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Aggression and dominance in cichlids in resident-intruder tests: the role of environmental enrichment 83
Nijman,Vincent; Heuts,Boudewijn A..
When establishing dominance residents have a greater likelihood to dominate intruders than vice versa, partially because the resident has more to loose that the intruder has to win. This is known as the prior residency effect. In environmentally rich environments this effect should be stronger than in poor environments. Recently Kadry & Barreto (2010, Neotrop Ichthyol 8: 329-332) tested this in the pearl cichlid Geophagus brasiliensis (17 test pairs) and reported that environmental enrichment led to a reduction of aggression. We here present data on four other cichlids (332 test pairs) showing a stronger prior residency effect in enriched conditions, and, for two species, an increase in aggression. We discuss possible reasons for the differences...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environmental enrichment; Pay-off asymmetry hypothesis; Prior residency effect; Resource holding power; Territoriality.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Behavioral ecology of Heteragrion consors Hagen (Odonata, Megapodagrionidae): a shade-seek Atlantic forest damselfly 92
Loiola,Geovanni Ribeiro; De Marco,Paulo.
Behavioral ecology of Heteragrion consors Hagen (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae): a shade-seek Atlantic forest damselfly. The intensity of the inter and intra-sexual selection can affect male behavioral traits as territorial fidelity and aggressiveness allowing the existence of different strategies. However, its differential success could be affected by environmental - as the diel variation in temperature - and physiological constrains - as the variation in thermoregulatory abilities. In this context, we present a behavioral analysis of Heteragrion consors (Zygoptera, Megapodagrionidae) trying to characterize its mating system, diel activity pattern, temporal budget, territoriality and reproductive biology. These data were obtained based on field observations...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mating systems; Reproductive biology; Temporal budget; Thermoregulation; Territoriality.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Environmental enrichment reduces aggression of pearl cichlid, Geophagus brasiliensis, during resident-intruder interactions 83
Kadry,Vivian Oliveira; Barreto,Rodrigo Egydio.
Among fishes, when residents and intruders fight, residents usually win, most likely because they value the residence more than intruders. We hypothesized that enriched environments increase the value of an area in dispute, causing a resident to more fiercely defend a resource-rich environment than a poor one. However, in the present study, intruder-resident tests with the pearl cichlid, Geophagus brasiliensis, showed environmental enrichment actually reduces aggression and can even lead to co-habitation without fighting. Additionally, in our experiments, the prior residence effect occurred irrespective of enrichment condition. Decreased visibility from increased habitat complexity reduces interactions between fish and consequently might explain the lower...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fighting; Territoriality; Intruder-resident paradigm; Resource holding power; Cichlidae.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Reproductive behavior of Cycloramphus dubius Miranda-Ribeiro (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae) 104
Giaretta,Ariovaldo A; Cardoso,Adão J.
Cycloramphus dubius Miranda-Ribeiro. 1920 is a frog species from the coastal Atlantic Forest in Southeastern Brazil. It uses waterfalls of forested rivulets as breeding sites. The eggs are placed outside of water, between rock crevices or roots constantly wetted by water dripping. Clutches have about 60 eggs, and the tadpoles grow attached to rocks, out of water. Males of this species exhibit parental care, biting and/or pushing away strange objects approaching the egg masses. Two types of calls were identified in the spectrograms. The "advertisement calls" consist of juxtaposed pulses lasting 200ms; the "aggressive calls", also have the short pulses structure, and last around 300ms. The aggressive calls are emitted during territorial invasion.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amphibia; Anura; Atlantic Forest; Breeding site; Territoriality; Parental care.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Reproductive behavior of Leptodactylus mystacinus (Anura, Leptodactylidae) with notes on courtship call of other Leptodactylus species 76
Oliveira Filho,Júlio C. de; Giaretta,Ariovaldo A..
Here we present data on the reproductive behavior of Leptodactylus mystacinus (Burmeister, 1861), including details on courtship behavior. We also describe and compared the courtship calls of L. mystacinus, L. furnarius Sazima & Bokermann, 1978 and Leptodactylus sp. (L. aff. andreae). Field works were conducted in Uberlândia (central Brazil). During courtship, a female approaches a calling male and is led to a previously excavated chamber; a female can approach a silent male that beat his hands and/or feet on the ground as well. The courtship call of L. mystacinus consists of one single arch-shaped note (duration = 0.04 s) repeated 258 times per minute; the courtship calls of L. furnarius (0.06 s, 84 times per minute) and Leptodactylus sp. (0.15 s,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brazilian savanna; Foam nests; Territoriality; Vocalization; Parental care.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Residence advantage in heterospecific territorial disputes of Erythrodiplax Brauer species (Odonata, Libellulidae) 92
Resende,Daniela Chaves.
Residence advantage in heterospecific territorial disputes of Erythrodiplax Brauer species (Odonata, Libellulidae). Territories are the outcome of interactions determining where and how long individuals settle. To odonate species, aggressive disputes are not so common since the outcome can be predetermined by advantages such as residency, age, and body size. However, it is possible to predict that at heterospecific disputes, larger body-sized or more aggressive species have some profits overcoming these individual advantages, generating patterns of species hierarchy. Here, I studied the aggressiveness of five Erythrodiplax species (Odonata, Libellulidae) during territorial disputes and verified if larger body-sized species are more aggressive than smaller...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Asymmetry; Hierarchy; Interspecific competition; Territoriality.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Resource Defense Polygyny by Hetaerina rosea Selys (Odonata: Calopterygidae): Influence of Age and Wing Pigmentation 82
Guillermo-Ferreira,R; Del-Claro,K.
