Registros recuperados: 326 | |
Padel, Susanne; Powell, Jane; Lampkin, Nic. |
The following reports a consultation of organic farming research priorities in the UK in 2001. The information was collated by Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth on behalf of MAFF organic farming unit and UKROFS A total of 62 responses received, of which 24 from farmers, 12 from researchers and research organisations and 26 from organic producers and other farming organisations Information on ongoing research was derived from the MAFF 2001 organic farming research review, SERAD listing of organic farming projects and MAFF project OFO171, Review of current European research on organic farming. |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Research methodology and philosophy; "Organics" in general; Technology transfer. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/11021/1/ukrofs_consultation_responses.pdf |
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Hadjigeorgiou, Dr Ioannis; Xylouri, Prof Eftichia; Poulopoulou, Miss Ioanna; Frangiadaki, Miss Irene; Paparadi, Miss A; Patrikakis, Dr Charalampos; Sideridis, Prof Alexandros. |
Organic Agriculture (OA) is a reply to Global Society‘s interest in food safety and enviromental conservation. Many European countries have significantly developed the OA sector, where Organic Animal Farming (OAF) systems hold a major part. Since, OA principles, methods and products are constantly evolving, an increasing number of agricultural agencies are using Web sites or portals to provide OA information to stakeholders. However, finding trustworthy information on OA is still time consuming, fragmented and associated with linguistic obstacles. This paper reports a new on-line service that provides (a) access to multilingual, specialized, updated and certified on-line information covering all OA plant and animal production aspects, (b) access to... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Knowledge management; Technology transfer. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/7290/1/Organic_Congress_Denmark.doc |
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Keatinge, Ray. |
This is the final report of Defra project 0F0171. This text has been extracted from the Executive Summary at the start of the attached report. In support of its policy to expand organic farming, MAFF sponsors a programme of research and extension (through Organic Conversion Information Service) to provide information to producers on organic systems of production. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive framework which sets out clearly the content and key results of current European research programmes. The overall objective was to increase the body of knowledge and information available to UK producers and extension workers, and to help direct UK research effort. The priority was to examine northern and western European research... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Research communication and quality; Technology transfer. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/8150/1/OF0171_180_FRP.pdf |
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Mussei, Ahaz; Mwanga, Judicate; Mwangi, Wilfred; Verkuijl, Hugo; Mongi, Rose; Elanga, Anthony. |
This study was conducted to gain an understanding of how small-scale farmers in Mbeya District have adopted improved wheat technologies promoted by the wheat research program at MARTI-Uyole. The specific objectives were to assess farmers’ wheat management practices, determine the technical and socioeconomic factors affecting the adoption of improved wheat technologies, and draw implications for research, extension, and policy. A purposive multistage sampling procedure was used to select 202 farmers, 160 from Tembela Division and 42 from Isangati Division, which are two important wheat-growing areas in Mbeya District. Primary data were collected using structured questionnaires and supplemented by secondary information obtained from MARTI-Uyole. Juhudi was... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Tanzania; Wheats; Varieties; Innovation adoption; Technology transfer; Economic indicators; Socioeconomic environment; Plant breeding methods; Research programs; Crop management; Fertilizer application; Food production; Small farms; Highlands; Crop Production/Industries; E14; E30. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/56190 |
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Wekesa, E.; Mwangi, Wilfred; Verkuijl, Hugo; Danda, Milton Kengo; De Groote, Hugo. |
Maize is the major food crop grown in the coastal region of Kenya and constitutes a major component of the diet of the population in the region. However, average yields are far below the potential for the region and low production levels create serious food deficits. Over the years, new technologies have been introduced but adoption has remained low, especially for fertilizer. This paper examined current maize-farming practices and technological and socioeconomic factors that influenced adoption in the Kilifi and Kwale Districts of the Coast Province, that together account for half of maize production in the region. The study found low adoption levels for improved maize varieties and technology, especially fertilizer, among farmers in the area. Farmers... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Maize; Crops; Innovation adoption; Technology transfer; Food production; Production economics; Production factors; Plant breeding; Fertilizers; Yields; Kenya; Crop Production/Industries; E14; E16. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/56109 |
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MALAVAZI, F. W.; COSTA, F. de S.; VALENTIM, J. F.; GONZAGA, D. S. de O. M.. |
