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A Persistent Deep Anticyclonic Vortex in the Rockall Trough Sustained by Anticyclonic Vortices Shed From the Slope Current and Wintertime Convection 5
Smilenova, Angelina; Gula, Jonathan; Le Corre, Mathieu; Houpert, Loïc; Reecht, Yves.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mesoscale eddy; Eddy merger; Instability; Potential vorticity transformations; Topographic effects; Water masses mixing; Rockall Trough.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Currents and topography drive assemblage distribution on an active hydrothermal edifice 5
Girard, Fanny; Sarrazin, Jozee; Arnaubec, Aurelien; Cannat, Mathilde; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Wheeler, Benjamin; Matabos, Marjolaine.
The deep sea is characterized by a wide range of landscapes, including complex features where topography and currents interact to form highly heterogeneous habitats. In addition to a complex topography, hydrothermal vent environments are characterized by strong environmental gradients that structure the spatial distribution of biological communities. The role of vent fluid temperature and chemical composition on species distribution is now well understood, but investigations on the effects of the complex sulfide edifice topography are scarce. Here, we used a novel approach combining 3D photogrammetric reconstruction, in situ environmental measurements and modeling to characterize assemblage distribution on the active edifice Eiffel Tower (Lucky Strike,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Eiffel Tower; EMSO-Azores; Ecology; Imagery; 3D photogrammetry; Deep-sea observatories; Topographic effects.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Dynamics of an Equatorial River Plume: Theory and Numerical Experiments Applied to the Congo Plume Case 5
Vic, Clement; Berger, Henrick; Treguier, Anne-marie; Couvelard, Xavier.
The Congo River has the second largest rate of flow in the world and is mainly responsible for the broad tongue of low-salinity water that is observed in the Gulf of Guinea. Despite their importance, near-equatorial river plumes have not been studied as thoroughly as midlatitude plumes and their dynamics remain unclear. Using both theory and idealized numerical experiments that reproduce the major characteristics of the region, the authors have investigated the dynamics of the Congo River plume and examine its sensitivity to different forcing mechanisms. It is found that near-equatorial plumes are more likely to be surface trapped than midlatitude plumes, and the importance of the effect in describing the strong offshore extent of the low-salinity tongue...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Geographic location; Entity; Rivers; Circulation; Dynamics; Coastal flows; Density currents; Eddies; Nonlinear dynamics; Topographic effects.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Monitoring of a quasi-stationary eddy in the Bay of Biscay by means of satellite, in situ and model results 5
Caballero, Ainhoa; Ferrer, Luis; Rubio, Anna; Charria, Guillaume; Taylor, Benjamin H.; Grima, Nicolas.
The presence of a quasi-stationary anticyclonic eddy within the southeastern Bay of Biscay (centred around 44°30′N-4°W) has been reported on various occasions in the bibliography. The analysis made in this study for the period 2003–2010, by using in situ and remote sensing measurements and model results shows that this mesoscale coherent structure is present almost every year from the end of winter-beginning of spring, to the beginning of fall. During this period it remains in an area limited to the east by the Landes Plateau, to the west by Le Danois Bank and Torrelavega canyon and to the northwest by the Jovellanos seamount. All the observations and analysis made in this contribution, suggest that this structure is generated between Capbreton and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Eddies; SWODDIES; Topographic effects; Vortex; Mesoscale; Altimetry; Satellite oceanography; Drifters; ROMS.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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