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Oxidative stress and antioxidant response in a thermotolerant yeast 58
Mejía-Barajas,Jorge A.; Montoya-Pérez,Rocío; Salgado-Garciglia,Rafael; Aguilera-Aguirre,Leopoldo; Cortés-Rojo,Christian; Mejía-Zepeda,Ricardo; Arellano-Plaza,Melchor; Saavedra-Molina,Alfredo.
Abstract Stress tolerance is a key attribute that must be considered when using yeast cells for industrial applications. High temperature is one factor that can cause stress in yeast. High environmental temperature in particular may exert a natural selection pressure to evolve yeasts into thermotolerant strains. In the present study, three yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, MC4, and Kluyveromyces marxianus, OFF1 and SLP1) isolated from hot environments were exposed to increased temperatures and were then compared with a laboratory yeast strain. Their resistance to high temperature, oxidative stress, and antioxidant response were evaluated, along with the fatty acid composition of their cell membranes. The SLP1 strain showed a higher specific growth rate,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Yeast; Increased temperature; Oxygen-derived free radicals; Thermotolerant.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Screening of thermotolerant and thermophilic fungi aiming β-xylosidase and arabinanase production 58
Benassi,Vivian Machado; Lucas,Rosymar Coutinho de; Jorge,João Atílio; Polizeli,Maria de Lourdes Teixeira de Moraes.
Plant cell wall is mainly composed by cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The heterogeneous structure and composition of the hemicellulose are key impediments to its depolymerization and subsequent use in fermentation processes. Thus, this study aimed to perform a screening of thermophilic and thermotolerant filamentous fungi collected from different regions of the São Paulo state, and analyze the production of β-xylosidase and arabinanase at different temperatures. These enzymes are important to cell wall degradation and synthesis of end products as xylose and arabinose, respectively, which are significant sugars to fermentation and ethanol production. A total of 12 fungal species were analyzed and 9 of them grew at 45 ºC, suggesting a thermophilic or...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Screening; Β-D-xylosidase; Arabinanase; Thermotolerant; Thermophilic.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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