O presente trabalho investigou se a pesquisa participativa em propriedade de agricultor familiar, entre 2006 e 2018, teve impacto no conhecimento e adoção das práticas de agricultura conservacionista em um raio de 16 km a partir do local do experimento agronômico; e caracterizou os mandiocultores, as propriedades, práticas agrícolas e percepções gerais em relação à mandiocultura local. Esta publicação está de acordo com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 2 (Fome Zero e Agricultura Sustentável), 12 (Consumo e Produção Responsáveis), 13 (Ação Contra a Mudança Global do Clima), 15 (Vida Terrestre) e 17 (Parcerias e Meios de Implementação). Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) são uma coleção de 17 metas globais estabelecidas pela... |
Tipo: Livros |
Palavras-chave: Agricultura conservacionista; Cero labranza; Explotación agrícola familiar; Comunidade Alto Pentecostes; Regional do Juruá (AC); Mâncio Lima (AC); Acre; Sudoeste da Amazônia; Southwestern Amazon; Suroeste de la Amazonia; Selo ODS 2; Selo ODS 12; Selo ODS 13; Selo ODS 15; Selo ODS 17; Agricultura Familiar; Transferência de Tecnologia; Family farms; No-tillage; Technology transfer. |
Ano: 2022 |
URL: http://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/1150091 |
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COSTA, F. de S.; SA, C. P. de; LAMBERTUCCI, D. M.; TAVELLA, L. B.; BRITO, E. de S.; KLEIN, M. A.; DICK, D. P.. |
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados dos cultivos de mandioca, milho e plantas de cobertura do solo que são oriundos de uma pesquisa participativa conduzida em condições de campo baseada na agricultura conservacionista no ramal Alto Pentecostes de Mâncio Lima, Acre, sudoeste da Amazônia brasileira. Esta publicação está de acordo com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 2 (Fome Zero e Agricultura Sustentável), 12 (Consumo e Produção Responsáveis), 13 (Ação Contra a Mudança Global do Clima) e 17 (Parcerias e Meios de Implementação). Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) são uma coleção de 17 metas globais estabelecidas pela Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas. |
Tipo: Folhetos |
Palavras-chave: Agricultura conservacionista; Suelos arenosos; Cero labranza; Cultivo mixto; Rotación de cultivos; Adopción de innovaciones; Ramal Alto Pentecostes; Mâncio Lima (AC); Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Selo ODS 17; Selo ODS 2; Selo ODS 12; Selo ODS 13; Agricultura Familiar; Solo Arenoso; Plantio Direto; Consorciação de Cultura; Rotação de Cultura; Arroz; Oryza Sativa; Feijão; Phaseolus Vulgaris; Milho; Zea Mays; Planta de Cobertura; Cobertura do Solo; Transferência de Tecnologia; Adoção de Inovações; Agricultural conservation practice; Sandy soils; No-tillage; Mixed cropping; Crop rotation; Rice; Beans; Corn; Ground cover plants; Technology transfer; Innovation adoption. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: http://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/1121607 |
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Kaine, Geoff; Doyle, Brendan; Reeve, Ian; Lees, Jim. |
Röling and others argue that research and extension should not be seen as separate processes involving distinct institutions which must somehow be linked. Rather, scientists, specialists, extension workers, consultants and producers should be seen as participants in a single agricultural knowledge and information system (AKIS). This perspective on research, extension and adoption as activities that occur within a network offers new insights into the way in which technology transfer occurs, and new ideas as to how to increase the rate of adoption of new ideas and techniques in farming. In this study, we use network management theory and applied network analysis to operationalise the concept of an AKIS and to test the relationships between system... |
Tipo: Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Agricultural extension; Technology transfer; Network analysis.; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/123823 |
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RAMOS, A. F.; SALMAN, A. K. D.; RÊGO, A. C. do; FATURI, C.; MAIA, G. F. N.; CAVALI, J.; PORTO, M. O.; SALES, M. F. L.. |
O objetivo deste capítulo é apresentar as principais etapas dos processos de conservação de forragens, bem como as características dos principais alimentos disponíveis na Região Amazônica. Com base nessas informações, serão apresentadas orientações técnicas para formulação de misturas concentradas, bem como para a alimentação e suplementação mineral e vitamínica dos rebanhos leiteiros da região. |
Tipo: Parte de livro |
Palavras-chave: Produção Leiteira; Nutrição Animal; Alimentação; Forragem; Conservação; Adoção de Inovações; Transferência de Tecnologia; Milk production; Animal nutrition; Forage; Innovation adoption; Technology transfer; Amazonia. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: http://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/1126180 |
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Al-Oun, M.; Browne, A. W.; Harris, P. J. C.; Barrett, H. R.; Olabiyi, T. I.; Wright, J.. |
For organic farming to be adopted it should be simple, understandable in its concept and easy to practise. In this research, results show that the adoption of organic farming in Jordan is perceived as a complex issue surrounded by uncertainty and not easy to practise. Therefore, this paper suggests an action plan to help the government of Jordan, and other countries to promote and ease the adoption of organic farming. |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Technology transfer. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/11728/1/The_Jordanian_Organic_Farming_Action_Plan.doc |
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Registros recuperados: 326 | |