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Tide and surge dynamics along the Iberian Atlantic coast 5
Alvarez Fanjul, E; Perez Gomez, B; Carretero, Jc; Rodriguez Sanchez Arevalo, I.
The eastern Atlantic barotropic dynamics (in a region spanning from 20 degrees N to 48 degrees N and 34 degrees W to 0 degrees) are studied through numerical modelling and in situ measurements. The main source of data is the tidal gauge network REDMAR, managed by Clima Maritimo (Puertos del Estado). The numerical model employed is the HAMSOM, developed both by the Institut fur Meereskunde (Hamburg University) and Clima Maritime. In this paper, tidal and storm surge dynamics are studied for the region, focusing particularly on the nonlinear transfer of energy between the different forcings. The results of tidal simulations show good agreement between semidiurnal harmonic components and the values obtained from the tidal gauges (both coastal and pelagic) and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Onde de marée; Marée; Vague; Couplage; Réseau de marégraphie REDMAR; Surge; Tide; Wave; Model coupling; Tide gauge network REDMAR.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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