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10 years of transition in Ukraine agriculture: An analysis of productivity and efficiency of enterprises 31
Lissitsa, Alexej; Odening, Martin; Babycheva, Tamara.
This paper analyzes efficiency and total factor productivity (TFP) change of large agricultural enterprises during their transition to a market economy in Ukraine. In this case the efficiency is calculated by data envelopment analysis and the productivity change is measured by the Malmquist Productivity Change Index in the period between 1990 and 1999. On average, TFP declined by 6% annually, dropping a total 42%. The main reason for the observed TFP decline is a decrease in technical efficiency, which is found to be remarkably significant. At the same time there is a high variation among individual enterprises: their distribution of efficiency scores widens, which indicates that the farms diverge with respect to their economic performance. The Tobit...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Эффективность; Общая продуктивность фактора; Анализ оболочки данных; Малмквист-индекс изменения общей продуктивности фактора; Переходный период; Украина; Effizienz; Totale Faktor Produktivität; Data Envelopment Analysis; Malmquist Productivity Change Index; Transition; Ukraine; Efficiency; Total Factor Productivity; Agribusiness; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Farm Management; Industrial Organization; Productivity Analysis; Q12; D25; O1; O4; P3.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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A Total Social Factor Productivity Index for the UK Food Chain Post-Farm Gate 31
Barnes, Andrew Peter; McVittie, Alistair.
The UK post-farm gate food chain comprises manufacturing, wholesaling , retailing and catering. Current turnover is around £250 billion per annum. Total factor productivity measures the ratio of inputs to outputs. However, most studies have only included the marketable inputs and outputs within the system. Following criticisms of the negative effects of the food chain this paper adopts a n index based approach to measuring Total Social Factor Productivity, which includes the major externalities within the food chain. Generally, whilst TFP growth rates are low over the period 1998-2002, these have reduced even further when negative externalities are included.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food Chain; Total Factor Productivity; Total Social Factor Productivity; Externalities; Industrial Organization; Productivity Analysis; Q56.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Causative factors for changes in total factor productivity of Japanese agriculture under the era of climatic uncertainty 31
Kunimitsu, Yoji.
This study analyzed causative factors on TFP growth in Japanese agriculture. The regression analysis with consideration of correlation between factors demonstrated that without further deregulation for introducing new comers, enlarging farm management area and asset management for keeping public capital, agricultural TFP cannot be improved in the future.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Fertility of farmland; Human factor; Scale economies; Public capital stock; Knowledge capital stock; Technological progress; Total Factor Productivity; Agricultural and Food Policy; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; Public Economics.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Hahlbrock, Konstantin; Hockmann, Heinrich.
The impact of group affiliation to agroholdings on enterprise performance in terms of productivity and efficiency is controversially discussed in the literature. However, only few papers evaluate the effects of group membership on the productivity and the efficiency of agricultural enterprises in Russia. The underlying research question of this paper is therefore whether farms that belong to agroholdings perform better than independent farms. We calculate partial land and labor productivity, total factor productivity and technical efficiency scores for the two categories of independent farms and members of agroholdings. In this paper a production function approach is estimated in the framework of stochastic frontier analysis. The results are used to...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agroholding; Stochastic Frontier Analysis; Efficiency; Total Factor Productivity; Russia; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Estimation of Agricultural Total Factor Productivity in China: A Panel Cointegration Approach 31
Wang, Jintian; Gao, Feng; Wang, Xuezhen.
Using a panel cointegration approach to estimate the agricultural total factor productivity in China
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Total Factor Productivity; Panel Unit Root; Panel Cointegration; DOLS; FMOLS; Productivity Analysis; C13; C23; Q00.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Hahlbrock, Konstantin; Hockmann, Heinrich.
The impact of group affiliation to agroholdings on enterprise performance in terms of productivity and efficiency is controversially discussed in the literature. However, only few papers evaluate the effects of group membership on the productivity and efficiency of agricultural enterprises in Russia. The underlying research question of this paper is therefore whether farms that belong to agroholdings perform better than independent farms. We calculate partial land and labor productivity, total factor productivity (TFP) and technical efficiency scores for the two categories of independent farms and members of agroholdings. In this paper a production function approach is estimated in the framework of stochastic frontier analysis. The results are used to...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agroholding; Stochastic Frontier Analysis; Efficiency; Total Factor Productivity; Russia; Agroholding; Stochastic Frontier Analysis; Effizienz; Total Factor Productivity; Russland; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Inputs use in the agriculture of Emilia-Romagna: farm comparison through the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) index 31
Ghelfi, Rino; Bertazzoli, Aldo; Marchi, Alan; Rivaroli, Sergio; Samoggia, Antonella.
In order to measure agriculture sustainability, the efficient use of inputs becomes a crucial issue. In this perspective, the analysts concentrate their attention on the total factor productivity index (TFP). In this view, Lynam and Herdt (1989) proposed the TFP as a suitable assessment of the sustainability of single crops, of cropping systems or of farming systems. Even if the TFP does not take into account the non-market output (social and environmental aspects), it is possible to argue that a negative trend of TFP represents a resources’ degradation if related to the generated outputs. On the other hand, the non-negative trend of TFP represents a fitting measure of a sustainable agricultural system and of an efficient use of the resources. The aim of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Total Factor Productivity; Sustainability; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Measurements of Agricultural Productivity and Efficiency Gains from NAFTA 31
Yeboah, Osei-Agyeman; Gunden, Cihat; Shaik, Saleem; Allen, Albert J.; Li, Tongzhe.
