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Analyse de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des populations phytoplanctoniques observées dans le réseau national de surveillance du phytoplancton dans le golfe de Gabés OceanDocs
Feki-Sahnoun, W..
Le long des côtes du golfe de Gabès, les données collectées dans le cadre du Réseau de Surveillance du Phytoplancton et des Phycotoxines (REPHY), constituent une base pertinente pour examiner la structure et la dynamique des communautés phytoplanctoniques à grandes échelles temporelle (1997-2007) et géographique (l’ensemble de littoral du golfe). S’appuyant sur les données du REPHY, l’objectif de cette étude était de décrire les principales formes de variabilité des communautés phytoplanctoniques observées sur nos côtes. Les schémas de la variabilité des populations phytoplanctoniques ont été examinés à différentes échelles temporelles et géographiques à l’aide de méthodes statistiques multivariées. Dans un premier temps, l’analyse de la dynamique des...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Phytoplankton; Temporal variations; Geographical distribution; Statistical analysis; Models.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Aspectos ecológicos del plancton en las riberas del humedal Isla Santay, Río Guayas durante los años 2000 y 2002 OceanDocs
Tapia, M.E.; Naranjo, Ch..
El objetivo del presente estudio es conocer la distribución cualitativa y cuantitativa de las especies del fitoplancton, zooplancton e ictioplancton y su relación con las condiciones ambientales durante el período en estudio.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Species diversity; Plankton; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Ichthyoplankton; Biomass; Abundance; Biological production; Marine ecology; Temporal variations; Plankton; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Biomass; Biological production; Species diversity; Marine ecology; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Cambio temporal en la estructura de la comunidad coralina del área de Santa Marta - Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona (Caribe colombiano) OceanDocs
Martínez, S.; Acosta, A..
Several predictions have been made, about magnitude and direction of temporal changes in the coral community structure, during the last decade. However, few studies have demonstrated it quantitatively. In order to document such changes, the coral community structure was studied in four continental reefs in the Colombian Caribbean, two in the Santa Marta region: Punta Betín (PB) and Morro Grande Island (MO), and two in the Tayrona National Natural Park (PNNT): Granate cove (GR) and Gayraca bay (GA). Coral composition and cover were quantified in 2002 and compared to base line studies from 1989 (PB, MO & GR) and from 1992 (GA). These variables were quantified by 20 m linear transects between 1.5 m and 29 m depth. After a decade, all reefs lost in average...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coral reefs; Degradation; Temporal variations; Community composition; Coral reefs; Degradation; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Campos de presión del Pacífico Tropical Suroriental en relación a la Oscilación del Sur: Los índices San Cristóbal/Guayaquil- Darwin OceanDocs
Chavarría, J.; Bayot, B..
En este trabajo se realiza primeramente, un análisis detallado de la variabilidad estacional de los campos de presión en el Pacífico Tropical, como un indicativo de las "condiciones de normalidad". Se hace esta acotación puesto que, los componentes estacionales dependen básicamente de la radiación diferencial que recibe el planeta en sus Hemisferios Norte y Sur (al realizar la rotación anual), lo que exige una repuesta tanto en la atmósfera como en el oceáno. Al respecto, Philander (1990) expresó que el ciclo estacional no puede ser considerado como un agente pasivo, porque éste es la resultante de un acoplamiento oceáno-atmósfera forzado por radiación solar entrante, y que las respuestas a este tipo de forzamiento tienen mucho en común con aquellas que...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Temporal variations; Seasonal variations; Pressure field.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Comunidades del zooplankton en los ríos Teaone, Esmeraldas, Terminal Petrolero y el balneario Las Palmas de Esmeraldas, durante el 2004 OceanDocs
Naranjo, Ch..
Los estudios del zooplancton en diferentes áreas principalmente en el río Teaone, Esmeraldas y la zona marino costera frente a la ciudad que incluye, el área del balneario Las Palmas, en el último año se ha intensificado con el objetivo de obtener un conocimiento detallado de la presencia de estos organismos y las características físico-químicas que condicionan su abundancia y distribución.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Community composition; Zooplankton; Biological production; Salinity; Hydrogen; Water quality; Temporal variations; Species diversity; Zooplankton; Biological production; Water quality; Salinity; Hydrogen; Species diversity; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Description de l'activité des flottilles pélagiques industrielles en 1987 dans la ZEE mauritanienne. OceanDocs
Chavance, P..
