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Eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna: what we learn from historical time-series of trap catches ArchiMer
Ravier, Christelle; Fromentin, Jean-marc.
More than one hundred long-term time-series of bluefin tuna catches from the ancestral Mediterranean and Atlantic trap fisheries are used to (1) estimate historical range of BFT yields in the Mediterranean and adjacent Atlantic and (2) investigate spatial and temporal patterns of fluctuations in trap catches. Mean historical catches were around 110 000 tunas/year (± 50 000), i.e. 15 000 tons/year (∈[7 000;25 000]). Fluctuations in trap catches are of large magnitude, periods of high abundance being up to seven times higher than those of low abundance. More interesting was the occurrence of 100-year-long periodic fluctuations as well as 20-year cycles. These medium- to long-term fluctuations, representing more than 50% of the total variability in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thunnus thynnus; Time series analyses; Abundance; Population dynamics; Long-term changes; Trapfishing.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Persistent millennial scale climate variability in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific over the last two glacial cycles ArchiMer
Arellano-torres, Elsa; Ganeshram, Raja S.; Pichevin, Laetitia E.; Salas-de-leon, David Alberto.
High-resolution sediment records from the eastern tropical North Pacific (ETNP) spanning the last ~240 ka B.P. were studied to document the nature of millennial-scale climatic events in the tropical Pacific and to investigate teleconnection mechanisms. We present organic carbon (%OC) and diffuse spectral reflectivity records as indicative of upwelling and productivity changes off NW Mexico over the middle to late Pleistocene. The new productivity records document the persistence of abrupt millennial-scale changes over the last two glacial cycles. Detailed spectral and wavelet time series analyses show the predominance of longer climatic cycles (2–6 ka) during the last and the penultimate glacial periods. The persistence of millennial variability during the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Millennial scale; Last glacial; Penultimate glacial; Time series analyses; Eastern tropical North Pacific.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Temporal dynamics of stomatal conductance of plants under water deficit: can homeostasis be improved by more complex dynamics? BABT
Souza,Gustavo Maia; Oliveira,Ricardo Ferraz de; Cardoso,Victor José Mendes.
In this study we hypothesized that chaotic or complex behavior of stomatal conductance could improve plant homeostasis after water deficit. Stomatal conductance of sunflower and sugar beet leaves was measured in plants grown either daily irrigation or under water deficit using an infrared gas analyzer. All measurements were performed under controlled environmental conditions. In order to measure a consistent time series, data were scored with time intervals of 20s during 6h. Lyapunov exponents, fractal dimensions, KS entropy and relative LZ complexity were calculated. Stomatal conductance in both irrigated and non-irrigated plants was chaotic-like. Plants under water deficit showed a trend to a more complex behaviour, mainly in sunflower that showed better...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Beta vulgaris; Complexity; Helianthus annus; Stability; Time series analyses; Water deficit.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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