The primary objective of this study is to empirically determine whether North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has contributed to increased agricultural productivity in any of its member countries. Implementation of the NAFTA began on January 1, 1994. This agreement removed most barriers to trade and investment among the United States, Canada, and Mexico, in which all non-tariff barriers to agricultural trade between these countries were eliminated. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the Malmquist Productivity Index were used to estimate the total factor productivity change, technical change, and efficiency change of agricultural production for each NAFTA country. Then, using time series data, the efficiency changes in countries were compared to...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural Efficiency; Data Envelopment Analysis; Malmquist Index; NAFTA; Total Factor Productivity; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Measuring the Sustainability of the UK Food Chain 31
Barnes, Andrew Peter; McVittie, Alistair.
Recent policy interest has been directed at the sustainability of food industries, in particular the post-farm gate food chain. This comprises of manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing and catering. In order to measure sustainability Byerlee and Murgai (2001) have argued that productivity measures, alongside key indicators of resource quality trends, should be used to indicate sustainable growth. This paper adopts this approach by presenting Fisher indexes of both Total Factor Productivity (TFP) index and for prominent externalities emerging from the food chain over the period 1998 to 2002. TFP shows an average annual growth rate of –0.52% per annum. Input growth, in particular intermediate purchases, has outstripped output growth over the entirety of this...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Total Factor Productivity; Externalities; Sustainable Growth; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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O que significam as medidas de produtividade da agricultura? 31
Alves, Eliseu Roberto de Andrade.
Some productivity measures area analyzed. The emphasis is on concepts, limitations and on some empirical results. Software is not discussed. The productivity measures are classified in optimized, whenever obtained by an optimization procedure, and not optimized, as yield, labor productivity and total factor productivity (ptf). The work shows when yields and total factor productivity say the same thing to conclude that this is possible only in a primitive agriculture where labor and land are the only factors of production used. This type of agriculture is present only in backward regions of Brazil. Hence yield, except in this situation, is a poor measure of profitability. Empirical works show that the development of Brazilian agriculture follows a path of...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Yield; Labor Productivity; Total Factor Productivity; Technical Efficiency; Production Frontier; Production Economics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Sauer, Johannes; Park, Timothy A.; Graversen, Jesper T..
This paper attempts to quantitatively measure the change in the productivity of Danish organic farming in recent years. Based on a translog production frontier framework the technical and scale efficiency on farm level is analysed by following a time trends as well as a general index model specification. We further try to analyse the significance of subsidies for promoting long term growth in organic production by estimating a bootstrapped bivariate probit model with respect to factors influencing the probability of organic market exit. The results revealed significant differencies in the organic farms' technical efficiencies, no significant total factor productivity growth and even a slightly negative rate of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Organic Farming; Total Factor Productivity; Market Exit; Agribusiness; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Productividad total de los factores en la agricultura chilena: 1961-1996 31
Olavarria, Jaime A.; Bravo-Ureta, Boris E.; Cocchi, Horacio.
Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es medir el cambio de la productividad en la agricultura chilena durante el período 1961-96. La Productividad Total de los Factores (PTF) fue calculada mediante índices Törnqvist. Los datos utilizados para estimar estos índices incluyen precios y cantidades de 51 cultivos, de la mano de obra, de la tierra, del capital y de factores intermedios. El análisis revela que mientras los productos crecieron un 2,69% anual, el uso de factores de producción bajó un 0,09%; por lo tanto, la PTF creció a una tasa promedio anual del 2,78% entre 1961 y 1996. Se realizó además un análisis para siete períodos correspondientes a diferentes regímenes políticos. La PTF creció a un promedio anual de 1,83% con Alessandri (1961-64), 3,12%...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Total Factor Productivity; Törnqvist Index; Agriculture; Chile; Productivity Analysis; D24; O33.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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The Geography and Channels of Diffusion at the World's Technology Frontier 31
Keller, Wolfgang.
Convergence in per capita income turns on whether technological knowledge spillovers are global or local. Global spillovers favor convergence, while a geographically limited scope of knowledge diffusion can lead to regional clusters of countries with persistently different levels of income per capita. This paper estimates the importance of geographic distance for technology diffusion, how this changed over time, and whether international trade, foreign direct investment, and communication flows serve as important channels of diffusion. The analysis is based on examining the productivity effects of R&D expenditures in the world's seven major industrialized countries between 1970 and 1995. First, I find that the scope of technology diffusion is severely...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Convergence; Divergence; Economic Geography; Total Factor Productivity; Technology Diffusion; International Trade; Foreign Direct Investment; Communication; Spillovers; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; 03; F2.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Total Factor Productivity Growth when Factors of Production Generate Environmental Externalities 31
Vouvaki, Dimitra; Xepapadeas, Anastasios.
Total factor productivity growth (TFPG) has been traditionally associated with technological change. We show that when a factor of production, such as energy, generates an environmental externality in the form of CO2 emissions which is not internalized because of lack of environmental policy, then TFPG estimates could be biased. This is because the contribution of environment as a factor of production is not accounted for in the growth accounting framework. Empirical estimates confirm this hypothesis and suggest that part of what is regarded as technology’s contribution to growth could be attributed to the use of environment in output production.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Total Factor Productivity; Sources of Growth; Environmental Externalities; Energy; Environmental Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; O47; Q20; Q43.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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