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Comparison of synthetic turbulence approaches for blade element momentum theory prediction of tidal turbine performance and loads ArchiMer
Togneri, Michael; Pinon, Grégory; Carlier, Clement; Choma Bex, Camille; Masters, Ian.
Turbulence is a crucial flow phenomenon for tidal energy converters (TECs), as it influences both the peak loads they experience and their fatigue life. To best mitigate its effects we must understand both turbulence itself and how it induces loads on TECs. To that end, this paper presents the results of blade element momentum theory (BEMT) simulations of flume-scale TEC models subjected to synthetic turbulent flows. Synthetic turbulence methods produce three-dimensional flowfields from limited data, without solving the equations governing fluid motion. These flowfields are non-physical, but match key statistical properties of real turbulence and are much quicker and computationally cheaper to produce. This study employs two synthetic turbulence generation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: BEMT; SEM; Sandia; Tidal turbines; Turbulence; Simulation.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Étude expérimentale de la turbulence dans les zones à forts courants et de son impact sur les hydroliennes ArchiMer
Ikhennicheu, Maria.
French waters have a strong potential for tidal turbines applications. In these areas of strong currents, intense velocity fluctuations are observed in the water column. They ultimately come from variations in seabed bathymetry and can have a strong impact on tidal turbine energy production and fatigue. In order to understand the turbulent structures generation in the wake of obstacles and to build a data base for future numerical studies, the Alderney Race conditions are reproduced experimentally, in a wave and current tank, in Froude similitude and with a Reynolds number as high as possible. In this study, real bathymetric variations are represented using canonical elements : a cube, a cylinder, an inclined plane or a combination of all three. Cases with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbulence; Essais expérimentaux; Hydroliennes; Obstacles; Sillage; PIV; LDV; POD; Turbulence; Experimental trials; Tidal turbines; Obstacles; Wake; PIV; LDV; POD.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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