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Afforestation to increase the provision of ecosystem services: economic implications for Ukraine and beyond AgEcon
Nijnik, Maria; Oskam, Arie J.; Nijnik, Albert.
This paper analyses costs and benefits of planting trees on marginal lands across forestry zones in Ukraine with the purpose of using them for timber production, erosion prevention and climate change mitigation. The research reveals that establishment of new forests to increase timber production and alleviate soil erosion is economically and environmentally justified in some regions. Incorporating the effects of afforestation through on climate change mitigation increases social benefits.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Afforestation; Erosion; Carbon; Timber; Cost-benefit analysis; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Analyzing the Economic Impact of Climate Change on Global Timber Markets AgEcon
Sohngen, Brent; Sedjo, Roger A.; Mendelsohn, Robert; Lyon, Kenneth S..
In this paper, we show how ecological and economic models can be linked to determine the economic impact of climate change on global timber markets. We begin by discussing some of the important issues relevant to global impact analyses such as this. We then outline our general modeling framework and discuss the particular models that will be used. Finally, we discuss some of the important issues involved with linking the two types of models.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Climate change; Economic model; Timber; Timber market; Dynamic; Optimal control; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q10; Q23; Q24.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Biotechnology's Potential Contribution to Global Wood Supply and Forest Conservation AgEcon
Sedjo, Roger A..
Over the past 30 years, industrial plantation forests have become a major supplier of industrial wood. There are several reasons for this, including the improved economics of planted forests due to biotechnological innovations, the increases in natural forest wood costs due to increasing inaccessibility, and rising wood costs from natural forests due to new environmental restrictions related to logging. Forestry today is on the threshold of the widespread introduction of biotechnology into its operational practices. In many cases, the biotechnology likely to be introduced is simply an extension of that being utilized in agriculture, such as herbicide-tolerant genes. However, biotechnology in forestry also is developing applications unique to forestry,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Breeding; Forestry; Tree plantations; Timber; Fiber; Genes; GMOs; Industrial wood; Economics; Benefits; Costs; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q21; Q23; Q16; O32; L73.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Terezo,Rodrigo F.; Córdova,Franciele O. de; Sampaio,Carlos A. de P..
ABSTRACT In the production of glue-laminated timber (GLT), boards derived from planted forest wood with easy workability are glued on top of one another. The main objective of the present work was to evaluate the performance of paricá timber GLT beams (5 × 10 cm) on GLT. Three procedures were performed: (1) GLT beams (5 × 10 cm) were produced using natural lamellae without chemical preservatives; (2) the individual lamellae (2.5 × 5 cm) were chemically treated, and then glued together; and (3) the beams formed from the glued natural lamellae (5 × 10 cm) were treated chemically. The positions of lamellae on the beams were determined by their modulus of elasticity values (MOE), which were estimated by a non-destructive bending test with a three-point load....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Timber; Beams; Structure.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Estimating Carbon Supply Curves for Global Forests and Other Land Uses AgEcon
Sedjo, Roger A.; Sohngen, Brent; Mendelsohn, Robert.
This study develops cumulative carbon 'supply curves' for global forests utilizing an dynamic timber supply model for sequestration of forest carbon. Because the period of concern is the next century, and particular time points within that century, the curves are not traditional Marshallian supply curves or steady-state supply curves. Rather, the focus is on cumulative carbon cost curves (quasi-supply curves) at various points in time over the next 100 years. The research estimates a number of long-term, cumulative, carbon quasi-supply curves under different price scenarios and for different time periods. The curves trace out the relationship between an intertemporal price path for carbon, as given by carbon shadow prices, and the cumulative carbon...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Carbon supply curves; Sequestration; Timber; Forests; Model; Global warming; Prices; Markets; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q10; Q15; Q21; Q23; Q24.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Forestry Cooperatives: Organization and Performance AgEcon
Simon, Donald M.; Scoville, Orlin J..