En 1987, 59 chalutiers pélagiques (62-102 m, 2000 – 3880 cv) ont opéré dans la ZEE mauritanienne. Trois pays sont représentés : l’URSS, la Roumanie et l’Allemagne de l’Est. Les captures totales atteignent 441473 tonnes dont 66,5% est pêchée par les soviétiques, 26,3% par les roumains et 7,2% par les allemands de l’Est. Les chinchards (<Trachirus sp et Decapterus rhonchus>) prédominent dans les captures avec 50,8%, les sardinelles en représentent 14,9% et la sardine 7,7%. L’activité des flottilles est apparue, comme en 1986, très marquée par les saisons hydrologiques.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Chalutiers pélagiques; Flottilles industrielles; Captures; Saisons hydrologiques; Commercial fishing; Environmental impact; Fishing effort; Fishing fleet; Pelagic fisheries; Seasonal distribution; Seasonal variations; Temperature effects; Temporal variations; Trawling; Upwelling; Environmental impact; Trawling; Fishing effort; Pelagic fisheries.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Evolution de la communaute bacterienne heterotrophe de l'eau de mer lors d'une experience d'aquaculture de crevettes peneides en systemes clos ArchiMer
Sohier, L; Bianchi, M.
The quantitative and qualitative evolution of the heterotrophic bacterial community of sea water was studied throughout an experimental rearing of Penaeus japonicus in closed systems. Cluster analysis was realised on 417 strains coming from water sampled at different moments of the experiment. This collection includes 40 strains coming from a mussel used for diet and 40 strains coming from the digestive tract of one prawn after six months rearing. Quantitative and qualitative studies have both shown a similar evolution of heterotrophic microflora whatever the initial animal load was. The dendrogram obtained led to a description of characteristics of the various populations constituting the heterotrophic bacterial community of the water environment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeus japonicus; Malacostraca; Bacteria; Recirculating systems; Numerical taxonomy; Temporal variations; Microorganisms; Shrimp culture; Heterotrophic organisms.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Exploitation et optimisation de la production des cystes du crustacé "Artemia tunisiana" (bowen et sterling, 1978) dans la saline de Sfax OceanDocs
Aloui, N.; Amorri, M..
La saline de Sfax constitue le meilleur site pour l’exploitation et la production d’Artemia en Tunisie. La production de cystes est exploitée chaque année pour être utilisée dans l’alimentation des larves de poissons. Cette production est estimée à 30 kg de cystes poids sec. Toutefois, lors de nos campagnes de récolte, nous avons enregistré de grandes pertes de cystes occasionnées par les vents emportant les cystes qui seront mélangés avec le sable. Afin de minimiser les pertes et optimiser la production naturelle de la saline, nous avons jugé utile, d’installer des barrages dans les coins des bassins à Artemia pour s’opposer à l’action du vent. Par ailleurs, nous avons fait un suivi mensuel de l’abondance des cystes récoltés et de quelques paramètres...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Barriers; Brine shrimp culture; Dissolved oxygen; Environmental conditions; Exploitation; Feeding; Fish larvae; Food organisms; Salinity effects; Spatial variations; Temporal variations; Cysts; Artemia culture; Prawns and shrimps; Crustaceans; Artemia.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Importance des saisons de transition hydrologique et impact des anomalies climatiques sur l'activité d’une flottille pélagique en ZEE mauritanienne 1985 – 1987 OceanDocs
Chavance, P.; Loktionov, Y.; Mahfoudh, M..
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catch/effort; Condition factor; Environmental effects; Environmental impact; Fishery resources; Fishing fleet; Pelagic fisheries; Seasonal distribution; Seasonal variations; Temperature effects; Temporal variations; Upwelling; Environmental impact; Fishery resources; Pelagic fisheries; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Indicadores del estado del ambiente marino patagónico en áreas frontales OceanDocs
Carranza, M..
En este trabajo se caracterizan las regiones frontales altamente productivas del Mar Patagónico empleando datos de clorofila satelital (CSAT) derivada del Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) durante el período 1998-2006. A partir de estos datos se identifican cuatro áreas de máxima concentración de clorofila: el Frente del Talud, el Frente de la Plataforma Media, el Frente de Patagonia Austral y el Frente de Valdés. Los tres primeros se definen por regiones de amplitud media de CSAT > 3.5 mg/m3, mientras que el último se define por la región de CSAT media de verano > 2 mg/m3. Sobre estas regiones se elaboran indicadores de clorofila (CSAT), temperatura superficial del mar (SST) y viento en superficie. La temperatura es derivada del...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fronts; Shelf edge fronts; Surface temperature; Temporal variations; Remote sensing; Water colour; Chlorophylls; Winds; Winds; Remote sensing; Chlorophylls; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Indice multivariado de El Niño en el Ecuador OceanDocs
Zambrano, L.; Zambrano, E.; Martínez, R.; Vera, L.; Briones, K..
