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Analyzing Factors Affecting U.S. Food Price Inflation. 31
Baek, Jungho; Koo, Won W..
Since the summer of 2007, U.S. food price has increased dramatically. Given public anxiety over fast-rising food prices in recent years, this paper attempts to analyze the effects of market factors ─ prices of energy and agricultural commodities and exchange rate ─ on U.S. food prices using a co-integration analysis. Results show that the agricultural commodity price and exchange rate play key roles in determining the short- and long-run movement of U.S. food prices. It is also found that in recent years, the energy price has been a significant factor affecting U.S. food prices in the long-run, but has little effect in the short-run. This implies the strong long-run linkage between energy and agricultural markets has emerged through production of...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Agricultural commodity price; Energy price; Exchange rate; Food price inflation; Time-series analysis; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Arrival angles of teleseismic fundamental mode Rayleigh waves across the AlpArray 5
Kolinsky, Petr; Bokelmann, Goetz; Hetenyi, Gyorgy; Abreu, Rafael; Allegretti, Ivo; Apoloner, Maria-theresia; Aubert, Coralie; Besancon, Simon; Bes De Berc, Maxime; Bokel-mann, Gotz; Brunel, Didier; Capello, Marco; Carman, Martina; Cavaliere, Adriano; Cheze, Jerome; Chiarabba, Claudio; Clinton, John; Cougoulat, Glenn; Crawford, Wayne C.; Cristiano, Luigia; Czifra, Tibor; D'Alema, Ezio; Danesi, Stefania; Daniel, Romuald; Dannowski, Anke; Dasovic, Iva; Deschamps, Anne; Dessa, Jean-xavier; Doubre, Cecile; Egdorf, Sven; Fiket, Tomislav; Fischer, Kasper; Friederich, Wolfgang; Fuchs, Florian; Funke, Sigward; Giardini, Domenico; Govoni, Aladino; Graczer, Zoltan; Groschl, Gidera; Heimers, Stefan; Heit, Ben; Herak, Davorka; Herak, Marijan; Huber, Johann; Jaric, Dejan; Jedlicka, Petr; Jia, Yan; Jund, Helene; Kissling, Edi; Klingen, Stefan; Klotz, Bernhard; Kolinsky, Petr; Kopp, Heidrun; Korn, Michael; Kotek, Josef; Kuhne, Lothar; Kuk, Kreso; Lange, Dietrich; Loos, Jurgen; Lovati, Sara; Malengros, Deny; Margheriti, Lucia; Maron, Christophe; Martin, Xavier; Massa, Marco; Mazzarini, Francesco; Meier, Thomas; Metral, Laurent; Molinari, Irene; Moretti, Milena; Nardi, Anna; Pahor, Jurij; Paul, Anne; Pequegnat, Catherine; Petersen, Daniel; Pesaresi, Damiano; Piccinini, Davide; Piromallo, Claudia; Plenefisch, Thomas; Plomerova, Jaroslava; Pondrelli, Silvia; Prevolnik, Snjezan; Racine, Roman; Regnier, Marc; Reiss, Miriam; Ritter, Joachim; Rumpker, Georg; Salimbeni, Simone; Santulin, Marco; Scherer, Werner; Schippkus, Sven; Schulte-kortnack, Detlef; Sipka, Vesna; Solarino, Stefano; Spallarossa, Daniele; Spieker, Kathrin; Stipcevic, Josip; Strollo, Angelo; Sule, Balint; Szanyi, Gyongyver; Szucs, Eszter; Thomas, Christine; Thorwart, Martin; Tilmann, Frederik; Ueding, Stefan; Vallocchia, Massimiliano; Vecsey, Ludek; Voigt, Rene; Wassermann, Joachim; Weber, Zoltan; Weidle, Christian; Wesztergom, Viktor; Weyland, Gauthier; Wiemer, Stefan; Wolf, Felix; Wolyniec, David; Zieke, Thomas; Zivcic, Mladen; Zlebcikova, Helena.
The dense AlpArray network allows studying seismic wave propagation with high spatial resolution. Here we introduce an array approach to measure arrival angles of teleseismic Rayleigh waves. The approach combines the advantages of phase correlation as in the two-station method with array beamforming to obtain the phase-velocity vector. 20 earthquakes from the first two years of the AlpArray project are selected, and spatial patterns of arrival-angle deviations across the AlpArray are shown in maps, depending on period and earthquake location. The cause of these intriguing spatial patterns is discussed. A simple wave-propagation modelling example using an isolated anomaly and a Gaussian beam solution suggests that much of the complexity can be explained as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Structure of the Earth; Europe; Time-series analysis; Surface waves and free oscillations; Wave propagation; Wave scattering and diffraction.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Aspects temporels de l' impact de rejets radioactifs effectues en mer, sur les eaux d' une station littorale de la Manche 5
Fraizier, Albert; Guegueniat, Pierre; Salomon, Jean-claude.