This study describes organizational structure, functions, and facilities of forestry cooperatives in the United States. It evaluates their economic performance and explores current problem areas and potentials for future development. Cooperative organization provides woodland owners professional forestry assistance, in terms of forest management, marketing, and educational activities. Some cooperatives consistently provide these services at less than prevailing rates and obtain higher than average stumpage prices on a local basis. In addition, forestry cooperatives have the potential to play a great role in marketing alternative forest products, such as wood for energy. Woodland-owner organizations have a wide range of sizes, business activities, types of...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Forestry; Cooperatives; Forestry cooperatives; Timber; Woodland; Forest owner; Rural development; Agribusiness.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Forestry in the Next Millennium: Challenges and Opportunities for the USDA Forest Service AgEcon
Binkley, Clark S..
Throughout the globe, forestry faces predictable trends associated with the transition from reliance on natural forests to ones created through human stewardship. Laid over the ordinary economics of this transition are increases in the values of the environmental services that forests provide. The three general approaches to forest management--natural forest management, plantation forest management, and preserve management--are evaluated in this economic context. The USDA Forest Service has interesting opportunities to apply each approach, but doing so will require profound organizational changes.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Forestry; Forest Service; Economics; Environment; Timber; Forest plantations; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; H41; H42; Q23; Q28.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Landcare on the Poverty-Protection Interface in an Asian Watershed Ecology and Society
Garrity, Dennis P; International Centre for Research in Agroforestry;; Amoroso, Victor B; ;; Koffa, Samuel; ;; Catacutan, Delia; ;; Buenavista, Gladys; ;; Fay, Paul; ;; Dar, William; ;.
Serious methodological and policy hurdles constrain effective natural resource management that alleviates poverty while protecting environmental services in tropical watersheds. We review the development of an approach that integrates biodiversity conservation with agroforestry development through the active involvement of communities and their local governments near the Kitanglad Range Natural Park in the Manupali watershed, central Mindanao, the Philippines. Agroforestry innovations were developed to suit the biophysical and socioeconomic conditions of the buffer zone. These included practices for tree farming and conservation farming for annual cropping on slopes. Institutional innovations improved resource management, resulting in an effective social...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Agroforestry; Biodiversity; Buffer zone; Integrated conservation-development projects; Land care; Protected national park; Soil conservation; Sustainable agriculture; Timber.
Ano: 2002
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Marion Clawson's Contribution to Forestry AgEcon
Sedjo, Roger A..
Marion Clawson passed away in April 1998 at the age of 92. He was a giant in the field of resource and environmental economics who devoted the last decade and one-half of his professional career to forest and forest related issues. He produced over 30 professional books and hundreds of papers. This paper presents a broad overview of his career as an economist, with a focus on his work in and influence on forestry and forest policy. From the early 1970s through to his last professional book in 1983, and his final professional contributions in the mid 1990s, Clawson devoted most of his professional efforts to forest issues. His influence on forests and forest policy was substantial, especially in the context of public policy toward America's publicly owned...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Marion Clawson; Forest; Economics; Resources; Policy; Timber; Recreation; History; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; B31; Q10; Q20; Q23; Q24; Q26; Q28.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Optimal management of a flammable forest providing timber and carbon sequestration benefits: an Australian case study AgEcon
Spring, Daniel; Kennedy, John O.S.; Mac Nally, Ralph.
In deciding to keep or fell a forest stand given its age, the risk of loss of timber through wildfire is an important consideration. If trees also have value from sequestration of carbon, another effect of fire is the unplanned loss of stored carbon. Factors affecting the decision to keep or fell trees, and how much to spend on fire protection, are investigated using stochastic dynamic programming, using carbon sequestration in stands of mountain ash in Victoria as a case study. The effect of treating sawlogs as a permanent carbon sink after harvesting is explored.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Forest management; Timber; Carbon; Dynamic; Programming; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Poverty program participation and employment in timber-dependent counties AgEcon
Berck, Peter; Costello, Christopher; Hoffmann, Sandra A.; Fortmann, Louise.
