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Fat Taxes and Thin Subsidies: Distributional Impacts and Welfare Effects AgEcon
Salois, Matthew J.; Tiffin, J. Richard.
The extant literature on fat taxes and thin subsidies tends to focus on the overall effectiveness of such fiscal instruments in altering diets and improving health. However, little is known about the welfare impacts of fiscal food policies on society. This paper fills a gap in the literature by assessing the distributional impacts and welfare effects resulting from a tax-subsidy combination on different food groups. Using the methods derived from marginal tax reform theory, a formal welfare economics framework is developed allowing the calculation of the distributional characteristics of various food groups and approximate welfare measures of prices changes caused by a tax-subsidy combination. The distributional characteristics reveal that many of the food...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Distributional characteristic; Fat tax; Obesity; Thin subsidy; Welfare.; Health Economics and Policy; D30; D60; H20; I10; I30..
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The Distributional Consequences of a Fiscal Food Policy: Evidence From the UK AgEcon
Salois, Matthew J.; Tiffin, J. Richard.
The extant literature on fat taxes and thin subsidies tends to focus on the overall effectiveness of such fiscal instruments in altering diets and improving health. However, little is known about the welfare impacts of fiscal food policies on society. This paper fills a gap in the literature by assessing the distributional impacts and welfare effects resulting from a tax-subsidy combination on different food groups. Using the methods derived from marginal tax reform theory, a formal welfare economics framework is developed allowing the calculation of the distributional characteristics of various food groups and approximate welfare measures of prices changes caused by a tax-subsidy combination. The distributional characteristics reveal that many of the food...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Distributional characteristic; Economic welfare; Fat tax; Indirect tax reform; Obesity; Thin subsidy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Health Economics and Policy; D30; D60; H20; I10; I30.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Salois, Matthew J.; Tiffin, J. Richard.
This paper examines the health effects of a fiscal food policy based on a combination of fat taxes and thin subsidies. The fat tax is based on the saturated fat content of food items while the thin subsidy is applied to select fruit and vegetable items. The policy is designed to be revenue neutral so that the subsidy exactly offsets the revenue from the fat tax. A model of food demand is estimated using Bayesian methods that accounts for censoring and infrequency of purchase (the problem of unit values is also discussed). The estimated of demand elasticities are used to compute nutrient elasticities which demonstrate how consumption of specific nutrients changes based on price changes in particular foods from the fiscal policy. Results show that while the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Bayesian estimation; Censoring; Fat tax; Infrequency of purchase; Nutrient elasticities; Obesity; Thin subsidy; Unit values; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Health Economics and Policy; D30; D60; H20; I10; I30.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The Impacts of Fat Taxes and Thin Subsidies on Nutrient Intakes AgEcon
Salois, Matthew J.; Tiffin, J. Richard.
This paper examines the health effects of a fiscal food policy based on a combination of fat taxes and thin subsidies. The fat tax is based on the saturated fat content of food items while the thin subsidy is applied to select fruit and vegetable items. The policy is designed to be revenue neutral so the subsidy exactly offsets the revenue from the fat tax. A model of food demand is estimated using Bayesian methods that accounts for censoring and infrequency of purchase (the problem of unit values is also discussed). The estimated demand elasticities are used to compute nutrient elasticities which demonstrate how consumption of specific nutrients changes based on price changes in particular foods from the fiscal policy. Results show that although the fat...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Fat tax; Nutrient elasticities; Obesity; Thin subsidy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; D30; D60; H20; I10; I30.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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