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Características oceanográficas físicas frente a Ecuador durante abril de 1995 OceanDocs
Cuadra, T. de la.
More than one hundred oceanographic stations were occupied between the Galápagos Archipiélago and the Ecuadorian coast during April-May 1995. All the information were treated statically using the method of ”Kriging” to interpolate; from this, surface distribution of sea temperature, sea temperature anomalies, air temperature, and atmospheric presion were obtained. These distributions with temperature and salinity profiles showed the end of the warm period 1994-1995. Upwelling events were detected and were supposed to about 24% of AESS. From the mass water analysis carried out to the east San Cristóbal. It was found a probable relationship between the AESS and the ASTS, and the pelagic fisheries.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Oceanographic data; Temperature (air-sea); Atmospheric pressure; Salinity; Atmospheric pressure; Salinity; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Características oceanográficas frente a Ecuador durante septiembre de 1995 OceanDocs
Cuadra, T. de la.
One hundred oceanographic stations were occupied in front of Ecuador during september 1995. All the information were treated statically using the method of ”Kriging” to interpolate from this; surface distributions of sea temperature, sea temperature anomalies, air temperature, and atmospheric presion were obtained. These distribution with temperature and salinity profiles showed between normal and cold climatical conditions. Comparing the sea density horizontal distribution and the water mass, with the capture areas distributions of Sardinops sagax, resulted that areas with hight capture had AESS in low quantity and hand too a surface thermocline.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Oceanographic data; Temperature (air-sea); Temperature anomalies; Salinity data; Pelagic fisheries; Pelagic fisheries; Http://
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Relations corrélatives entre les températures de l'eau aux stations hydrologiques de la Baie du lévrier et du Banc d'Arguin OceanDocs
Bernikov, R.G..
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Temperature (air-sea); Hydrology; Water.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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