis of Factors Impacting Adoption of Genetically Modified Cotton 31
Banerjee, Swagata (Ban); Martin, Steven W..
Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) data for 2003 were used to estimate two binary logit models for two definitions of genetically modified (GM) cottonseed adoption. Results indicate conservation tillage did not positively affect adoption of GM cotton with either of these definitions, while adoption of GM cotton in the previous year did. Refuge cotton also did not affect these adoption decisions for the study year.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS); Binary logit model; Conservation tillage; Cotton; Genetically modified seed; Herbicide-resistant cotton; Jackknife procedure; Refuge cotton; Stacked-gene cotton; Technology adoption; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A Binary Logit Estimation of Factors Affecting Adoption of GPS Guidance Systems by Cotton Producers 31
Banerjee, Swagata (Ban); Martin, Steven W.; Roberts, Roland K.; Larkin, Sherry L.; Larson, James A.; Paxton, Kenneth W.; English, Burton C.; Marra, Michele C.; Reeves, Jeanne M..
Binary logit analysis was used to identify the factors influencing adoption of Global Positioning System (GPS) guidance systems by cotton farmers in 11 Mid-south and Southeastern states. Results indicate that adoption was more likely by those who had already adopted other precision-farming practices and had used computers for farm management. In addition, younger and more affluent farmers were more likely to adopt. Farmers with larger farms and with relatively high yields were also more likely to adopt. Education was not a significant factor in a farmer’s decision to adopt GPS guidance systems.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Binary logit; Cotton; GPS guidance system; Marginal effect; Precision farming; Technology adoption; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; Q2; Q16; Q19; Q20; Q24.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A Dynamic Adoption Model with Bayesian Learning: Application to the U.S. Soybean Market 31
Ma, Xingliang; Shi, Guanming.
Agricultural technology adoption is often a sequential process. Farmers may adopt a new technology in part of their land first and then adjust in later years based on what they learn from the earlier partial adoption. This paper presents a dynamic adoption model with Bayesian learning, in which forward-looking farmers learn from their own experience and from their neighbors about the new technology. The model is compared to that of a myopic model, in which farmers only maximize their current benefits. We apply the analysis to a sample of U.S. soybean farmers from year 2000 to 2004 to examine their adoption pattern of a newly developed genetically modified (GM) seed technology. We show that the myopic model predicts lower adoption rates in early years than...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Technology adoption; Bayesian learning; Structural estimation; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Industrial Organization; Production Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Risk and Uncertainty; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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A Stochastic-Dynamic Model of Costly Reversible Technology Adoption 31
Baerenklau, Kenneth A.; Knapp, Keith C..
We develop a stochastic-dynamic model of technology adoption that imposes fewer restrictions on behavior than do previous studies of similar decision problems. Like these previous studies, our model is forward-looking and can be used to demonstrate the additional "hurdle rate" that must be met before adoption will take place when the future state of the world is uncertain. Unlike these previous studies, our approach does not impose the untenable assumptions that investment in a new technology is irreversible or that technologies have unlimited useful lifetimes. Rather, we address the more reasonable situation of costly reversibility and limited lifetimes. Our solution method utilizes Bellman's equation and standard dynamic programming techniques....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Dynamic optimization; Irrigation; Reversible; Technology adoption; Water; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Adapting the social-ecological system framework for urban stormwater management: the case of green infrastructure adoption 7
Flynn, Carli D.; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Syracuse University;; Davidson, Cliff I.; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Syracuse University; Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems;
Stormwater management has long been a critical societal and environmental challenge for communities. An increasing number of municipalities are turning to novel approaches such as green infrastructure to develop more sustainable stormwater management systems. However, there is a need to better understand the technological decision-making processes that lead to specific outcomes within urban stormwater governance systems. We used the social-ecological system (SES) framework to build a classification system for identifying significant variables that influence urban stormwater governance decisions related to green infrastructure adoption. To adapt the framework, we relied on findings from observations at national stormwater meetings in combination with a...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Green infrastructure; Social-ecological systems framework; Stormwater management; Technology adoption.
Ano: 2016
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Adoção tecnológica e seus condicionantes: o caso da bananicultura no agropolo Cariri - CE 31
Oliveira, Maria Aparecida Silva; Khan, Ahmad Saeed; Lima, Patricia Veronica Pinheiro Sales.
Utilization of technology in agriculture makes it productive and promissing, contributing to its development. Investiments done by Govern of Ceará in agriculture have concentrate mainly on irrigated agriculture, through the agropoles, prevailing fruit-growing, banana being one of the chief crops. Banana crop performs an important role for cearense agriculture, however, it is generally characterized by low productivity, low technological level and large losses in production. The objective of this study was to measure the technological level of the irrigated banana crop in Agropole Cariri and to verify which are the factors conditioning the technological adoption. The calculated index showed that the technological index adopted in banana crop is classified...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Technology adoption; Banana crop; Agropole Cariri; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Adopción de prácticas de conservación de suelos, en la pequeña agricultura de Chile Central 31
Jara-Rojas, Roberto; Bravo-Ureta, Boris E.; Diaz Osorio, Jose.