This paper uses cointegrated time-series methods to evaluate the effect of timber employment on participation in a major poverty program-Aid to Families with Dependent Children-Unemployed Parent (AFDC-UP). The study is conducted for major timber-producing counties in California. It is shown that a two-sector structural model can be solved to produce an error-correction model. An error-correction model is estimated with time series on state and county AFDC-UP caseload, state employment, county nontimber employment, and county timber employment. Utilizing tests on the cointegrating space, it is shown that there is no long-run relationship between poverty and timber employment in 10 of the 11 counties studied.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Afdc; Economic conditions; Employment; Poverty; Timber; Time-series analysis; Food Security and Poverty; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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The Forest Sector: Important Innovations AgEcon
Sedjo, Roger A..
Unlike other resources such as petroleum, coal, and copper, forests are renewable. Yet, in many respects forests historically have been treated as a nonrenewable resource in that forest stocks were depleted or "mined" and loggers moved on to exploit other "deposits." The lands were often put to other uses, typically agricultural, or allowed to regenerate naturally. This paper looks at technical change in forest extraction, i.e., logging under a number of different conditions. It finds that, on average, labor productivity has been increasing in recent decades. However, total factor productivity in the US has declined in recent years. In addition, the study examines the tree-growing potential of plantation forestry. It finds that there is underway a...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Productivity; Resources; Forests; Timber; Technology; Innovations; Plantations; Logging; Genetics; Extraction; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; O31; O32; O50; O51; Q23.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Trade-offs among forest value components in community forests of southwestern Amazonia Ecology and Society
Alverga, Paula; Universidade Federal do Acre, Brazil;; Barnes, Grenville; School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, USA;; Brasil da Silva, Izaias; Universidade Federal do Acre, Brazil;; Castro, Wendeson; Universidade Federal do Acre, Brazil;; de Souza Moll, Iracema; Universidade Federal do Acre, Brazil;; Medeiros, Herison; Universidade Federal do Acre, Brazil;; Murphy, Skya; Department of Biology, University of Florida, USA;; Rockwell, Cara A.; School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, USA;; Shenkin, Alexander; School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, USA; Department of Biology, University of Florida, USA;; Silveira, Marcos; Universidade Federal do Acre, Brazil;; Southworth, Jane; Department of Geography and Land Use and Environmental Change Institute, University of Florida, USA;; Perz, Stephen; Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law, University of Florida, USA;
Contemporary conservation interventions must balance potential trade-offs between multiple ecosystem services. In tropical forests, much attention has focused on the extent to which carbon-based conservation provided by REDD+ policies can also mitigate biodiversity conservation. In the nearly one-third of tropical forests that are community owned or managed, conservation strategies must also balance the multiple uses of forest products that support local livelihoods. Although much discussion has focused on policy options, little empirical evidence exists to evaluate the potential for trade-offs among different tropical forest value components. We assessed multiple components of forest value, including tree diversity, carbon stocks, and both timber and...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Aç Ai; Biodiversity conservation; Brazil nut; Carbon stocks; Livelihood; NTFP; REDD; Rubber; Timber; Tropical rainforest.
Ano: 2014
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Utilização de microtrator na colheita madeireira em sistema de manejo florestal de pequena escala. Infoteca-e
Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar os índices técnicos de produtividade e econômicos (composição dos custos operacionais, utilização de mão de obra, rentabilidade e investimentos básicos) da colheita de madeira nas áreas manejadas do PC Peixoto com a inserção de um microtrator, acoplado a uma carreta basculante, em substituição aos animais no transporte primário da madeira serrada.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Manejo florestal comunitário; Arraste da madeira; Microtrator; Projeto de Colonização Pedro Peixoto; Acrelândia (AC); Amazônia Ocidental; Acre; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Explotación forestal; Exploração da madeira; Comunidades rurales; Maquinaria y equipamiento agrícola; Silvicultura comunitaria; Timber; Tractores; Madeira; Comunidade rural; Assentamento; Administração florestal; Produtividade; Rentabilidade; Máquina agrícola; Transporte; Transportation; Agricultural machinery and equipment; Tractors; Rural communities; Community forestry; Logging.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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