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Simultaneous age-dependent and age-independent sexual selection in the lekking black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) 5
Kervinen, Matti; Lebigre, Christophe; Soulsbury, Carl D..
Individuals' reproductive success is often strongly associated with their age, with typical patterns of early-life reproductive improvement and late-life senescence. These age-related patterns are due to the inherent trade-offs between life-history traits competing for a limited amount of resources available to the organisms. In males, such trade-offs are exacerbated by the resource requirements associated with the expression of costly sexual traits, leading to dynamic changes in trait expression throughout their life span. Due to the age dependency of male phenotypes, the relationship between the expression of male traits and mating success can also vary with male age. Hence, using longitudinal data in a lekking species with strong sexual selection - the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Annual reproductive success; Fitness; Lek; Long-term data; Mating success; Selection differential; Selection gradient; Senescence; Tetrao tetrix.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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