Published by Asociación de Economistas Agrarios de Chile
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Technology adoption; Soil conservation; Poisson regression; Peasant farmers; Chile.; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Adoption and Impact of Hybrid Wheat in India 31
Matuschke, Ira; Qaim, Matin.
In the light of ongoing debates about the suitability of hybrid seeds for smallholder farmers, this paper analyzes the adoption and impact of hybrid wheat in India. Based on survey data we show that farmers can benefit significantly from the proprietary technology. Neither farm size nor the subsistence level influence the adoption decision, but access to information and credit matters. Moreover, willingness-to-pay analysis reveals that adoption levels would be higher if seed prices were reduced. Given decreasing public support to agricultural research, policies should be targeted at reducing institutional constraints, to ensure that resource-poor farmers are not bypassed by private sector innovations.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Hybrid wheat; India; Technology adoption; Contingent valuation; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Adoption of Agricultural Production Practices: Lessons Learned from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Area Studies Project 31
Caswell, Margriet; Fuglie, Keith O.; Ingram, Cassandra; Jans, Sharon; Kascak, Catherine.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Area Studies Project was designed to characterize the extent of adoption of nutrient, pest, soil, and water management practices and to assess the factors that affect adoption for a wide range of management strategies across different natural resource regions. The project entailed the administration of a detailed field-level survey to farmers in 12 watersheds in the Nation to gather data on agricultural practices, input use, and natural resource characteristics associated with farming activities. The data were analyzed by the Economic Research Service using a consistent methodological approach with the full set of data to study the constraints associated with the adoption of micronutrients, N-testing, split nitrogen...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Technology adoption; Conservation; Farm Management.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Adoption of beef cattle traceability at farm level in São Paulo State, Brazil 65
Vinholis,Marcela de Mello Brandão; Carrer,Marcelo José; Souza Filho,Hildo Meirelles de.
ABSTRACT: This paper aimed to identify the determinants of beef traceability adoption at farm level in São Paulo State, Brazil. A sample survey of 32 farmers who adopted the European Union certified traceability and 52 other farmers who did not adopt traceability provided data to test hypotheses on determinant factors. Three binomial logit models were used in the analysis. Results suggested that capital-intensive livestock production system, high scale production, access to specialized information and high level of human and social capital play significant role in the adoption decision.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Traceability; Certification; Technology adoption; Agriculture; Beef cattle.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Fernandez-Cornejo, Jorge; McBride, William D..
Use of crop biotechnology products, such as genetically engineered (GE) crops with input traits for pest management, has risen dramatically since commercial approval in the mid-1990s. This report addresses several of the economic dimensions regarding farmer adoption of bioengineered crops, including herbicidetolerant and insect-resistant varieties. In particular, the report examines: (1) the extent of adoption of bioengineered crops, their diffusion path, and expected adoption rates over the next few years; (2) factors affecting the adoption of bioengineered crops; and (3) farm-level impacts of the adoption of bioengineered crops. Data used in the analysis are mostly from USDA surveys.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Technology adoption; Genetic engineering; Pest management; Financial effects; Tillage; Herbicide-tolerant crops; Bt crops; Corn; Soybeans; Cotton; Crop Production/Industries; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Adoption of Conservation-Tillage Methods and Genetically Modified Cotton 31
Roberts, Roland K.; English, Burton C.; Gao, Qi; Larson, James A..
Adoption of herbicide-tolerant cotton and conservation tillage may be simultaneously related. Bayes' theorem and a two-equation logit model were used to test the simultaneity hypothesis. Evidence for Tennessee suggests that adoption of these technologies reduced residual herbicide use and soil erosion more than if adoption of these technologies were independent.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Bayes' theorem; Conservation tillage; Cotton; Genetically modified crops; Herbicide tolerant crops; Simultaneous logit model; Technology adoption; Crop Production/Industries; Q12; Q16; Q24; O33.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Adoption of Conservation-Tillage Practices in Cotton Production 31
Banerjee, Swagata (Ban); Martin, Steven W.; Roberts, Roland K.; Larson, James A.; Hogan, Robert J., Jr.; Johnson, Jason L.; Paxton, Kenneth W.; Reeves, Jeanne M..
Replaced with revised version of paper 10/23/07.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Conservation tillage; Cotton; Genetically modified seed; Herbicide-resistant cotton; Stacked-gene cotton; Simultaneous logit model; Single-equation logit model; Technology adoption; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Adoption of Cover Crops and Its Effect on Nitrogen Use by Farmers 31
Gabrielyan, Gnel; Chintawar, Sachin; Westra, John V..
With increasing environmental concerns, increasing population, changing tastes and preferences of consumers towards healthier foods, and with more food safety requirements, agronomic practices have changed gradually to provide not only food and fiber but also public goods and other beneficial services from agriculture. Cover cropping is one type of technology increasingly being adopted by producers of multifunctional agriculture. Cover crops provide a range of benefits, both private and public. In this paper we identify factors affecting farmers’ choice to adopt cover crops. We examine the impact on nitrogen use from adopting cover crops and the resultant decrease in input costs. Using a two-stage approach that incorporates endogeneity of adoption in...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cover crops; Nitrogen usage; Technology adoption; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Adoption of Site-Specific Information and Variable-Rate Technologies in Cotton Precision Farming 31
Roberts, Roland K.; English, Burton C.; Larson, James A.; Cochran, Rebecca L.; Goodman, W. Robert; Larkin, Sherry L.; Marra, Michele C.; Martin, Steven W.; Shurley, W. Donald; Reeves, Jeanne M..
