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Determination of thermal properties of the Cavendish banana peel as a function of temperature and moisture 111
Azadbakht, Mohsen; Asghari, Ali; Akbarnejad, Akbar.
The three most important characteristics of heat transfer in materials are thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat capacity. The thermal conductivity of banana peel was measured with a linear heat source. The specific heat of banana peel was obtained with a calorimeter. The thermal diffusivity coefficients were obtained by using mathematical equations. The results showed that the effect of moisture content and temperature on the thermal conductivity coefficients, specific heat and thermal diffusivity coefficients was significant at 1%. By increasing temperature, the thermal conductivity coefficients have increased in all moisture content. By reducing the moisture content the thermal conductivity coefficients were reduced in all...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Thermal conductivity; Banana peel; Thermal diffusivity; Specific heat.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Effect of maltodextrin on the freezing point and thermal conductivity of uvaia pulp (Eugenia piriformis Cambess) 64
Villa-Vélez,Harvey Alexander; Telis-Romero,Javier; Higuita,Diana Maria Cano; Telis,Vânia Regina Nicolletti.
The freezing point depression (FPD) of uvaia pulp with and without additives - 10, 16, 22 and 28% of maltodextrin (MD), was measured using a simple apparatus consisting of two major sections: a freezing vessel and a data acquisition system. The thermal conductivity of the pulps was also investigated as a function of the frozen water fraction and temperature using a coaxial dual-cylinder apparatus. Above the initial freezing point, thermal conductivity fitted the polynomial equations well. Below the freezing point, thermal conductivity was strongly affected by both the frozen water fraction and the temperature. Simple equations in terms of the frozen water fraction and temperature could be fitted to the experimental data for freezing point depression and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Freezing point depression; Uvaia pulp; Thermal conductivity.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Effect of moisture and temperature on thermal conductivity of pigeon pea seeds 111
Ikegwu, Onyekachi John.
The thermal conductivity of agricultural seeds has been used as engineering parameter in the design of process and machines for drying, storing, aeration and refrigeration. The thermal conductivity of white and red pigeon pea seeds with changes in moisture content and temperature was investigated using the transient heat transfer method. The thermal conductivity of white and red pigeon pea seeds increased from 0.2387 to 0.3497 Wm-1k-1 , and 0.2375 to 0.3425 Wm-1k-1 respectively, as the moisture content increased from 5 to 35% w.b. Thermal conductivity of white and red pigeon pea seeds increased significantly (p<0.05) from 0.2643 to 0.3543 Wm-1k-1 , and from 0.2711 to 0.3311 Wm-1k-1 respectively, as temperature increased from 10 to 70 ℃. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Thermal conductivity; Pigeon pea seeds; Moisture content; Temperature; Activation energy.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Effective thermal conductivity of the hair coat of Holstein cows in a tropical environment 96
Maia,Alex Sandro Campos; Silva,Roberto Gomes da; Souza Junior,João Batista Freire de; Silva,Rosiane Batista da; Domingos,Hérica Girlane Tertulino.
The objective of the present study was to assess the effective thermal conductivity of the hair coat (k ef, mW.m-1.K-1) of Holstein cows in a tropical environment, as related to conduction and radiation in the absence of free convection. The average k ef was 49.72 mW.m-1.K-1, about twice the conductivity of the air (26 mW.m-1.K-1) and much less than that of the hair fibres (260 mW.m-1.K-1). The low k ef values were attributed mainly to the small cross area of individual hairs, ρef/ρf (17.2% and 21.3% for black and white hairs, respectively). White coats were denser, with longer hairs and significantly higher k ef (53.15 mW.m-1.K-1) than that of the black hairs (49.25 mW.m-1.K-1). The heritability coefficient of the effective thermal conductivity was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hair coat; Holstein cows; Thermal conductivity.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Moisture dependent thermal properties of ground flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) 111
Singh, Ajit Kumar.
The thermal properties of flours have been extensively used as engineering parameter in the design of processes and equipment to handle, transport, storage purpose and for protection of quality of technological process by processing to final products. The thermal properties of ground flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) were investigated as a function of moisture content in the range of 4.82%-29.32% dry basis (d.b.) at six moisture levels, using a KD2 Pro Thermal Properties Analyzer. As the moisture content of ground flaxseed increased from 4.82 to 29.32 (% d.b.), the thermal conductivity, specific heat and thermal diffusivity increased from 0.122 to 0.184 W m-1 K-1, 2.94 to 5.64 kJ kg-1 K-1, and 6.42×10-8 to 8.11×10-8 m2/s, respectively. Ground flaxseed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ground flaxseed; Thermal properties; Bulk density; Thermal conductivity; Specific heat; Thermal diffusivity.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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On the use, by Einstein, of the principle of dimensional homogeneity, in three problems of the physics of solids 42
Einstein, in 1911, published an article on the application of the principle of dimensional homogeneity to three problems of the physics of solids: the characteristic frequency of the atomic nets of crystalline solids as a function of their moduli of compressibility or of their melting points, and the thermal conductivity of crystalline insulators. Recognizing that the physical dimensions of temperature are not the same as those of energy and heat, Einstein had recourse to the artifice of replace that physical parameter by its product by the Boltzmann constant, so obtaining correct results. But nowadays, with the new basic quantities "Thermodynamic Temperature theta (unit- Kelvin)'', "Electric Current I (unit Ampère)'' and "Amount of Substance MOL...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Characteristic frequency of solids; Thermal conductivity; Dimensional homogeneity.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Physical and thermal properties of mud-dominant sediment from the Joetsu Basin in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea 5
Goto, Shusaku; Yamano, Makoto; Morita, Sumito; Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Hachikubo, Akihiro; Kataoka, Satsuki; Tanahashi, Manabu; Matsumoto, Ryo.
