Registros recuperados: 13 | |
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Jadot, Catherine; Donnay, A; Acolas, M; Cornet, Y; Begout, Marie-laure. |
Acoustic telemetry was used to record diel movement and habitat utilization of the salema (Sarpa salpa) (Teleostei: Sparidae) during three consecutive summers from 2000 to 2002 in the Calvi and Achiarina bays of Corsica in the Mediterranean Sea. A total of 18 fish was equipped with acoustic transmitters inserted in the body cavity, 13 were tracked in the Bay of Calvi (275 mm +/- 26.9 L-F), and 5 in Achiarina Bay (260 mm +/- 33.6 LF). Two different systems were used to track the fish. The one used in the Bay of Calvi was a manual receiver and a directional hydrophone. The second system, used in Achiarina Bay, was a radioacoustic-positioning (RAP) system that continuously monitored the movements of the fish. Fish positions were put in a geographic... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: VRAP; Telemetry; Sarpa salpa; Manual tracking; Homing; Home range; Habitat utilization; GIS. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2006/publication-1107.pdf |
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Jadot, C. |
For a given species in a particular environment, the success and the harmlessness of transmitter attachment appear to be highly specific. As no information was available for the tagging of the strepie, Sarpa salpa, a suitability study of attachment techniques was needed. Two types of transmitter attachments were investigated: (1) externally, placed on the back of the fish below the dorsal fin by means of two threads sutured through the dorsal musculature, and (2) internally, in the peritoneal cavity. Twenty-five fish were monitored over a 14-d period for survival, surgical healing, injury occurrence and post-tagging behaviour. Even though we observed a 100% survival rate for both groups, with no noticeable buoyancy or swimming alteration, findings from... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Sarpa salpa; Sparidae; Attachement externe; Implantation intrapéritonéale; Télémétrie; Sarpa salpa; Sparidae; External attachment; Intraperitoneal implantation; Telemetry. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00321/43242/42971.pdf |
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Mckenzie, David; Axelsson, Michael; Chabot, Denis; Claireaux, Guy; Cooke, Steven J.; Corner, Richard A.; De Boeck, Gudrun; Domenici, Paolo; Guerreiro, Pedro M.; Hamer, Bojan; Jorgensen, Christian; Killen, Shaun S.; Lefevre, Sjannie; Marras, Stefano; Michaelidis, Basile; Nilsson, Goran E.; Peck, Myron A.; Perez-ruzafa, Angel; Rijnsdorp, Adriaan D.; Shiels, Holly A.; Steffensen, John F.; Svendsen, Jon C.; Svendsen, Morten B. S.; Teal, Lorna R.; Van Der Meer, Jaap; Wang, Tobias; Wilson, Jonathan M.; Wilson, Rod W.; Metcalfe, Julian D.. |
The state of the art of research on the environmental physiology of marine fishes is reviewed from the perspective of how it can contribute to conservation of biodiversity and fishery resources. A major constraint to application of physiological knowledge for conservation of marine fishes is the limited knowledge base; international collaboration is needed to study the environmental physiology of a wider range of species. Multifactorial field and laboratory studies on biomarkers hold promise to relate ecophysiology directly to habitat quality and population status. The 'Fry paradigm' could have broad applications for conservation physiology research if it provides a universal mechanism to link physiological function with ecological performance and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Biomarkers; Ecological models; Fisheries; Fry paradigm; Individual variation; Telemetry. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00616/72841/72999.pdf |
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Lopes,João M.; Alves,Carlos B. M.; Silva,Fernanda O.; Bedore,Alessandra G.; Pompeu,Paulo S.. |
ABSTRACT Implantation of telemetry transmitters in fish can be affected by different parameters. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of type of anesthetic, tag size, and surgeon experience on surgical and postsurgical wound healing in the neotropical fish Prochilodus lineatus . In total, eighty fish were surgically implanted with telemetry transmitters and forty fish were kept as controls. Forty fish were implanted with a small tag and other forty were implanted with a large tag. Similarly, forty fish were anesthetized with eugenol and forty fish were anesthetized by electroanesthesia, and forty surgeries were performed by an expert surgeon and forty surgeries were performed by novice surgeons. At the end of the experimental period seventeen (21.3%)... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Incision; Infection; Postsurgical complications; Telemetry; Wound Healing. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1679-62252016000300209 |