Probit analysis identified factors that influence the adoption of precision farming technologies by Southeastern cotton farmers. Younger, more educated farmer who operated larger farms and were optimistic about the future of precision farming were most likely to adopt site-specific information technology. The probability of adopting variable-rate input application technology was higher for younger farmers who operated larger farms, owned more of the land they farmed, were more informed about the costs and benefits of precision farming, and were optimistic about the future of precision farming. Computer use was not important, possibly because custom hiring shifts the burden of computer use to agribusiness firms.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cotton; Grid soil sampling; Precision farming; Probit; Sample selection; Site-specific information; Technology adoption; Variable-rate application; D21; Q12; Q16.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Adoption of Soil Conservation Practices in Olive Groves: The Case of Spanish Mountainous Areas 31
Calatrava-Leyva, Javier; Franco, Juan Agustin; Gonzalez-Roa, Maria del Carmen.
This paper presents some results from a survey carried out in 2004 among 223 olive tree farmers from mountainous areas in the Spanish Southern provinces of Granada and Jaen regarding the adoption of soil conservation and management practices. Olive tree groves in mountainous areas are subject to a high risk of soil erosion and have to incur in higher costs of soil conservation. This results in greater difficulties to comply with cross-compliance and to benefit from agri-environmental schemes. Our main objectives are to analyse the current level of adoption of soil conservation practices and to analyse which socio-economic and institutional factors determine such adoption. Three Probit models are estimated. Dependant variables are three different soil...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Olive groves; Soil conservation; Technology adoption; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q12; Q24.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Adoption of Technology, Management Practices, and Production Systems by U.S. Beef Cow-Calf Producers 31
Pruitt, J. Ross; Gillespie, Jeffrey M.; Nehring, Richard F.; Qushim, Berdikul.
Using USDA’s Agricultural Resource Management Survey data, factors leading to the adoption of technology, management practices, and production systems by U.S. beef cow-calf producers are analyzed. Binary logit regression models are used to determine impacts of vertical integration; region of the U.S.; farm size, diversification, and tenure; and demographics on adoption decisions. Significant differences were found in adoption rates by region of the U.S., degree of vertical integration, and size of operation, suggesting the presence of economies of size and vertical economies of scope. Results also indicate high degrees of complementarity among technologies, management practices, and production systems.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Cattle; Cow-calf; Management practices; Production systems; Technology adoption; Farm Management; D21; Q12; Q16.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Adoption of Transgenic Crops by Smallholder Farmers in Entre Rios, Argentina 31
Paredes, Cecilia; Martin, Marshall A..
This is a study of the adoption of transgenic crops by 120 smallholder farmers interviewed in July 2005 in the communities of San Jose de Feliciano and La Paz in the Entre Rios Province of Argentina. Logistic regression results indicate that access to a planter is essential for smallholders to adopt Bt corn, while adopters of Roundup Ready™ soybeans have larger farms, access to credit, availability of all essential machinery, more years of schooling, and are primarily located in the La Paz community.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Transgenic crops; Technology adoption; Bt corn; Roundup Ready™ soybeans; Biotechnology; Argentina; Smallholders; Farm Management; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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After the Bubble: The Survival and Ownership of Internet Marketplaces for Farmers and Agribusiness 31
Wheatley, W. Parker; Buhr, Brian L..
This paper presents a theory of how industry structure and beliefs about Internet marketplace use have driven choice and ownership of marketplaces. The theory's predictions suggest that surviving Internet marketplaces will be those with strong historical linkages in an industry and those owned by or affiliated with major commodity buyers. Comparisons of these predictions with actual outcomes provide validation of the theory. Where predictions differ from results, observations are made as to the nature of the deviations.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural markets; Electronic commerce; Internet markets; Network externalities; Technology adoption; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Agricultural Technology Adoption and Rural Poverty: Application of an Endogenous Switching Regression for Selected East African Countries 31
Asfaw, Solomon; Shiferaw, Bekele A..
Achieving agricultural growth and development and thereby improving rural household welfare will require increased efforts to provide yield enhancing and natural resources conserving technologies. Agricultural research and technological improvements are therefore crucial to increase agricultural productivity and thereby reduce poverty. However evaluation of the impact of these technologies on rural household welfare have been very limited by lack of appropriate methods and most of previous research has therefore failed to move beyond estimating economic surplus and return to research investment. This paper evaluates the potential impact of adoption of modern agricultural technologies on rural household welfare measured by crop income and consumption...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural household welfare; Technology adoption; Propensity score matching; Endogenous switching; Ethiopia; Tanzania; Food Security and Poverty; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; C13; C15; O32; O38.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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