Time-dependent impact of seaward radioactive discharges on waters of one coastal station of the English Channel. The disposai at sea of liquid waste from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at La Hague (CEA/Cogema) causes modifications to the radioactivity of marine waters in both space and time. Fluctuations in this radioactivity are controlled by many different parameters; to study these parameters, samples were taken, in particular, from a coastal site situated 5 km from the outlet pipe. The overall impact of these releases on the radioactivity of sea-water depends on various factors, including the amount and frequency of discharges, the hydrodynamic regime of water masses in the region and local meteorological conditions. In order to assess this...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Manche; Eaux littorales; Radioactivité; Transferts; Analyse temporelle; Channel; Coastal waters; Radioactivity; Mass transfer; Time-series analysis.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Astronomical and atmospheric impacts on deep-sea hydrothermal vent invertebrates 5
Lelievre, Yann; Legendre, Pierre; Matabos, Marjolaine; Mihaly, Steve; Lee, Raymond W.; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Arango, Claudia P.; Sarrazin, Jozee.
Ocean tides and winter surface storms are among the main factors driving the dynamics and spatial structure of marine coastal species, but the understanding of their impact on deep-sea and hydrothermal vent communities is still limited. Multidisciplinary deep-sea observatories offer an essential tool to study behavioural rhythms and interactions between hydrothermal community dynamics and environmental fluctuations. Here, we investigated whether species associated with a Ridgeia piscesae tubeworm vent assemblage respond to local ocean dynamics. By tracking variations in vent macrofaunal abundance at different temporal scales, we provide the first evidence that tides and winter surface storms influence the distribution patterns of mobile and non-symbiotic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep-sea observatory; Hydrothermal vents; Macrofaunal abundance; Surface storms; Ocean tides; Time-series analysis.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Changes in network connectance and temporal dynamics of gas exchange in Citrus sinensis under different evaporative demands 61
Souza,Gustavo M.; Ribeiro,Rafael V.; Pincus,Steven M..
Stomatal aperture is an essential factor both in regulation of transpiration and net photosynthesis. This regulation is especially important in the response of plants to drought or to an increase in leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (VPD); however, such a regulation is part of a complex dynamical environment, associated with multiple regulatory pathways. Accordingly, we studied the effects of VPD on gas exchange of Citrus sinensis via the evaluation of two complementary analytic approaches, to approach an understanding of the full scope of the system interactions. First, we used classical statistical methodologies, e.g., means, coefficient of variation, and linear correlation. Second, we used measures developed for more model-independent applications,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Approximate entropy; Leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference; Network modulation; Time-series analysis.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Clock errors in land and ocean bottom seismograms: High-accuracy estimates from multiple-component noise cross-correlations 5
Hable, Sarah; Sigloch, Karin; Barruol, Guilhem; Staehler, Simon C.; Hadziioannou, Celine.
Many applications in seismology rely on the accurate absolute timing of seismograms. However, both seismological land stations and ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) can be affected by clock errors, which cause the absolute timing of seismograms to deviate from a highly accurate reference time signal, usually provided by GPS satellites. Timing problems can occur in land stations when synchronization with a GPS signal is temporarily or permanently lost. This can give rise to complicated, time-dependent clock drifts relative to GPS time, due to varying environmental conditions. Seismometers at the ocean bottom cannot receive GPS satellite signals, but operate in more stable ambient conditions than land stations. The standard protocol is to synchronize an OBS...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Time-series analysis; Seismic instruments; Seismic interferometry; Seismic noise.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Hazard warning: model misuse ahead 5
Dickey-collas, Mark; Payne, Mark R.; Trenkel, Verena M.; Nash, Richard D. M..
The use of modelling approaches in marine science, and in particular fisheries science, is explored. We highlight that the choice of model used for an analysis should account for the question being posed or the context of the management problem. We examine a model-classification scheme based on Richard Levins' 1966 work suggesting that models can only achieve two of three desirable model attributes: realism, precision, and generality. Model creation, therefore, requires trading-off of one of these attributes in favour of the other two: however, this is often in conflict with the desires of end-users (i.e. mangers or policy developers). The combination of attributes leads to models that are considered to have empirical, mechanistic, or analytical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate; Fisheries; GAM; Management; Prediction; Projection; Recruitment; Time-series analysis.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Peterson, Hikaru Hanawa; Tomek, William G..
