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Genetic use restriction technologies and possible applications in the integrated pest management Ciência Rural
Dalazen,Giliardi; Merotto Júnior,Aldo.
ABSTRACT: Genetic use restriction technologies (GURTs) were developed to preserve the intellectual property of genetically modified crops (GM) and ensure the return of investments made by industry to obtain technology delivered through seeds. The aims of this review are to discuss the GURTs and analyze their possible applications in integrated management of agricultural pests. There are two classes of GURTs: T-GURTs (trait-based GURTs), wherein the generated seed are viable, but the next generation does not express the trait of agronomic interest, and V-GURT (variety-based GURTs), in which plants produce non viable seeds. However, beyond the seed protection purpose, the GURTs could have also other application to solve agronomic problems. One of the most...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Terminator technology; GURT; LEA promoters; IPM; Crop protection.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Genetically Modified Crops: Risks and Promise Ecology and Society
Conway, Gordon; The Rockefeller Foundation;
GM foods have the potential to provide significant benefits for developing countries. Over 800 million people are chronically undernourished, and 180 million children are severely underweight for their age. By 2020, there will be an extra two billion mouths to feed. Ecological approaches that underpin sustainable agriculture (e.g., integrated pest management) and participatory approaches that strengthen farmers' own experimentation and decision making are key. Biotechnology will be an essential partner, if yield ceilings are to be raised, if crops are to be grown without excessive reliance on pesticides, and if farmers on less favored lands are to be provided with crops that are resistant to drought and salinity, and that can use nitrogen and other...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.); Food security; Genetically modified rice; GM foods; Intellectual property rights; Marker-aided selection; Monsanto; Participatory approaches; Plant biotechnology; Plant variety protection; Terminator technology; Vitamin A deficiency.
Ano: 2000
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