Utilizando cinco estaciones costeras del área continental del Ecuador y una ubicada en las Islas Galápagos, se analizan cinco parámetros océanicos y atmosféricos en el período comprendido de 1975 a 2002. Empleando técnicas estadísticas se determinó un índice multivariado, el mismo que describe la variabilidad climática en el área del Pacífico ecuatoriano durante los eventos ENOS (fase cálida y fría). El índice calculado tiene una correlación de 0.65 con el comportamiento observado de los eventos, considerando como principal indicador la región niño 1+2.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Temporal variations; El Nino phenomena; Statistical models; Fixed stations.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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La dynamique sedimentaire en Baie de Seine nord-orientale, fluctuations et evolution de la couverture meuble ArchiMer
Crevel, L.
This paper summarizes the main results obtained by the author at the time of his thesis. Sediment granulometry, composition and distribution are exposed in the first part. The use of factor analysis on sediment samples allows for the classification of soft sediments and to study its evolution during one and several years. Since 1978, the north-eastern Seine Bay sedimentation seems to be stable for all fluctuations and slitting in Antifer oil terminal.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Statistical models; Temporal variations; Granulometry; Cohesionless sediments; Sediment dynamics.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Opportunistic diet of Triportheus nematurus (Characiformes: Triportheidae) in Southern Pantanal ponds: influences of temporal availability and abundance of resources Biological Sciences
Lopes, Douglas Alves; Vieira, Kelly Regina Ibarrola; Mota, Rafael da Silva; Souza, Mateus Rojas Franco de; Costa, Fábio Edir dos Santos; Paiva, Fernando.
 The aim of this study was to investigate the diet composition and feeding strategies of Triportheus nematurus at the Miranda-Abobral floodplain region and evaluate if the temporal phenomenon of the flood pulse has influenced in the diet composition of the species. The fishes were sampled quarterly – between August/2014 and July/2016 – in the marginal ponds located in the Estrada Parque (MS 184). The feeding habits of T. nematurus was characterized as omnivorous and its opportunistic feeding behaviour, since its diet is composed of different resources along of the year. Insects and organic matter were the most important items during the drought period; plant material (leaves and roots) and Euglenophyceae algae were more expressive during the inundation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ecologia - Ecologia de Ecossistemas feeding; Floodplain; Temporal variations; Neotropical fish. Ecologia Trófica.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Patrones de distribución de las anomalías de temperatura superficial en el Mar Argentino. Su relación con la distribución de especies de interés comercial OceanDocs
Sanahuja, G..
The present research studies the spatial-temporal distribution patterns of the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) and its relation with some of the most relevant commercial species in the Argentine Sea (SW Atlantic). The analysis is based on a monthly and weekly temporal series of the ATSM data and the sea surface temperature (SST) covering the period of December 1981 through November 2004, using the Reynolds/NCEP database as data source. The spatial scope of the study covers an area from the 33° S to 59° N, and includes the area within the coastal line and the 50 W, including the whole continental shelf, the shelf break zone, and the adjacent oceanic region. In order to assess the consistency of Reynolds/NCEP data for the purposes of this research a...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Surface temperature; Temperature anomalies; Temporal variations; Commercial species; Biomass; Environmental effects; Biomass; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Recent changes in ichthyoplanktonic assemblages of the eastern English Channel ArchiMer
Di Pane, Julien; Koubbi, Philippe; Giraldo, Carolina; Lefebvre, Valerie; Caboche, Josselin; Marchal, Paul; Loots, Christophe.
ish assemblages vary through time in both abundance and diversity, often due to changes in climate. The potential consequences of these changes on the larval phase need to be considered. In the Eastern English Channel, fish larvae of 30 taxa, from surveys conducted during spring in the nineties and in 2017 with bongo nets, were used to investigate seasonal and interannual changes in larval assemblages with different statistical tests and multivariate analyses (Outlying Mean Index, Principal Coordinate Analysis and variance partitioning). The major change observed was significant lower abundances in 2017 (in April and May) compared to the nineties. Most of the dominant taxa were two to three-fold less abundant in 2017 than the 1990s. We suggest that the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Temporal variations; Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation; Outlying Mean Index; Variance partitioning; English Channel.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Spatial and temporal characterization of soft bottom polychaetes in a shallow tropical bay (colombian Caribbean) OceanDocs
Guzmán-Alvis, A.I.; Lattig, P.; Ruíz, J.A..