The choice of deflators of commodity prices can change the time-series properties of the original series. This is a specific application of the general phenomenon that various kinds of data transformations can create spurious cycles that did not exist in the original data. Different empirical models of expectations result from nominal and various deflated series that have distinct time-series properties, and these models, in turn, produce varying estimates of supply response and measures of price risk. The foregoing is illustrated by annual grain prices, monthly milk prices, and a milk supply analysis. Annual prices of corn and soybeans, for example, appear to vary around a constant mean, but when deflated by general price indexes such as the CPI, the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Deflating; Time-series analysis; Price expectations; Price risk; Supply analysis; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Lithospheric low-velocity zones associated with a magmatic segment of the Tanzanian Rift, East Africa 5
Plasman, M.; Tiberi, C.; Ebinger, C.; Gautier, S; Albaric, J.; Peyrat, S.; Deverchere, Jacques; Le Gall, B.; Tarits, Pascal; Roecker, S.; Wambura, F.; Muzuka, A.; Mulibo, G.; Mtelela, K.; Msabi, M.; Kianji, G.; Hautot, S.; Perrot, J.; Gama, R..
Rifting in a cratonic lithosphere is strongly controlled by several interacting processes including crust/mantle rheology, magmatism, inherited structure and stress regime. In order to better understand how these physical parameters interact, a 2 yr long seismological experiment has been carried out in the North Tanzanian Divergence (NTD), at the southern tip of the eastern magmatic branch of the East African rift, where the southward-propagating continental rift is at its earliest stage. We analyse teleseismic data from 38 broad-band stations ca. 25 km spaced and present here results from their receiver function (RF) analysis. The crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio are retrieved over a ca. 200 x 200 km(2) area encompassing the South Kenya magmatic rift,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Time-series analysis; Continental tectonics: extensional; Africa; Crustal imaging.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Poverty program participation and employment in timber-dependent counties 31
Berck, Peter; Costello, Christopher; Hoffmann, Sandra A.; Fortmann, Louise.
This paper uses cointegrated time-series methods to evaluate the effect of timber employment on participation in a major poverty program-Aid to Families with Dependent Children-Unemployed Parent (AFDC-UP). The study is conducted for major timber-producing counties in California. It is shown that a two-sector structural model can be solved to produce an error-correction model. An error-correction model is estimated with time series on state and county AFDC-UP caseload, state employment, county nontimber employment, and county timber employment. Utilizing tests on the cointegrating space, it is shown that there is no long-run relationship between poverty and timber employment in 10 of the 11 counties studied.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Afdc; Economic conditions; Employment; Poverty; Timber; Time-series analysis; Food Security and Poverty; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Spatial and temporal dynamics of gas-related processes in the Sea of Marmara monitored with ocean bottom seismometers 5
Tsang-hin-sun, Eve; Batsi, Evangelia; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Géli, Louis.
In the Sea of Marmara, areas of gas seepage or cold seeps are tightly related to the faults system and understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics in gas-related processes is crucial for geohazard mitigation. Although acoustic surveys proved to be efficient in detecting and locating cold seeps, temporal variability or trends in the gas-related processes are still poorly understood. Two arrays of 10 ocean bottom seismometers were deployed in the western part of the Sea of Marmara in 2011 and 2014, respectively. In addition to the local seismic events, the instruments recorded a large number of short duration events and long-lasting tremors. Short duration events are impulsive signals with duration < 1 s, amplitude well above the noise level and a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gas and hydrate systems; Spatial analysis; Time-series analysis; Earthquake source observations; Seismicity and tectonics.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Stata: The language of choice for time-series analysis? 31
Baum, Christopher F..
This paper discusses the use of Stata for the analysis of time series and panel data. The evolution of time-series capabilities in Stata is reviewed. Facilities for data management, graphics, and econometric analysis from both official Stata and the user community are discussed. A new routine to provide moving-window regression estimates—rollreg—is described, and its use illustrated.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Time-series analysis; Time-series data; Time-series modeling; Moving-window regression; Rolling regression; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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The Environmental Consequences of Globalization: A Country-Specific Time Series Analysis 31
Baek, Jungho; Cho, Yongsung; Koo, Won W..
The dynamic relationships among trade, income and the environment for developed and developing countries are examined using a cointegration analysis. Results suggest that trade and income growth tend to increase environmental quality in developed countries, whereas they have detrimental effects on environmental quality in most developing countries. It is also found that for developed countries, the causal relationship appears to run from trade and income to the environment ─ a change in trade and income growth causes a consequent change in environmental quality, and the opposite relationship holds for developing countries.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Developed countries; Developing countries; Environmental quality; Globalization; Time-series analysis; Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The Environmental Consequences of Globalization: A Country-Specific Time-Series Analysis 31
Baek, Jungho; Cho, Yongsung; Koo, Won W..
The dynamic relationships among trade, income and the environment for developed and developing countries are examined using a cointegration analysis. Results suggest that trade and income growth tend to increase environmental quality in developed countries, whereas they have detrimental effects on environmental quality in most developing countries. It is also found that for developed countries the causal relationship appears to run from trade and income to the environment - a change in trade and income growth causes a consequent change in environmental quality, and the opposite relationship holds for developing countries.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Developed countries; Developing countries; Environmental quality; Globalization; Time-series analysis; Trade; Environmental Economics and Policy; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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