Physical properties (bulk density and porosity) and thermal properties (thermal conductivity, heat capacity, specific heat, and thermal diffusivity) of sediment are crucial parameters for basin modeling. We measured these physical and thermal properties for mud-dominant sediment recovered from the Joetsu Basin, in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea. To determine thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and thermal diffusivity, the dual-needle probe method was applied. Grain density and grain thermal properties for the mud-dominant sediment were estimated from the measured physical and thermal properties by applying existing models of physical and thermal properties of sediment. We suggest that the grain density, grain thermal conductivity, and grain thermal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thermal conductivity; Thermal diffusivity; Heat capacity; Specific heat; Dual-needle probe method; Mineral composition.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Relationship between thermal properties of canola pods (without seed) with moisture content, porosity and chemical composition of pods 111
Azadbakht, Mohsen; Ghajarjazi, Ehsan; Ghaderi-Far, Farshid.
Thermal properties of canola pods including coefficients of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat and chemical composition of rapeseed pods were measured at three levels of conventional canola varieties cultivated in the north of Iran (Hyola 50, Hyola 401 and Hyola 420) and in three times before harvest, while harvest and post-harvest. Then the relationship between the thermal properties of canola pods with chemicals, moisture and porosity were investigated. Conductivity coefficient was resulted from linear thermal method, the specific heat was obtained from mixing method and diffusion coefficients were calculated by the formula. The results showed that changes of variety and time of sampling were significant on thermal conductivity...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Thermal conductivity; Specific heat; Thermal diffusivity; Canola pod; Chemical composition; Porosity.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Rheological and thermophysical properties of blackberry juice 116
Cabral,Renato Alexandre Ferreira; Orrego-Alzate,Carlos Eduardo; Gabas,Ana Lúcia; Telis-Romero,Javier.
Rheological and thermophysical properties were determined for blackberry juice, which was produced from blackberry fruit at 9.1 ± 0.5 °Brix and density of 1.0334 ± 0.0043 g cm-3. The concentration process was performed using a roto evaporator, under vacuum, to obtain concentrated juice at about 60 °Brix. In order to obtain different concentrations, concentrated juice was diluted with distilled water. Rheological measurements were carried out using a Rheotest 2.1 Searle type rheometer. In the tested ranges, the samples behaved as pseudoplastic fluids, and the Power-Law model was satisfactorily fitted to the experimental data. The friction factor was measured for blackberry juice in laminar flow conditions of pseudoplastic behavior. Thermal conductivity,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fruit juice; Rheology; Thermal conductivity; Thermal properties.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Thermal performance of sisal fiber-cement roofing tiles for rural constructions 63
Tonoli,Gustavo Henrique Denzin; Santos,Sérgio Francisco dos; Rabi,José Antonio; Santos,Wilson Nunes dos; Savastano Junior,Holmer.
Roofing provides the main protection against direct solar radiation in animal housing. Appropriate thermal properties of roofing materials tend to improve the thermal comfort in the inner ambient. Nonasbestos fiber-cement roofing components reinforced with cellulose pulp from sisal (Agave sisalana) were produced by slurry and dewatering techniques, with an optional addition of polypropylene fibers. Nonasbestos tiles were evaluated and compared with commercially available asbestos-cement sheets and ceramic tiles (frequently chosen as roofing materials for animal housing). Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of tiles were determined by the parallel hot-wire method, along with the evaluation of the downside surface temperature. Cement-based...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cellulose pulp; Polypropylene fiber; Thermal comfort; Parallel hot-wire method; Thermal conductivity.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Thermophysical and rheological properties of dulce de leche with and without coconut flakes as a function of temperature 116
Barbosa,Vanessa Camarinha; Garcia-Rojas,Edwin Elard; Coimbra,Jane Sélia dos Reis; Cipriano,Paula de Aguiar; Oliveira,Eduardo Basílio de; Telis-Romero,Javier.
Dulce de leche (DL), a dairy dessert highly appreciated in Brazil, is a concentrated product containing about 70% m/m of total solids. Thermophysical and rheological properties of two industrial Brazilian Dulce de leche formulations (classic Dulce de leche and Dulce de leche added with coconut flakes 1.5% m/m) were determined at temperatures comprised between 28.4 and 76.4 °C. In general, no significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in the presence of coconut flakes in the two formulations. Heat capacity varied from 2633.2 to 3101.8 J/kg.°C; thermal conductivity from 0.383 to 0.452 W/m.°C; specific mass from 1350.7 to 1310.7 kg/m³; and, thermal diffusivity from (1.082 × 10-7 to 1.130 × 10-7) m²/s. The Bingham model was used to properly describe...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bingham model; Dulce de leche; Heat capacity; Thermal conductivity; Specific mass; Thermal diffusivity.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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