The spatial and temporal variations of the polychaete assemblages were studied within and off a shallow (10-25 m) tropical bay (Bahía de Portete). The polychaete abundances at family level and their trophic mechanisms were used for this purpose. Sediment samples were collected at six stations in this bay during the wet and dry seasons. Multivariate analysis indicated that off- Bay polychaete assemblages were different from the bay ones; this spatial variation was related to sedimentary characteristics, depth and turbid-water conditions. On the other hand, these assemblages did not show significant differences between the dry and wet seasons. The differences between these two assemblages were given specially by the Syllidae, Gonidadidae, Nephtyidae,...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Trophic relationships; Benthic environment; Organic matter; Temporal variations; Spatial variations; Organic matter; Benthic environment; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Spatial and temporal variations of fish assemblages in a shallow Mediterranean soft-bottom area (Gulf of Fos, France) ArchiMer
Letourneur, Y; Darnaude, A; Salen-picard, C; Harmelin-vivien, M.
The fish assemblages of two shallow soft-bottom areas located in the Gulf of Fos (NW Mediterranean) were studied by means of 57 trawl surveys carried out on both seasonal and diel scales between 1983 and 1985. A total of 47 fish species was recorded, with a mean density and biomass of 650 individuals ha(-1) and 2.67 kg ha(-1), respectively. Most of the fluctuations observed were on the spatial scale. Strong differences in fish assemblages were observed between the two areas, with both higher species richness and biomass in the outer part of the gulf (La Gracieuse), while a higher density of individuals characterised its inner part (Bay of Carteau). This spatial pattern was due to a small number of species, such as the gobiids Gobius niger and Pomatoschitus...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ichtyofaune démersale; Gobiidae; Pleuronectiformes; Distribution spatiale; Variations temporelles; Demersal ichthyofauna; Gobiidae; Pleuronectiforms; Spatial distribution; Temporal variations.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Temporal variations in macroinvertebrate communities from the tributaries in the Three Gorges Reservoir Catchment, China RChHN
Chi,Shiyun; Li,Sixin; Chen,Sheng; Chen,Mingxiu; Zheng,Jinxiu; Hu,Juxiang.
Abstract Background The seasonal variations in macroinvertebrate communities in tropical, temperate and subarctic regions have been observed and well documented to date, but similar studies conducted in subtropical rivers at the regional scale are relatively rare. In this paper, the macroinvertebrate communities from the main tributaries in the Three Gorges Reservoir Catchment (TGRC) were investigated as a function of the four seasons to explore the temporal variations in macroinvertebrate communities and further tests the temporal stability of certain metrics that are based on macroinvertebrates under a routine bioassessment framework. Results The taxa richness reached the highest point in spring, followed by winter, autumn and summer. The taxa...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Temporal variations; Macroinvertebrate communities; Three gorges reservoir catchment (TGRC); Tributaries.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Variabilidad espacial y temporal de los remolinos oceánicos en la región suroccidental de Cuba OceanDocs
Gutiérrez, Alina Rita; Álvarez Cruz, Amaury.
Un estudio de los remolinos oceánicos se realizó en la región SW de Cuba (19o-22oN, 80o40´- 86o30´W). Este comprendió la localización de los vórtices y sus escalas asociadas. La caracterización del campo de remolinos tuvo en cuenta su posición, orientación, diámetro y área. La variabilidad espacial y temporal de la serie de corrientes se determinó por el método de las componentes principales. La data primaria provino de los mapas de alturas dinámicas de 18 cruceros oceanográficos, de imágenes de corrientes obtenidas con el Modelo Global de Circulación Oceánica y Climatología Avanzada, y de una serie de corrientes de los satélites ERS1/2. Este estudio demostró que existen dos tipos de mecanismos orientadores de los remolinos oceánicos. La topografía...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Oceanic eddies; Spatial variations; Temporal variations.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Variabilidad temporal del fitoplancton en áreas costeras del mar ecuatoriano y su interrelación con el evento La Niña 1999-2000, Ecuador OceanDocs
Tapia, M.E..
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo conocer la variabilidad espacio temporal del fitoplancton y su interrelación con el evento La Niña 1999-2000 durante la época húmeda y seca considerando los parámetros ambientales: contajes celulares, abundancia relativa, en las estaciones fijas La Libertad y Manta.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Temporal variations; Biological production; Phytoplankton; Upwelling; Abundance; El Nino phenomena; Cell counters; Biological production; Phytoplankton.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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