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Comportamiento productivo y patrón de rebrote de la asociación de pasto ovillo (Dactylis glomerata L.), ballico perenne (Lolium perenne L.) y trébol blanco (Trifolium repens L.). Colegio de Postgraduados
Flores Santiago, Ever del Jesús.
Con el objetivo de cuantificar las diferencias en el rendimiento anual y estacional de forraje y la velocidad de crecimiento de dos gramíneas y una leguminosa en función al manejo estacional de la frecuencia de pastoreo, se realizó el presente estudio en el campo experimental del Colegio de Postgraduados, en Montecillo, Texcoco, Estado de México, en una pradera asociada en su segundo año de establecimiento. Se evalúo el rendimiento de forraje, altura de planta (cm), radiación interceptada (RI, %) y composición botánica del forraje cosechado (% y kg MS), dinámica de rebrote, tasa de aparición, tasa de muerte y tasa de sobrevivencia de tallos (DPT, TAT, TMT, TST). Los tratamientos fueron las asociaciones 100:00:00, 00:100:00, 20:40:40, 00:50:50, 40:20:40,...
Palavras-chave: Rendimiento de materia seca; Asociaciones de especies forrajeras; Densidad de tallos; Tasa de aparición; Muerte de tallos; Dry matter yield; Forage species associations; Tiller density; Rate of emergence; Death of tillers; Ganadería; Maestría.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Plant morphology and herbage accumulation of signal grass with or without fertilization, under different light regimes Ciência Rural
Lopes,Clenardo Macedo; Paciullo,Domingos Sávio Campos; Araújo,Saulo Alberto do Carmo; Morenz,Mirton José Frota; Gomide,Carlos Augusto de Miranda; Maurício,Rogério Martins; Braz,Thiago Gomes dos Santos.
ABSTRACT: The silvopastoral system has been suggested as an alternative to recover degraded pastures in tropical regions. However, trees reduce the light available for pastures, which may affect the growth and herbage accumulation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphogenesis, canopy structure and herbage accumulation of signalgrass ( Brachiaria decumbens ) subjected to three light regimes (0, 20 and 70% of natural shading) and two fertilization levels (presence or absence of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). Leaf and stem elongation rates increased under shading but did not vary with fertilization. The leaf appearance rate was greater under fertilizer treatment but was generally similar among light regimes. The tiller density was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brachiaria decumbens; Morphogenesis; Shading; Silvopastoral system; Tiller density.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Tillering dynamics of Alexandergrass pasture under nitrogen fertilization Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Bergoli,T.L.; Rocha,M.G.; Pötter,L.; Salvador,P.R.; Sichonany,M.J.O.; Hundertmarck,A.P.; Rosa,V.B.; Dotto,L.R..
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilization on tillering dynamics of Alexandergrass (Urochloa plantaginea (Link) Hitch) grazed by beef heifers in a rotational stocking grazing method. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design following a repeated measure arrangement, three levels of nitrogen (Zero, 150 and 300kg ha-1) and two area repetition. The classification of tillers into categories (basal and axillary) showed a greater number of basal tillers, due to their higher appearance rate, in the absence of nitrogen fertilization. Nitrogen fertilization promoted higher axillary tiller density. The use of nitrogen promotes the renewal of axillary tillers of Alexandergrass, without compromising the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Axillary tiller; Basal tiller; Stability index; Tiller density; Urochloa plantaginea.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Tillering of Tifton 85 bermudagrass in response to nitrogen rates and time of application after cutting Scientia Agricola
Premazzi,Linda Monica; Monteiro,Francisco Antonio; Corrente,José Eduardo.
Nitrogen fertilization is determinant for pasture productivity, as it results in increasing forage yield and is associated with the growth physiology of forage plants. An experiment was carried out in a greenhouse to evaluate the effects of nitrogen rates and times of application after cutting on Tifton 85 Bermuda grass (Cynodon spp.) tillering. Plants were grown in a Typic Quartzipsamment soil and nitrogen rates were 0, 80, 160 and 240 mg kg-1 of soil; times of application were immediately after and seven days after cutting. A 4 x 2 factorial experiment was set in a completely randomized block design (n= 4). Plants were evaluated in two sequential growth periods - 39 and 41 days. Nitrogen rates affected tiller density, considering the initial number of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cynodon; Tiller weight; Tiller density; Grass; Fertilization.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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