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Cajones con aislamiento térmico para uso de las lanchas de fibra de vidrio del sector artesanal 20
Wood, C.D.; Grijalva, M..
Se construyeron tres tipos de cajones de madera en su exterior con aislamiento térmico usando materiales que se encuentran disponibles en el Ecuador. El primero fue hecho de madera y polietileno como aislante; el segundo con acero galvanizado en la parte interna, encima del aislamiento de polietileno, y el tercero con fibra de vidrio y resina en el interior, usando como aislante poliuretano. El cajón con fibra de vidrio fue más costoso pero parecía ser el mejor en términos de su peso y resistencia. Se construyeron cuatro cajones más de este estilo con un diseño modificado para pruebas de resistencia más extensas. Se han alcanzado mejoras, pero ese necesario más trabajo para definir diseños de cajones con aislamiento térmico.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Thermal insulation; Artisanal fishing; Containers; Fishery products; Fishery products; Containers; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Etude du comportement des systèmes d'isolation thermique pour les grandes profondeurs d'eau 5
Bouchonneau, Nadege.
This work deals with the study of the thermomechanical behaviour of multilayered thermal insulation systems protecting subsea pipelines, used in the context of deep sea offshore exploitation (down to 3000 m water depth). The first step of this work consisted in obtaining experimental data on the thermal, mechanical and water diffusion behaviour of insulation materials, particularly of syntactic foams (polymer matrix reinforced with hollow glass microspheres), which are widely used in the thermal insulation of pipelines. The development of experimental tests on industrial multilayered coated structures under representative deep sea conditions (until 300 bar external hydrostatic pressure) represented one of the major aims of this work. The global heat...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thermomechanical modelling; Syntactic foam; Multilayered systems; Thermal insulation; Modélisation thermomécanique; Mousse syntactique; Systèmes multicouches; Isolation thermique.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Influence of a Commercial Hatchery Thermal Environmental on the Heat Loss of Fertile Broiler Eggs 89
Silva,GF; Pereira,DF; Salgado,DD.
ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to monitor the thermal environment of different hatchery locations during the transfer of fertile eggs from the setter and to the hatcher, to measure egg heat loss, and to determine its effects on hatchery results. In total, 1,728 fertile eggs of Cobb broiler breeders were divided into two treatments. In treatment 1 (T1), after 19 days of incubation, eggs were removed from the incubator and transferred to the hatcher in aninsulated box, and in treatment 0 (T0), eggs were transferred with no thermal insulation (T0). The duration of egg transfer was 10 minutes. Eggs were photographed using a thermographic camera at the exit of the setter, arrival at and exit from the candling room, and arrival at the hatcher. Based...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Thermographic image; Thermal insulation; Egg transfer..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Life time prediction of polymer used as thermal insulation in offshore oil production conditions: Ageing on real structure and reliability of prediction 5
Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Choqueuse, Dominique; Melot, D.; Melve, B.; Meniconi, L..
Polymers are widely used for passive thermal insulation coatings on steel pipe in offshore oil and gas production. In this industry, structures used in deep sea have to be reliable as they are in service for more than 20 years in a very severe environment: sea water, hydrostatic pressure, temperature. One of the main questions is how to test and predict the lifetime of such structures in the laboratory. This study presents one approach that has been developed to characterize and predict the degradation of polyurethanes used as thermal insulation materials. Based on results obtained during accelerated ageing of the PU in sea water, a prediction of degradation through the thickness has been set up taking into account the temperature profile in the coating,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Polyurethane; Life time prediction; Hydrolysis; Offshore; Thermal insulation; Durability.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Sartor,Karina; Barros,Juliana de S. G.; Sarubbi,Juliana; Alonso,Jonas B.; Rossi,Luiz A..
ABSTRACT In the swine intensive farming, one of the biggest problems is to meet the thermal requirements of piglets in heated creeps, which demand high consumption of electricity and increase in production costs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the thermal efficiency and the consumption of electric energy in heated and internal insulated creeps, made of recycled material, when compared to creeps without thermal insulation. The treatments were: control (TCON): creep heated through suspended electric resistance, controlled by thermostat; thermal insulation with recycled material (TPK). The experiment was carried out for 21 days. In the treatments, the temperature (°C) and relative humidity (RH) of the air, consumption of electric energy (kWh), specific...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Piglets; Thermal insulation; Thermal efficiency.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Barreca, Francesco.
Large amounts of waste material of forestry and agricultural processes are still underutilized. An interesting eco-friendly alternative utilization of the organic residues of agricultural and forestry processes is to be found in the thermal insulation of buildings. Such natural materials are produced through energy-efficient processes; restrict the emissions of volatile compounds, which are harmful in indoor environments; are easily recycled; and are obtained from local natural resources or from the waste materials of the agricultural and forestry industry (Baccilieri et al., 2016). Cork is one of the most popular natural materials used as insulators. It is obtained from the bark of the Quercus suber and only 25% of it, the high quality cork, is used to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultural engineering agglomerated cork; Agricultural residues; Building energy; Environmentally sustainable; Heat capacity; Thermal insulation; Wall.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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