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Analyse quantitative et qualitative des captures de tourteaux Cancer pagurus par la flottille de Manche-ouest ArchiMer
Latrouite, Daniel; Morizur, Yvon.
French potters from « Manche ouest » harbours ish edible crab Cancer pagurus in English Channel, Iroise Sea and along north Biscay Bay shelf. Monthly landings of the offshore fleet analysed from logbooks for the period 1985-1987 indicate changes in fishing areas. The mean length of males, the mean length of females and the sex-ratio have been analysed by Principal Component Analysis in 1981-1987 samples. The heterogeneity between catches from different statistical rectangle (30 x 40 nautical miles) was great enough to deduce a way of raising composition from samples to total landings. It also offers the possibility to verifiy and correct declaration on geographical origin of landings.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biscay Bay; Catch composition; France; Western Channel; Sampling; Iroise; Edible crab; Cancer Pagurus; Fishing; Golfe de Gascogne; Iroise; Manche; Echantillonnage; Composition des captures; Tourteau.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Etude préalable à la gestion des stocks de crustacés en Bretagne ArchiMer
Autissier, Isabelle; Coum, Andrée; Cuillandre, Jean Pierre; Veron, Gerard; Latrouite, Daniel.
At the end of the seventies, as fishing abundance (based on Catch Per Unit Effort) in crabs and lobster fishery steadily declined, operating expenses increased, and fishing boats changed strategy (changing metiers, covering larger distance to fishing areas, fishing seasons being extended, ...) professionals and scientists aimed to consider reinforcing management measures. To enlighten and support potential related decisions, the Comité Régional des Pêches et Cultures Marines de Bretagne (Regional Committee for fishing and farming in Brittany), together with the ISTPM (Ifremer since 1984), conducted a survey on the exploited populations and gave a review of the involved Breton fleet. This report shows the results of a survey conducted among fishermen,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Landings; Catch rates; Fishing area; Fishing effort; Fleet; Brittany; Edible crab; Lobster; Spider crab; Apport; Rendement; Zone de pêche; Effort de pêche; Flottille; Bretagne; Tourteau; Homard; Araignée.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Le tourteau (Cancer pagurus) et son exploitation par les flottilles de Bretagne Nord, 1984-1988 ArchiMer
Latrouite, Daniel.
Due to the unsuitability of the north brittany coastal fishing grounds for trawling, the fishing activity of the harbours of this coast has been oriented towards the catch of invertebrates and peculiarly the large crustaceans. After, in the beginning of the XIX century, looking for lobster and spiny lobster, fishing has been, since the seventies, centered on the catch of the edible crab (Cancer Pagurus) and of the spider crab (Maia squinado). The first part of this document introduces the context of the exploitation and the concerned fleets. The second part treats of the biological parameters of the edible crab: growth, reproduction, migration and pathologies. The third part, devoted to the exploitation and the monitoring of the edible crab stock, is an...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Exploitation; Biology; Cancer pagurus; Edible crab; North brittany; Exploitation; Biologie; Cancer pagurus; Tourteau; Bretagne Nord.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Mortalité du tourteau Cancer pagurus provoquée par le dinoflagelle parasite : Hematodinium sp. ArchiMer
Latrouite, Daniel; Morizur, Yvon; Noel, Philippe; Chagot, Dominique; Wilhelm, G.
Unusural crab mortality in winter led us to identify a Hematodinium like parasitic dinoflagellate in the blood of edible crabs Cancer pagurus. Crabs from several fishing areas (the English Channel, the Iroise sea, the bay of Biscay, off Scotland) and from one area of the Channel shore were examined. The crab parasit was found everywhere we investigated and throughout the year. The prevalence which was found independant of the intermolt stage, sex and size of crabs was higher inshore than offshore. The pathogenicity is assumed to differ according to season.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Edible crab; Pathology; Bay of Biscay; Iroise sea; Channel; Parasite; Mortality; Hematodinium; Bitter crab desease; Dinoflagelle; Aquiculture; Cancer pagurus; Mortalité; Hematodinium; Cancer pagurus; Tourteau; Pathologie.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Observations sur la croissance du tourteau Cancer pagurus en Manche et en golfe de Gascogne ArchiMer
Latrouite, Daniel; Morizur, Yvon.
La production française de tourteaux provient pour l'essentiel des captures réalisées en Manche et dans le Golfe de Gascogne ; l'appréhension des caractéristiques de croissance pour cette ressource est une contribution nécessaire à l'aménagement de l'exploitation des pêcheries concernées. Des expériences de marquage-recapture effectuées de 1981 à 1984 sur les populations des deux bassins permettent une approche de la croissance de Cancer pagurus pour les deux zones concernées.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Molt frequency; Increment; Edible crab; Growth; Aquiculture; Bay of Biscay; Channel; Cancer pagurus; Fréquence de mue; Accroissement; Croissance; Cancer pagurus; Tourteau.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Observations sur la maturité sexuelle et la ponte du tourteau Cancer pagurus en Manche ArchiMer
Latrouite, Daniel; Noel, Philippe.
Few observations have been reported on the reproductive cycle and size at maturity of female edible crab in the Channel. This could be linked to non catchability of berried females. During the present study carried over three different years, females were taken from commercial catches prior to the spawning period and placed in tanks in the laboratory. The various criteria used to establish the mean size at first maturity are discussed and the relation between size and functional maturity is described. The smallest berried females are at a carapace length of 76mm, and maximum values are reached at about 105mm. The mean value is between 85 and 90mm carapace length. The duration of the spawning period was the same in each years, extending from mid-November to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spawning; Sexual maturity; Reproduction; Channel; Cancer pagurus; Edible crab; Reproduction; Ponte; Manche; Tourteau; Maturité sexuelle; Cancer pagurus.
Ano: 1993 URL:
Registros recuperados: 6
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