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Filmalter, John; Cowley, Paul; Forget, Fabien; Dagorn, Laurent. |
The silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis is the primary elasmobranch bycatch in the global tuna purse seine fishery using fish aggregating devices (FADs). Information on the associative behaviour of this species with floating objects remains limited. Here the use of various electronic tags provided important new insight into this behaviour. Thirty-eight juvenile silky sharks (69 to 116 cm total length; TL) were tagged with acoustic tags at 9 drifting FADs equipped with satellite-linked acoustic receivers in the western Indian Ocean (total monitoring = 154 d). Presence/absence and swimming depth data were transmitted from the receivers. A subset of 17 individuals was also fitted with pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs; n = 13), or internal archival tags... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Shark; Behaviour; Telemetry; FAD; Bycatch. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00300/41086/73619.pdf |
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Delord, Karine; Barbraud, Christophe; Pinaud, David; Letournel, Bruno; Jaugeon, Baptiste; Goraguer, Herle; Lazure, Pascal; Lormée, Hervé. |
Among seabirds, alcids are particularly sensitive to bycatch in fisheries and oil pollution, yet their distribution at sea remains scarcely known in most of their breeding areas. GPS telemetry data of fifteen individuals of alcids (5 Razorbills 6 Common Murres and 4 Puffins) were analyzed to determine their distribution during the breeding period of 2016 at Saint Pierre and Miquelon Archipelago (SPM). Two analytical methods (threshold and a switching state-space model) were used to identify behavioral modes and foraging areas. We compared foraging movements and estimated the overlap between the species. Distribution and foraging covered an area located between SPM and Newfoundland. Our results revealed that the three species headed northward of their... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Telemetry; Behavioral models; Animal movement; Distribution overlap; Fratercula arctica; Alca torda; Uria aalge. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00588/70038/68016.pdf |
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Comiskey, E. Jane; University of Tennessee; ecomiske@tiem.utk.edu; Bass, Jr., Oron L; Everglades National Park; Sonny_Bass@nps.gov; Gross, Louis J; University of Tennessee; gross@tiem.utk.edu; McBride, Roy T; Livestock Protection Company;; Salinas, Rene; University of Tennessee; salinas@tiem.utk.edu. |
The endangered Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) survives in an area of pronounced habitat diversity in southern Florida, occupying extensive home ranges that encompass a mosaic of habitats. Twenty-one years of daytime monitoring via radiotelemetry have provided substantial but incomplete information about panther ecology, mainly because this method fails to capture movement and habitat use between dusk and dawn, when panthers are most active. Broad characterizations of panther habitat suitability have nonetheless been derived from telemetry-based habitat selection studies, focusing narrowly on forests where daytime resting sites are often located. The resulting forest-centered view of panthers attributed their restricted distribution and absence of... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports |
Palavras-chave: Felis concolor coryi; Florida panther; Puma concolor coryi; Forested habitat; Endangered species; Fractal analysis; Habitat selection; Home range; Landscape conservation; Telemetry. |
Ano: 2002 |
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Cid,Bruno; Costa,Rodrigo de C. da; Balthazar,Daniel de A.; Augusto,Anderson M.; Pires,Alexandra S.; Fernandez,Fernando A. S.. |
Reintroduction has been recognized as a powerful conservation tool, but in order to ensure its success, animal monitoring is highly recommended. One way to monitor released animals is to put radiotelemetry collars on them. These devices, however, can harm the subjects, causing serious wounds. Our objectives in this work were to describe the injuries caused by a radiotelemetry collar model on reintroduced agoutis and to propose modifications to it. We equipped agoutis with TXE-311C radio collars (Telenax Wildlife Telemetry) before releasing them in the wild. They acquired serious wounds and one animal died. We then modified the collar structure to reduce its width and retention of water. After these modifications, the injuries did not occur again. As... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other |
Palavras-chave: Animal welfare; Marking effects; Radiocollars; Rainforest; Rodents; Telemetry. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1984-46702013000100015 |
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Registros recuperados: 13 | |