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Risk - An Opportunity or Threat for Entrepreneurial Farmers in the Global Food Market? AgEcon
Shadbolt, Nicola M.; Olubode-Awosola, Femi; Gray, David I.; Dooley, Elizabeth.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Uncertainty; Farm management; Opportunities; Threats; Agribusiness; Q12.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Seagrass ecosystems of the Pacific Island Countries and Territories: A global bright spot ArchiMer
Mckenzie, Len J.; Yoshida, Rudi L.; Aini, John W.; Andréfouet, Serge; Colin, Patrick L.; Cullen-unsworth, Leanne C.; Hughes, Alec T.; Payri, Claude E.; Rota, Manibua; Shaw, Christina; Skelton, Posa A.; Tsuda, Roy T.; Vuki, Veikila C.; Unsworth, Richard K.f..
Seagrass ecosystems exist throughout Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). Despite this area covering nearly 8% of the global ocean, information on seagrass distribution, biogeography, and status remains largely absent from the scientific literature. We confirm 16 seagrass species occur across 17 of the 22 PICTs with the highest number in Melanesia, followed by Micronesia and Polynesia respectively. The greatest diversity of seagrass occurs in Papua New Guinea (13 species), and attenuates eastward across the Pacific to two species in French Polynesia. We conservatively estimate seagrass extent to be 1446.2 km2, with the greatest extent (84%) in Melanesia. We find seagrass condition in 65% of PICTs increasing or displaying no discernible trend...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seagrass; Ecosystem services; Habitats; Threats; Resilience; Management; DPSIR.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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The Efficacy of TRIPS: Incentives, Capacity and Threats AgEcon
Kerr, William A..
There is a major split between developed and developing countries over the protection of the patents in pharmaceuticals in the TRIPS. This dispute is symptomatic of the difficulties of incorporating a non-trade issue into a trade organization. Incentives and threats are examined in the context of the TRIPS. It is concluded that developing countries have no direct incentives to protect intellectual property, that the threat of trade actions is unlikely to induce compliance and that the use of indirect incentives is discredited and will fail to achieve its objective over the long run. Successful protection of intellectual property in developing countries will require a way to provide them with a direct incentive to enforce such protection.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Enforcement; Incentives; Intellectual property; Knowledge economy; Threats; TRIPS; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Threats to bioethical principles in medical practice in Brazil: new medical ethics code period BJMBR
Gracindo,G.C.L.; da Silva Gallo,J.H.; Nunes,R..
We aimed to outline the profile of medical professionals in Brazil who have violated the deontological norms set forth in the ethics code of the profession, and whose cases were judged by the higher tribunal for medical ethics between 2010 and 2016. This survey was conducted using a database formed from professional ethics cases extracted from the plenary of the medical ethics tribunal of the Federal Council of Medicine. These were disciplinary ethics cases that were judged at appeal level between 2010 and 2016. Most of these professionals were male (88.5%) and their mean age was 59.9 years (SD=11.62) on the date of judgment of their appeals, ranging from 28 to 95 years. Most of them were based in the southeastern region of Brazil (50.89%). Articles 1 and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bioethics; Ethics codes; Medical ethics; Threats.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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