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Constraining the origin of recently deposited particles using natural radionuclides 7 Be and 234 Th ex in deltaic sediments 5
Wu, Junwen; Rabouille, Christophe; Charmasson, Sabine; Reyss, Jean Louis; Cagnat, Xavier.
7Be and 234Thex activities were determined in sediment cores off the Rhône River mouth (Gulf of Lions), in order to trace the initial transport and deposition of riverine suspended particulate matter (SPM) and evaluate the impact of flood events through 7 cruises carried out between 2007 and 2008. Consistently high 7Be and 234Thex inventories of 2000–3000 mBq cm−2 and 3000–5000 mBq cm−2, respectively, were observed within a ~5 km radius off the Rhône River mouth. Their spatial distributions showed a gradual decrease with increasing distance from the Rhône River mouth, and the decrease in 7Be was more pronounced than that of 234Thex, indicating that recent riverine SPM is rapidly deposited in the area located near the river mouth. This area is also...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Be-7; Th-234; Suspended particulate matter; Rhone River; 2008 flood; Gulf of Lions.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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