Current evidence suggests that in Hetaerina damselflies males exhibit lek mating system. In this study, in order to answer if the same occurs in Hetaerina rosea Selys, we manipulated vegetation substrates used as territories and quantified the number of visiting females, males defending territories and fight intensity. We also examined whether body size and wing pigmentation are selectable traits in male-male competition, and if age affects male territorial behavior. Our results showed that males with larger pigmented areas won more contests, independently of body size. Old males changed from territoriality to sneaking strategy. Contrary to other Hetaerina species, males of H. rosea do not display lek behavior, but defend resources according to the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Competition; Lek; Territoriality; Behavior.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Spatial choice is biased by chemical cues from conspecifics in the speckeled worm eel Myrophis punctatus 83
Barreto,Rodrigo Egydio; Junqueira,Maria Fernanda Coelho; Tjui-Yeuw,Tan; Volpato,Gilson Luiz.
The speckeld worm eel Myrophis punctatus lives in high-densities assemblages, and usually digs through, or lies on the substrate. These behaviours could lead to chemical marks on the substrate and could modulate the spatial distribution in this species. We tested the hypothesis that the spatial choice of the speckled worm eel is modulated by the presence of conspecific odour on the substrate. Here, we showed that the speckled worm eel avoids the substrate area containing the conspecific odour, indicating that this chemical cue modulates the eel's spatial decision. The eels clearly detected the conspecific's odour. This perception might indicate the presence of conspecifics into the substrate. Since the eels avoided an area containing conspecific odour, we...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chemical communication; Chemoreception; Estuarine fish; Territoriality; Aggression.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Temporal Stability in Fishing Spots: Conservation and Co-Management in Brazilian Artisanal Coastal Fisheries 7
Begossi, Alpina; Unicamp;
The management of small-scale artisanal fisheries in Brazil should be a priority because of their importance as a source of food for internal markets and their location in sites with high biodiversity, such as the Atlantic Forest coast. Fishing spots, territories, and sea tenure have been widely studied within artisanal fisheries, and, in this study, a fishing spot of this type may be a defended area or an area that imposes rules for users, making the exclusion of outsiders feasible, or even a place in which fishing occurs with some exclusivity. This analysis takes into account the importance of fishing areas for the conservation of artisanal fishing in Brazil and the relative temporal stability of these areas. In particular, examples of the use of the...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Artisanal fisheries; Amazon; Atlantic Forest coast Brazil; Co-management; Territoriality; Fishing accords.
Ano: 2006
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Territorios del pez Stegastes planifrons en formaciones coralinas del Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona, Caribe colombiano: un panorama general 20
Santodomingo, N.; Rodríguez-Ramírez, A.; Garzón-Ferreira, J..
The pomacentrid Stegastes planifrons is one of the most conspicuous inhabitants of the coral reefs and constitutes an important agent of natural coral mortality. These fishes kill coral directly by removing coral polyps for opening up a space for its algal turfs, which are their main food. The population density, territory and algal turfs areas of Stegastes planifrons were assessed at Chengue and Gayraca bays in Tayrona Natural Park, as a contribution to understand natural processes involved in the coral reef deterioration. During August to November 1999, belt transects (20 x 2 m) were evaluated at four reef habitat types: multispecific coral assemblages dominated by (1) Colpophyllia natans (COLP) or (2) Montastraea spp. (MONT); and monospecific coral...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Territoriality; Coral reefs; Coral reefs; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Territory size of three Antbirds (Aves, Passeriformes) in an Atlantic Forest fragment in southeastern Brazil 104
Duca,Charles; Guerra,Tadeu J.; Marini,Miguel Â..
Territory size is an important ecological attribute of populations that has been considered a factor determines population density. Antbirds is a large group of mainly insectivorous Neotropical passerines, usually well represented in bird communities from forested landscapes in Neotropical region. Territory sizes for three Antbirds, Thamnophilus caerulescens (Vieillot, 1816) (Variable Antshrike), Dysithamnus mentalis (Temmink, 1823) (Plain Antvireo) e Pyriglena leucoptera (Vieillot, 1818) (White-shouldered Fire-eye), were mapped and their area estimated by the convex polygon method in a 50 ha forest fragment, in southeastern Brazil. The three species presented small territories of similar sizes (< 2 ha) both during the non-reproductive and the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dysithamnus mentalis; Thamnophilidae; Pyriglena leucoptera; Territoriality; Thamnophilus caerulescens.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Thermoregulatory constraints on behavior: patterns in a neotropical dragonfly assemblage 82
De Marco Jr,Paulo; Latini,Anderson O.; Resende,Daniela C..
Odonate species are classified in terms of their thermoregulatory behavior into flier and percher categories. Larger perchers could be more efficient thermoregulators in sunny sites and smaller perchers depend more on air temperature. In this paper, an analysis of the behavioral temporal budget of an odonate neotropical assemblage was performed to determine the role of body size on territorial defense and general behavioral strategies. This analysis revealed three groups based on time budget. The first and second groups contained the species that remained perched for most of the activity time, but species of the first group differ from the second group by the larger proportion of transition flights. The third group contained species which were usually...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Body size; Density-dependent effect; Neotropical; Territoriality; Time budget.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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